Sharp pain on top of foot at night

Sharp pain on top of foot at night

Feet are complex structures of bones, muscles, tendons, nerves, and more. You rely on your feet to carry you through the day, but if they hurt, this can impact your ability to function and enjoy life.

If you experience stabbing foot pain, you don’t have to live with it. David B. Glover, DPM, FACFAS, and our team at Mountain View Foot & Ankle Institute are equipped to diagnose and treat all types of foot issues. In this blog, Dr. Glover explains some of the common causes of stabbing foot pain.

Common causes of stabbing foot pain

Feet are complex, and any number of issues can trigger stabbing pain in one or both feet. A few of the most common causes of stabbing pain are plantar fasciitis, nerve damage, and acute injuries.

Plantar fasciitis

One of the top causes of stabbing foot pain is plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the fibrous tendon that connects your toes to the underside of your heel.

Plantar fasciitis pain is often described as stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot or heel. It’s generally worse when you take your first steps in the morning, or when you start walking after sitting for a long period of time. 

Nerve damage

Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage in the feet, legs, arms, and/or hands. Nerve damage in the feet is particularly common in people who have diabetes, because high blood sugar levels can damage nerves and circulation over time. 

Nerve pain in the feet can feel like sharp, stabbing pain. Some people describe nerve pain as a burning or tingling sensation. Nerve pain can severely impact your mobility if the pain makes it unbearable to stand or walk.

Acute injury

A sudden injury that damages the bones, muscles, tendons, or other tissues in the foot can trigger stabbing foot pain, both at the time of the injury and afterward. Dr. Glover sees patients of all ages who have suffered sports injuries or other musculoskeletal injuries affecting the feet and ankles.

Treating stabbing foot pain

Don’t ignore stabbing foot pain. The only way to confirm what’s causing your foot pain is by visiting a podiatrist. At Mountain View Foot & Ankle Institute, we offer comprehensive evaluations to assess foot health.

If you’re experiencing stabbing foot pain, come to your appointment prepared to discuss your symptoms and your medical history. Do your best to describe how the pain feels and how long the bouts of pain last.

Tell Dr. Glover if you have other symptoms, such as:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Bleeding
  • Decreased mobility in the foot or ankle

Dr. Glover will perform a physical exam of your foot, and he may order X-rays to confirm his diagnosis. Treatment for stabbing foot pain will focus on minimizing symptoms and healing the damaged muscles, tendons, or bones. 

For example, treatment for plantar fasciitis generally includes a combination of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, and specialized stretches. Dr. Glover and our team will work with you to help you return to your daily life safely, and we may recommend custom orthotics, night splints, or other assistive devices to support and protect your feet. 

If you have foot pain, we can help you get back on your feet. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Mountain View Foot & Ankle Institute today.

The following sections will look at some potential causes of aching feet at night.

Lifestyle factors

People with jobs that require them to be on their feet for prolonged periods of time may find that their feet ache at night.

This can be due to fatigue in the muscles in the feet. The muscle fibers contract and expand with use, and with overuse, they can become fatigued.

Muscle fatigue means that the muscles may ache more because there is less oxygen in the body and a buildup of waste products. This can cause cramps and spasms at night that can affect the feet.

Drinking plenty of water during the day may help stop cramps by helping the body get rid of excess waste products that contribute to aches and cramps.

Muscle cramps at night can also occur due to the following:

  • sitting for long periods of time during the day
  • sleeping in certain positions
  • wearing certain footwear

Regularly doing stretches and exercises can help ease aches in the feet due to these problems. To exercise the foot muscles, the National Health Service (NHS) recommend doing stretches in groups of five repetitions three times per day.


The way the body processes calcium changes during pregnancy, and this may cause the feet to cramp during the night.

People can ease foot cramps with gentle stretches, mild exercise, and flexing the foot during a cramp. Increasing the amount of calcium in the diet may also help.

Morton’s neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a condition wherein the tissue around the nerves that lead to the toes becomes thickened. This happens if the bones in the toes become pinched and compress a nerve. This can cause pain that can be worse at night.

When a pinched nerve becomes inflamed, it can result in a burning or tingling sensation in the toes.

Wearing well-fitting shoes can help prevent Morton’s neuroma. Making sure that the shoes have enough room for the toes to be positioned naturally can prevent and reduce pain from Morton’s neuroma.

To ease discomfort, a person can try:

  • wearing soft-soled shoes
  • using shoe inserts or orthopedic pads
  • using massage to reduce pain
  • asking a doctor about steroid injections to reduce inflammation and pain
  • avoiding high heels
  • avoiding tight shoes
  • avoiding shoes with narrow tips

Plantar fasciitis

People with plantar fasciitis experience pain in the bottom of their heel. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, around 2 million people receive treatment for plantar fasciitis every year.

Plantar fasciitis develops when the tissue called the plantar fascia, which supports the arch of the foot, becomes inflamed. It is located on the bottom of the foot, and it starts at the heel and connects to the front of the foot. This tissue absorbs strain from the feet.

If the plantar fascia becomes damaged from these strains, this causes inflammation and pain.

Having a high arch, obesity, flat feet, or tight calf muscles or engaging in repetitive activities such as running can cause plantar fasciitis to develop.

