What long term care insurance premiums are tax deductible

For those unfamiliar with the term, “long-term care” (LTC) is a type of insurance that helps pay for some of the costs associated with extended nursing home stays and in-home care. But are long-term care insurance premiums and benefits tax deductible? The answer to this question is a little complicated. This guide will discuss whether or not LTC premiums and benefits are tax deductible and provide examples to help clarify things.

The short answer to this question is “maybe.” It all depends on how the policy is structured and what type of coverage it provides. For example, some policies only cover nursing home stays, while others also cover in-home care. The deductibility of LTC premiums also varies depending on the state in which you live.

Some states, like New York, have “partnership policies.” These policies offer tax breaks to policyholders, and the deductibility of premiums varies depending on the state. In general, though, LTC premiums are not tax deductible at the federal level.

Are Long-Term Care Benefits Tax Deductible?

This is a little bit easier to answer. Long-term care benefits are not tax deductible, regardless of how the policy is structured or what type of coverage it provides. This is because LTC benefits are considered personal expenses, and as such, they are not tax-deductible.

So, there you have it. Whether or not long-term care insurance premiums and benefits are tax deductible depends on several factors. We recommend speaking with a tax professional if you have any questions about your situation. They can give you the most accurate information based on your circumstances. Thanks for reading!

Is Long-Term Care Insurance Reimbursement Taxable?

In most cases, if long-term care benefits are utilized through reimbursement, the benefits are not taxable.

There are a few cases in which long-term care reimbursement is taxable. For example, if the policyholder elects to receive lump-sum payments instead of monthly reimbursements, the lump sum may be considered taxable income.

Next Steps

Thanks for sticking with us through this detailed guide on long-term care insurance. We hope it was helpful! Now that you understand the ins and outs of LTC tax deductions, it’s time to contact an expert and get a policy that fits your needs. At The Annuity Expert, we can help you find the right long-term care insurance plan and make sure you take full advantage of all the tax benefits available to you. So give us a call today—we would be happy to answer any questions you have.

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deduction of tax qualified long-term care insurance policies was increased for 2021. Thus, the long-term care insurance deduction can be considered a retirement subsidy. However, you need to check if your newly purchased long-term care insurance policies offers indeed the tax deductible opportunity. See other tax deduction including medical expense deductions.

When you prepare and eFile your 2021 Tax Return, enter the qualified long term care premium dollar amount during the tax interview and the tax app will show it on Schedule A of your Tax Return.

For 2021, the LTC or Long Term Care insurance deduction limits have been increased - see the amounts in the table below. As an example: a married filing jointly couple age 70 or older who both have the right kind of long-term care insurance policy can deduct as much as $11,280 in 2021. In comparison, the Tax Year 2020 limit was $10,860. Important: This is only available to tax-qualified health-based long-term care insurance policies.

Note: If you require long term care, it might be tax deductible. This long-term care must be medically necessary, e.g. for preventive, therapeutic, treating, rehabilitative, personal care, or other services. See Medical and Dental Expenses (Including the Health Coverage Tax Credit) for a full list of qualifying services. Generally, the cost of meals and lodging at an assisted-living facility or nursing home is included if the reason for being there is to get qualified medical care.

In comparison, linked-benefit Long Term Care or LTC policies, such as life insurance and/or annuity policies with long term care benefits, in most cases DO NOT qualify for the insurance or premium tax deduction.

Generally, if a taxpayer purchases the Long Term Care insurance before retirement, the tax deduction does not apply or the taxpayer does not reach the threshold to deduct the LTC premium. In comparison, after working on the start of retirement, taxpayers can benefit more likely from this tax deduction. Again, check with the insurance carrier to be certain about this tax deduction.

Similar to the tax deduction, like the deduction for long-term-care services, the long term care insurance premium is an itemized deduction for medical expenses. Check on the given threshold by tax year, age, etc.:

  • Itemized Deductions via Schedule A
  • Medical Expense Limits.

Attention: If you are self-employed, you might be able to deduct premiums paid for long-term-care insurance as an adjustment to income without having to itemize.

LTC Tax Deduction Limits for Long Term Care Insurance

The table here is for the current year, 2021 Tax Return due in 2022. Use these figures to plan your 2021 return - prepare and e-file on eFile.com and get the most out of your refund.

2022 LTC

Use the rates below to plan for your 2022 Taxes as these apply only to the Tax Year 2022.

Previous Year Deduction Amounts

The table below shows the rates by tax year and age for previous years - see all back tax resources, such as forms and calculators.

LTC Tax Deduction Limits by Age, Tax Year

Age 40 or less

2020: $430

2019: $420

Age 41-50

2020: $810

2019: $790

Age 51-60

2020: $1,630

2019: $1,580

Age 61-70

2020: $4,350

2019: $4,220

Age 71 or more

2020: $5,430

2019: $5,270

TurboTax® is a registered trademark of Intuit, Inc.
H&R Block® is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc.

Is long

Many types of medical expenses are deductible from your taxes. To claim the deduction, your total unreimbursed medical expenses (which can include premiums for “qualified” long-term care insurance policies), have to be more than 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income in 2022.

What insurance premiums can be deducted on taxes?

You can usually deduct the premiums for short-term health insurance as a medical expense. Short-term health insurance premiums are paid out-of-pocket using pre-tax dollars, so if you take the itemized deduction and your total annual medical expenses are greater than 7.5% of your AGI, you can claim the deduction.

Can I deduct long

Employer-paid long-term care insurance is excludable from an employee's gross income, including a shareholder/employee's income and the benefits received are tax-free. To be deductible, C-Corp paid premiums must be a 100% corporate expense.