How to stop sensitive teeth pain immediately after whitening

Naenae Clinic specialises in a variety of things, including teeth whitening for Wellington clientele. Over the course of your lifetime, your teeth can become discoloured due to things like coffee, smoking, or even natural ageing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get them to look like the pearly whites they once were!It is important to note, however, that whitening treatments can create temporary tooth sensitivity. This is because the chemicals in tooth whitening products have a bleach component which can make your teeth feel slightly painful after treatment, especially when exposed to things of extreme temperatures.So what should you do if you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity after whitening? Read our expert advice!

Use Lower Concentration & Bigger Gaps

Bleaching your teeth too regularly or using a high concentration of the bleaching agent has the potential to increase your tooth sensitivity. To combat this, use smart brightening practices and give your teeth a rest in between each whitening session.The amount of bleach in whitening products is not the same across the board. Professional-grade treatments have higher amounts of bleach because they need to work in one session. Conversely, take-home trays have a lower concentration of bleach as they are meant to be safe for use for anyone who buys them. Thus, you’ll need to use them multiple times to get the full effect.If you are concerned about tooth sensitivity, a take-home kit may be the better choice so you can space out the treatments over time and lessen the chance of developing painful sensitivity.

Caring for Whitened Teeth

After a professional teeth-whitening service, or in the middle of brightening your teeth over time at home, it’s best to implement a few additional strategies to give your teeth the extra protection they need. If you’re noticing some sensitivity, here are a few things you can do to reduce it quickly:

    • Invest in toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Brands like Sensodyne® are developed specifically for this purpose, and they work really well! Brush slowly and gently with it twice a day and you should notice a reduction in sensitivity.
    • Avoid very hot or very cold foods. Foods like ice cream or hot soup are common triggers for a flareup, because the extreme temperatures penetrate the tooth easily and disturb the nerve. Give your teeth a bit of a rest and avoid these if you can.
    • Don’t over bleach. The coveted look of sparkling-white teeth is tempting, but if it’s causing significant pain then you should hold off on whitening treatments (at least for a while). Pay attention to how your teeth feel, and if any pain becomes too much, cease the treatment.

Talk to Your Dentist

hey say a good defence is the best offence, and that’s true for teeth as well! Before you do any kind of teeth whitening treatment, you should talk to your dental hygienist. They can inform you of the current condition of your teeth, as well as suggest the ideal method for you to go about it. This will keep you from doing anything that will permanently damage your teeth and protect your tooth enamel’s structural integrity in the long run.If you have already done teeth whitening and you’re experiencing sensitivity, take the time to schedule a consultation with your dentist and ask for a way forward. They may offer a prescription gel, a particular brand of toothpaste, or a variety of other potential treatments.

Get your teeth whitened right.

At Naenae Dental Clinic, we offer the full spectrum of teeth-whitening services. From take-home kits to in-clinic zoom whitening, we’ve got you covered. Talk to one of the best dentists in Wellington about your next cosmetic dental procedure today.

How to stop sensitive teeth pain immediately after whitening

Dentin hypersensitivity is common among teeth whitening patients. The condition causes heightened sensitivity in response to stimuli such as hot and cold drinks, certain sweet foods, and contact with the teeth (especially during teeth brushing). Mild discomfort from this temporary increased sensitivity is expected to last for no longer than around 48 hours.

What causes teeth whitening sensitivity?

There are many types of teeth whitening treatments available, ranging from natural remedies and store-bought whitening toothpastes, to much more professional treatments that should only be carried out by dentists.

In the case of these highly effective teeth whitening techniques available from the dentist, the sensitivity reported by some patients in the 1-2 days following treatment is likely linked to the gentle dental-grade bleaching agent responsible for the long-lasting whitening results. This whitening agent penetrates the enamel, exposing some nerve endings close to the surface.

Before treatment – how to prevent teeth whitening sensitivity

Patients who are about to undergo a professional teeth whitening treatment are advised to build up a resistance to sensitivity by changing to a sensitive toothpaste or gel at least one week before the start of the treatment.