The symptoms of this condition include:

  • pain at the bottom of the foot, near the heel
  • pain in the foot after getting out of bed
  • pain after exercise

People with plantar fasciitis may experience aching feet at night after being on their feet all day.

Some treatment options include:

  • resting
  • icing the bottom of the foot
  • taking anti-inflammatory medications
  • stretching the calf
  • receiving steroid injections
  • wearing comfortable shoes
  • using night splints to stretch the plantar fascia overnight
  • trying physical therapy

Learn about some stretches for plantar fasciitis here.


Sciatica develops due to a compressed sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the base of the spine down the back of the legs and into the feet.

If the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated, the pain can be severe. It may feel like a dull ache that can skip areas of the legs completely and be isolated to one area of the nerve, such as the feet.

Sciatica can result from a herniated disk in the spine, pregnancy, a degenerative joint problem, or muscle spasms.

Some treatment options for sciatica include:

  • trying physical therapy
  • stretching
  • taking anti-inflammatory medications
  • receiving steroid injections
  • trying massage
  • undergoing surgery for herniated disks

Learn about some stretches for sciatica here.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body and affects the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. The pain can be worse in frequently used areas of the body, such as the feet.

A person with fibromyalgia may experience foot pain at night. Aching feet at night may be due to lower levels of the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol while a person sleeps. People with fibromyalgia may generally have lower cortisol levels in their bodies.

Although there is currently no cure for fibromyalgia, treatments can reduce the severity of its symptoms. These include anti-inflammatory medications, antidepressants, and sleep medications.


Diabetes can affect blood circulation. Blood carries oxygen around the body, and if there is reduced circulation in the feet, the muscles may become deprived of the oxygen they need.

This can cause pain in the muscles in the feet.

There are many self-care strategies that a person can try to treat aching feet due to reduced blood circulation. For example, stopping smoking, exercising regularly, and eating a healthful diet can all help control diabetes and help increase blood circulation.

In more serious cases, angioplasty, stenting, or a surgical bypass may be necessary to improve circulation.

If a person has diabetes and experiences the following changes in their feet, they should seek medical advice:

  • a tingling sensation or pins and needles
  • a dull ache
  • loss of feeling in the feet
  • cramps when resting or walking

Diabetes can also cause nerve damage, or peripheral neuropathy, which may also result in foot pain at night.

Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is the name for a range of conditions that include damage to the peripheral nervous system. It often affects the feet and legs.

Neuropathy involves a disruption in the signals from the nervous system, resulting in pain.

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy depend on the type of nerve fibers affected and the extent of the damage.

Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in the feet can be worse at night, and they may develop over a period of days, weeks, or years.

They may include:

  • a tingling sensation or pins and needles in the feet
  • pain in the feet
  • burning sensations in the feet
  • stabbing or shooting pains in the feet
  • numbness
  • weakness

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing peripheral neuropathy, with 60–70% of people experiencing mild-to-severe nerve damage resulting in pain.

High blood sugar levels are associated with nerve damage and can cause peripheral neuropathy, which is also known as diabetic polyneuropathy.

Physical injuries, viral infections, and drinking a lot of alcohol can also increase a person’s risk of developing peripheral neuropathy, according to the NHS.

Treatments for peripheral neuropathy aim to reduce pain. Doctors may recommend anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and skin creams and patches. Physical therapy can also help build up strength in the affected area.

Staying hydrated throughout the day can help prevent aching feet at night by encouraging the body to flush out waste products through urine during the day.

Performing foot exercises and stretches can strengthen the muscles to relieve pressure and muscle aches. However, people should stop doing them if they make foot pain worse.

Foot exercises include:

  • seated foot and heel raises
  • toe bends
  • holding the toe in a lifted position
  • calf stretches
  • ankle stretches

Wearing comfortable, supportive footwear helps prevent irritating the muscles and putting strain on the feet. Using insoles, arch supports, and soft-soled shoes can help support the feet during the day.

If a person experiences numbness, tingling in their feet, or a pain that does not go away, they should seek medical advice, as it could be a symptom of an underlying condition or injury.

There are several reasons that a person’s feet may ache at night. Anti-inflammatory medications can help with many of the causes, including injuries, irritated and compressed nerves, and chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia.

Many of the treatment options for aching feet at night are accessible, and a healthcare professional can help with lasting pain that does not respond to home treatment.

Why does the top of my foot hurt only at night?

Aching feet at night or nighttime foot pain can be due to a muscular issue, a nerve problem, a bone-related pathology or injury, dermatological or skin-related conditions, an inflammatory process or a vascular concern.

What does it mean when you have a sharp pain on the top of your foot?

Common causes of pain in the top of the foot Pain in the top of your foot is often caused by exercising, especially if it involves running, kicking or jumping. It may also be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and some conditions, like gout.

How do you relieve sharp pain on the top of your foot?

Ice: Applying ice to the inflamed area can help reduce pain and swelling. Medication: A doctor might recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Over-the-counter NSAIDs can help treat mild pain, while prescription NSAIDs can help with more severe or chronic pain.

What causes sharp pain in feet at night?

One of the top causes of stabbing foot pain is plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the fibrous tendon that connects your toes to the underside of your heel. Plantar fasciitis pain is often described as stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot or heel.