What is the difference between confidential marriage license and public

What is the difference between confidential marriage license and public

I’d like to clarify some misconceptions about a Confidential Marriage License vs. a Public Marriage License.

Many people I talk to think that the Confidential Marriage License is not a valid license, but that is not the case. The only thing that a Confidential Marriage License does it protect your marriage license information rom public view. As it is right now, ANYONE can view your personal information on a Public Marriage License and the county has the ability to sell that information to database companies.

What is the difference between confidential marriage license and public
Officiant Guy can issue you a confidential LA County marriage license easily.

Go to my marriage license page on my main website and view what information that someone would get a hold of if you apply for a Public Marriage License. I highly recommend a Confidential Marriage License because in this day and age of identity theft and telemarketing I believe it is very important to make your personal information as private as possible. Don’t you?

I can issue a Confidential Marriage License to you if your wedding takes place in Los Angeles County and you attest that you live together as I am an authorized agent of the county and I can deliver that marriage license to you. Give me a call.

Click below to find more information about getting a marriage license in California:
California Marriage License Information
Can I Get a Marriage License After Our Wedding Ceremony?
Confidential Marriage License California
Copy of California Marriage License
Do You Get a Marriage License Before Or After The Wedding?
Getting a Copy of the Marriage Certificate
How Much Does a Marriage License Cost in Los Angeles, California
Marriage License and Marriage Certificate Precision
Marriage Requirements in California
Orange County Marriage License
Submit Your Los Angeles County Marriage License Information
The Wedding Laws California
What Happens After You Sign Your Marriage License?
What is a Confidential Marriage License in California?
When You Forgot to Get a Marriage License Before Your Wedding

There are two types of marriage licenses commonly issued in California: public marriage license and confidential marriage license.

Public Marriage License

  • You must be at least 18 years old. Persons under 18 with written consent from at least one parent (or legal guardian) AND permission from a California Superior Court Judge may marry. Emancipated minors are NOT exempt from this process.
  • The marriage license may be obtained from any county in California. You are not required to get married in the county where you purchase the public marriage license; however, you must be married in California. You must file the license in the county where it was purchased.
  • You must have at least one witness present at your ceremony. The license contains a place for two witnesses if you prefer. You may NOT have more than two witnesses sign the official marriage license. Licenses received with more than two witnesses' signatures will be returned to the officiant and a duplicate marriage license will need to be purchased.
  • There is no age requirement in California for witnesses, however, they must be old enough to know that they are witnessing a marriage ceremony, AND be able to sign their name on the official marriage license.
  • The marriage license is registered at the County Recorder's Office in the county where the license was purchased, and is a public record. Anyone may request copies of the marriage license by submitting the required fee to the County Recorder.

Confidential Marriage License

  • The participating parties must be at least 18 years old to apply for a confidential marriage license. Minors may NOT purchase a confidential marriage license.
  • The participating parties must be living together as spouses at the time they apply for the marriage license, and must sign an affidavit on the license attesting to those facts.
  • Effective 1/01/15 - The couple may be married in any county in California.
  • No witnesses are required to be at the ceremony, AND no witnesses sign on the marriage license.
  • The marriage license is a confidential record and is registered at the County Clerk's Office in the county where it was purchased. Only the couple may purchase copies of the marriage license and must present valid picture identification together with the required fee to the County Clerk in order to do so. Persons other than the married couple requesting copies of a confidential marriage license may only do so by presenting a court order to the County Clerk in the county where the license is registered.
  • Copies of confidential marriages are not available from the state office.

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What's the difference between a public and confidential marriage?

The significant difference is that the confidential marriage license is confidential, and only the married couple can procure copies of it from the recorder's office. Comparatively, the public license is part of public record, which means anyone can request copies, provided they pay the required fees.

What is the purpose of a confidential marriage?

The court clerk has no record of the marriage. The confidential license is unique to those two states. First introduced in the 19th century, it was used by unmarried couples who were cohabiting to allow them to get married without having to face public disapproval for not having been married prior to shacking up.

What is a confidential marriage license Los Angeles?

A confidential marriage license allows all personal information on a marriage license to be protected from public . Once the marriage is officially recorded, this information will be available to the married couple only. This benefits anyone who wishes to avoid public record and to keep their information private.

How do I get a confidential marriage license in California?

Confidential Marriage Licenses.
The fee for a confidential marriage license is $90.00..
A blood test is not required..
Each person must present one form of valid photo identification with proof of age. ... .
Application for Marriage License..
Both parties must be living together at the time of application..