Important questions to ask your boyfriend before marriage

Important questions to ask your boyfriend before marriage

No one wants to marry the wrong person, yet somehow so many people do.

At some point during your dating and engaged life, you need to ask each other some tough questions. The way your partner answers and responds will be very telling and eye-opening. Be sure to ask these questions, even if it’s uncomfortable because you need to be prepared. Answers like “I don’t know” or “I haven’t really thought about it” are the questions to go back to sooner than later and get real answers.

  • How did your parents show their love to you growing up?

  • Do you have trust issues and insecurities?

  • How will we make decisions together?

  • What is your love language?

  • If we get stuck in our marriage, are you willing to seek outside help with a counselor?

  • How much alone time do you need?

  • What are your thoughts about having debt?

  • How do we handle conflict and how could we be better about it?

  • What are the boundaries we want to put in place when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex?

  • What are your expectations about how we will spend our free time?

  • Do you feel like we have enough heart to heart conversations that connect us emotionally?

  • How do you handle your anger?

  • Do you expect or want me to change in certain areas?

  • What amount of available money do you need to have to feel comfortable?

  • Are we both good at apologizing?

  • Are we both quick to forgive?

  • What role will your family play in our life together?

  • Do we truly listen to each other and fairly consider one another’s ideas and complaints?

  • How will we make sure we have quality time together no matter how busy we get?

  • What are some of your financial goals?

  • What does faith and spirituality mean to you?

  • How important is it to you to keep up physical appearances?

  • Are there some things that you and I are not prepared to give up in the marriage?

  • Do you feel like you can be assertive with me? Why or why not?

  • How do we balance holidays and special occasions with both families and also make sure to have special time for us?

  • Have you ever cheated on someone or been cheated on?

  • How important do you think self-care is?

  • When conflict arises, do you tend to want to fight or avoid it?

  • Can we comfortably and openly discuss our sexual needs, preferences, and fears?

  • Do you want kids? If so, how many and how do you intend to shape our children’s values?

Bonus Tip

If your partner’s answer made you feel triggered, uncomfortable, or unsettled, don’t ignore it. Lean in and first process why the answer they gave made you feel that way. Then bring it back up at a later time and ask more questions to bring clarity.

Written by Meygan Caston 

Meygan Caston is the co-founder of Marriage365 and lives in sunny Southern California with her husband Casey, their two children, and dog Hobie. She loves her family, the beach, writing, spa days, and helping couples connect in their marriage. Her lifelong dream is to live with the Amish for a month, walk the Camino, and have lunch with Brené Brown.

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Important questions to ask your boyfriend before marriage

Important questions to ask your boyfriend before marriage

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