What is the difference between sonography and radiology

Medical diagnostic imaging relies on a couple of basic technologies: radiology and ultrasound. Radiology imaging involves the focused application of radiation, while ultrasound technology uses sound waves to create medical images. Health care workers who are trained to perform radiation-based imaging are called radiologic technologists or technicians. Those who are trained to produce images though ultrasound technology are called diagnostic medical sonographers or ultrasound techs.

When it comes to sonography vs. radiology careers, the demand and wages for sonographers tends to be higher than for radiologic techs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS. Ultrasound offers a safer, non-invasive alternative to diagnostic procedures using radiation, explains Independent Imaging.

Radiology Wages

Radiologic technology encompasses a variety of radiation-based technologies to produce medical images, including X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and computer assisted tomography. The national median annual income for radiologic technologists and technicians was ​$61,900​ as of May 2020, according to the BLS. The top 10 percent of radiologic techs earned at least ​$92,660​ per year, while the bottom 10 percent made ​$42,180​ or less.

Ultrasound Wages

Diagnostic medical sonographers are formally trained to operate ultrasound-emitting imaging equipment to produce medical images that help physicians assess and diagnose various medical conditions. In person and online sonography programs are available but students must also complete hands-on training. Because ultrasound doesn't involve radiation, it doesn't have any potentially harmful side effects, making it appropriate for use on pregnant women and their unborn babies.

The national median annual income for diagnostic medical sonographers was ​$75,920​ as of May 2020, according to the BLS. The top 10 percent of sonographers earned at least ​$105,340​ per year, while the bottom 10 percent earned annual wages of ​$53,790​ or less.

Radiology Growth Trend

Educational requirements for radiologic technologists and technicians range from a certificate program to a bachelor's degree, depending on the employer. Most states require radiologic techs to be licensed or certified, because they work with potentially harmful radiation. Demand for new radiologic techs should grow by 7 percent between 2019 and 2029, according to the BLS.

Most jobs will be in hospital settings, but a significant amount of growth in new job opportunities will be in outpatient care facilities and private doctors' offices. Candidates who hold certification in multiple radiologic imaging disciplines should have the best employment options.

Ultrasound Growth Trend

Basic education for a diagnostic medical sonographer includes an associate degree, although one-year certificate programs are available through some technical institutes. Some states require sonographers to be licensed, but most do not according to the BLS. Employers tend to prefer candidates who hold professional certification.

Demand for new diagnostic medical sonographers should grow by 17 percent between 2019 and 2029, according to the BLS. Plentiful jobs for sonographers will be available in hospitals, private doctors' offices and in outpatient facilities. In a sonography vs. radiology comparison of patient preferences, ultrasound is regarded as a safer alternative to diagnostic equipment that uses radiation, which explains the surging growth in the sonography field.

When looking into ultrasound technician schools, programs, careers, types of facilities you can work in, you probably see a lot of mention of the field of radiology in comparison. Although these fields use completely different technology, both types of care providers use imaging techniques as a primary tool for their diagnosis. Ultrasound utilizes sound waves while the radiologist uses a variety of tools, including x-rays, ultrasound, radionuclides and other methods to help patients.

What is the difference between sonography and radiology

Ultrasound vs Radiology Salary

If you are wanting to get started in an entry-level area that is experiencing faster than average growth, there are many ultrasound technician and sonography programs to compare. You might also be wondering about ultrasound vs radiology salary. Radiologists are doctors, which can earn a significantly higher salary, in the range of physicians and surgeons. If this is a career path you decide, you will need to prepare for a graduate level education and consider medical schools.

However, an ultrasound tech vs. radiology tech salary is a little bit closer, with sonographers (ultrasound techs) coming in a little higher nationally.

Let’s look at the role of an ultrasound technician a little more. Most people think of those fuzzy images of fetuses when we talk about ultrasound images. However, if you train as an ultrasound tech or take a sonography program, you can work in multiple areas, upon certification. For instance, you may work at a cardiac focused clinic and spend your time helping physicians analyze images of patients’ hearts, vessels and surrounding areas. Or, you may work in vascular or abdominal focused care. Your training will involve taking images of organs, tissue and blood vessels. Of course, if you work in OB/GYN and spend your time watching the smiles on expecting mothers as you perform their sonograms. In addition to imagery, you may have to perform other related tasks, such as taking measurements and calculating information that helps the physician better understand the patient’s condition.

You can typically qualify for certification as a sonographer or ultrasound tech in as little as 18 months. There are online and brick and mortar programs to give working students more options. Even more traditional programs are offering a mix of online coursework, when it makes the path to completion more efficient – and cost-effective for the school to deliver. Many programs include internship opportunities at the end to give the student a chance to see what it’s like to work in ultrasound environments. This can also help students transition into the workforce more quickly.

Radiology has many different areas students can focus on as well. Diagnostic, Oncology, Neuroradiology, Nuclear Radiology and Pediatric Radiology are some examples. It takes a lot longer to become a radiologist than it does to become an ultrasound technician. No matter which discipline of radiology you choose, you should be prepared to complete four years of undergrad, four years of medical school, and spend about four years in residency. That’s a huge difference, and commitment compared to an 18-month program. However, if you have a dream of becoming a doctor, why should anything hold you back?

How to Become a Radiology Tech

Becoming a radiology tech vs ultrasound tech is more comparable. If you have a long-term plan of working as a radiologist, you will want to look at tech programs first. Programs can result in certificate, Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree. Your curriculum will likely cover patient care procedures, radiation protection, imaging, radiobiology, ethics, and other related topics.

If you are just looking to get some information about becoming an ultrasound technician or work as a diagnostic medical sonographer, start by calling schools that accept students from your area. Both public and private institutions, as well as hospitals, are great resources for prospective students to use. Also contact organizations that help current and future sonographers with their career trajectory.

Which is better radiography or sonography?

As you can see, the biggest difference between radiology and sonography is the type of medical equipment you'll use. Plus, while an x-ray can diagnose a wide range of medical conditions, ultrasound focuses more on specific body parts and their health.

What pays more radiology or sonography?

The median annual salary for a radiology technologist is $61,980 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with 6 percent growth projected through 2031. By comparison, ultrasound technologists make a median salary of $77,740, or about 9 percent more.

Is sonography different from radiology?

Radiology and Sonography Use Different Technology Radiology techs may work with technology that involves radiation, like X-rays, computed tomography (CT scans) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). Diagnostic medical sonographers use high-frequency sound waves to create their images.

Are sonographers and radiologists the same?

ultrasound technologist relates to the technology each one uses. Radiologic technologists typically operate equipment that uses radiation to create medical images. Ultrasound technologists, on the other hand, operate equipment that uses high-frequency sound waves to generate images.