Star interview questions and answers for managers

16 Behavioral InterviewQuestions & Answers for Managers

Pass YOUR interview at the first attempt!

Here’s the FULL LIST of interview questions for the MANAGER’S BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW:

Q1. When have you led by example?


“I can remember being in a meeting at work where we were supposed to be putting forward our ideas for the launch of a new product that was due out shortly. Unfortunately, our senior manager who was also the chair of the meeting, was stuck in traffic and she was going to be at least 40 minutes late. Everyone in the meeting room saw this as an opportunity to relax and make idle chat about what they got up to at the weekend. However, I decided to lead by example and suggested we all start working on putting our product launch ideas together, so that when our manager eventually arrived, we could save time and provide her with one collective presentation instead of her having to sit through many different ones. We then spent the next 40 minutes collating all of the best launch ideas, and once our manager arrived, I presented her with a short 20-minute presentation, which she appeared to be very impressed with. I feel I am someone who would always lead by example and can be trusted to act professionally within this role if I am successful.”

Q2. Tell me how you would deal with a member of your team who wasn’t pulling their weight?


“I believe as a manager, it would be my responsibility if someone was not pulling their weight and, on that basis, I would rectify the issue immediately before identifying the root cause of the problem so it didn’t happen again. First and foremost, I would sit down with them as soon as possible to make them aware their underperformance had been noted, and that it wasn’t acceptable. I would then ask them to explain the reasons for their underperformance. It would be important for me to establish the cause as there could be a number of reasons for them not performing well at work. It may be they are not feeling motivated, or perhaps they were having problems in their personal life. Either way, once I had established the cause of the issue, I would then agree with them a resolution to get them back up to speed as quickly as possible. I would make sure I provided them with the correct level of support needed, and also further training to assist them during the process. I would also agree on a deadline whereby they had to get back up to speed by. Finally, as I said at the start, I would identify the reasons for the underperformance so I could put the necessary steps in place to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

What Are ‘Manager Behavioral Interview Questions’ and How Should You Answer Them?

The role of a manager, supervisor, or team leader comes with a huge amount of responsibility. On that basis, the interview panel will want to assess your likely performance in difficult and challenging situations. In order to achieve that, they will ask you a series of behavioral interview questions. Behavioral management interview questions always start with the following:

“Tell me about a time when you…”

“Describe a situation you were in when you had to…”

“Explain a time when you…”

You will notice that the question is set up to request a specific scenario you have previously been in where you undertook the competency being assessed. Therefore, it is very important you provide an answer to each of the behavioral interview questions that shows you can already undertake the area being assessed.

The most effective way to structure your answers to the manager behavioral interview questions, is to use the STAR technique. This consists of Situation, Task, Action, and finally, Result. If you structure each answer in this manner, you will be far more likely to pass your interview with very high scores indeed!


TIP #1 – You will notice that the sample answers provided on this page provide a specific scenario that meets the area being assessed. For example, in question 1, the answer explains in detail how the person has already ‘led by example’. The response seeks to tell the panel what the interviewee has already done previously, as opposed to what they would do in the given situation. Make sure you provide similar, specific answers to each of the assessable interview questions during you interview if you want to succeed.

TIP #2 – As has already been mentioned on this page, it is very important you structure your answers using SITUATION, TASK, ACTION and RESULT. Whenever you hear a behavioral interview question being asked, this should prompt you to immediately think of the STAR technique. You can then go on to explain to the interviewer the specific situation you were in, the task that needed to be done, the action you took, and finally the results following your actions.

TIP #3 – It is good practice to tell the interview panel what you learnt from each situation you were in. For example, if you were giving an example of when you dealt with an underperforming member of a team, at the end of your answer, explain what you learned from the experience and what, if anything, you would do differently next time. This is a good practice and it will demonstrate a higher level of management capabilities than your competitors.

On this page, we have put together 16 extremely strong and unique answers to the more common types of manager behavioral interview questions. Download a copy of the guide today and learn how to PASS your MANAGER INTERVIEW in the FASTEST TIME POSSIBLE!

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Question 1,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 2,
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Question 3,
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Question 4,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 5,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 6,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 7,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 8,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 9,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 10,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 11,
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Question 12,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Who has created the answers to the interview questions?

Richard McMunn is a former Fire Officer turned interview coach who has over 20 years experience within the recruitment industry.

He is extremely passionate about helping people pass their interviews, and his success rate is unrivalled within the interview training sector.

Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition.

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This has been the GREATEST tutorial for me while preparing for my 'Behavioral' interview. I have my interview in exactly 2 weeks and these helpful tutorials are absolutely perfect for those who don't know. Thank you for sharing.

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What are the 10 most common interview questions and answers for managers?

Management interview questions.
What's your management style?.
How do you see a manager's role on a team?.
How do you motivate a team?.
Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult employee..
How would your colleagues describe you?.
Describe how you delegate tasks to team members..
Other frequently asked interview questions..

What is the best answer for STAR interview question?

What is the STAR method?.
Situation: Set the scene and give the necessary details of your example..
Task: Describe what your responsibility was in that situation..
Action: Explain exactly what steps you took to address it..
Result: Share what outcomes your actions achieved..

What are the 5 STAR questions in an interview?

The most common questions are:.
Tell me about a time when you were faced with a challenging situation. ... .
Do you usually set goals at work? ... .
Give me an example of a time you made a mistake at work..
Have you ever faced conflict with a coworker? ... .
Tell me about a time when you handled the pressure well..

What kind of questions are asked in a manager interview?

Here's a bunch of general interview questions at a manager level you should take a look at:.
Tell me about yourself..
Tell me something that's not on your resume..
Tell me about a time you made a mistake..
Tell me about a conflict you faced at work and how you dealt with it..
What type of work environment do you prefer?.