Although switching to a sensitive toothpaste may not entirely prevent the sensation of temporary heightened sensitivity in the teeth following teeth whitening treatment, patients will nevertheless benefit from a reduced sensitivity.

During teeth whitening treatment

A teeth whitening home kit is the safest way to reduce sensitivity. This is because the dosage and treatment time can be adjusted by the patient in response to the onset of heightened sensitivity, minimising any discomfort while achieving the best result possible.

Record the duration of each teeth whitening session. Note when the teeth start to become sensitive and alter the treatment accordingly. For example, some patients may prefer 7-10 shorter sessions as opposed to 5-7 fewer but longer sessions. 90 minutes is the ideal treatment time.

Never attempt to sleep while using a teeth whitening home kit – warning signs may be missed, leading to painful sensitivity. Also, only use a small amount of gel for each tooth. More gel doesn’t equal whiter teeth, but may mean more sensitivity. Use enough gel to coat the body of the tooth in a thin film. More than this will displace the gel onto the sensitive parts of the teeth and gums.

After treatment – what helps to reduce teeth whitening sensitivity?

Tips for dealing with sensitivity after teeth whitening include:

  • After your treatment (when sensitivity is at its highest), use a prescribed toothpaste and/or gel specifically designed to cope with sensitivity. In most cases, this sensitivity will only last around 48 hours at most – you can switch back to your regular toothpaste after this period.
  • When brushing your teeth, be gentle. Use a soft bristled brush and lukewarm water instead of cold to take some of the sting out of your sensitive teeth. We would also advise that you leave the toothpaste in your mouth for a few minutes after you’ve finished brushing and before rinsing to give it some extra time to work.
  • When using home whitening kits, place a toothpaste for sensitive teeth into the trays and apply to the teeth for 20 minutes after whitening. This can drastically reduce the amount of sensitivity.
  • For a couple of days after your treatment, try to steer clear of hot and cold drinks – we would recommend trying to avoid hot drinks like tea and coffee anyway as these can stain your newly whitened teeth.
  • You might find it easier to drink through a straw as this allows the liquid to bypass your teeth for the most part, providing some relief from the temporary pain.

What can I use for pain relief after receiving teeth whitening treatment?

Patients suffering from hypersensitivity (or patients who feel that the discomfort is extending beyond the expected 48 hours after treatment) are advised to enquire about pain relief medication. On a case by case basis, dentists may choose to prescribe a course of pain relief, which could include painkillers that contain anti-inflammatories (e.g. Ibuprofen).

What about home whitening kits?

If you are using a home whitening kit, we recommend the Colgate Max White Professional System. You can use this for up to 90 minutes a day – but if you find this is too much, simply reduce the frequency or duration. To combat sensitivity here, you can also add a little of the Colgate Max white gel toothpaste into your trays after the treatment too.

Speak to the experts

Would you like to find out more about our teeth whitening service? This treatment is simple to administer, non-invasive and provides fantastic results – patients can on average see an improvement of three to four shades whiter by the end. Get in touch with us today or fill out our online enquiry form and one of our team will be in touch.

What helps tooth pain after whitening?

Brush With a Special Toothpaste: Certain toothpastes, such as Colgate Sensitive or Sensodyne, can help block pain signals from your teeth to nerves. So can desensitizing gels such as Smile Brilliant or Senzaway.

How long should tooth sensitivity last after whitening?

Usually tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening treatment only lasts for a few days. It will be most pronounced in the first day or so, with noticeable improvements each day. By the end of a week, tooth sensitivity should no longer be a major concern.

How can I get immediate relief from sensitive teeth?

8 home remedies for pain relief.
Desensitizing toothpaste. Desensitizing toothpaste contains compounds that help to shield nerve endings from irritants. ... .
Salt water rinse. ... .
Hydrogen peroxide. ... .
Honey and warm water. ... .
Turmeric. ... .
Green tea. ... .
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Vanilla extract..