Sample letter of recommendation for leadership position

As part of the admissions process, most MBA programs ask students to submit recommendation letters from a current or former employer. The admissions committee wants to know more about your work ethic, teamwork capability, leadership ability, and work experience. This information helps them to determine whether you would be a good fit for their business program.

Tips for a Great MBA Recommendation Letter

The best MBA recommendation letters support the rest of your business school application by providing details about your work experience, leadership, and personal qualities. They can push borderline candidates into the acceptance stack.

Choose your recommenders wisely. Business schools would rather see professional recommendations than academic recommendations, preferably from your current supervisor. Your MBA recommenders should be able to speak in detail about your qualifications, supporting the points you made in your essays. If you don't know many people who can do this, start cultivating some.

Prepare your recommenders well. While it's not advised to write your own recommendations for others to sign, you should provide your recommenders with the necessary background information to write compelling letters. This should include:

  • The resume you plan to submit with your application.
  • A statement of purpose indicating how you’re presenting yourself in your application. If you haven't written it, provide a rough outline of what you plan to say.
  • Talking points. Remind them of projects you managed that they can use to highlight your skills.
  • A list of schools to which you are applying.
  • A list of deadlines. Ask for recommendations well in advance of deadlines.
  • Instructions for how to submit letters, through the school’s online system or by mail. If your schools require mailed letters, include envelopes and postage.

Send a thank-you note. Send it two weeks before the deadline, which will also provide a gentle reminder if the recommendation hasn't been written. Once you get your decisions, let your recommenders know how it turned out.

Sample Leadership Recommendation Letter

This sample letter of recommendation was written for an MBA applicant. The letter writer made an effort to discuss the applicant's leadership and management experience.

To Whom It May Concern:
Janet Doe has worked for me as a resident manager for the past three years. Her responsibilities have included leasing, inspecting apartments, hiring maintenance staff, taking tenants' complaints, making sure common areas look presentable, and keeping track of the property budget.
During her time here, she has had an amazing impact on the appearance and financial turnaround at the property. The property was near bankruptcy when Janet took over. She turned things around almost immediately. As a result, we are expecting our second year of profit.
Janet is highly respected by her co-workers for her willingness to help anyone anytime she can. She has been instrumental in helping institute new companywide cost-saving procedures. She is very well organized, diligent in her paperwork, easily reachable, and always on time.
Janet has real leadership potential. I would highly recommend her for your MBA program.
Joe Smith
Regional Property Manager


"How to Get A Great MBA Letter of Recommendation." The Princeton Review, TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC, 2019.

Updated June 01, 2022

A professional letter of recommendation is usually written by an employer on behalf of an employee who is seeking other job opportunitiesThis letter can be very useful in helping a job applicant secure a particular position. It will be important for the person writing the letter to know whether their reference is in regards to a specific job opening or if it is a general letter of recommendation to be used in an employment search.

The most important information to include in a professional letter of recommendation is in what professional capacity the author has known the applicant and for how long. It should also detail the employee’s past responsibilities, and it should highlight their personal skills, abilities, and talents. For a recommendation letter to be effective, the author should frame the candidate in the most favorable light and use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate and bolster the author’s argument.

Table of Contents

  • Who to Select?
  • How to Write (Format)
    • Introduction
    • Body
    • Conclusion
  • Professional Letter of Recommendation – Sample 1
  • Professional Letter of Recommendation – Sample 2
  • Professional Letter of Recommendation – Sample 3

Who to Select?

While a professional letter of recommendation is generally written by an employer, it can also be written by an internship supervisor, a teacher, a professor, a client, or a colleague. The person chosen should be able to positively reference the candidate’s character and suitability for the desired position. If possible, the author should be given a description of the job the candidate is applying for and its requirements so that they can best tool their letter to match the job description.

How to Write (Format)

A professional letter of recommendation generally follows the standard business letter format and should fill one page. The business letter format necessitates having a letterhead, which includes the author’s name, title, and contact information, the date, and the addressee’s name, title, and contact information. If the letter is intended for general use, then the author should forego the addressee information and put “To Whom It May Concern” as their salutation. Following the letterhead and salutation, the general format starts with an introduction, followed by one or more body paragraphs, and ends with a conclusion and an invitation for further contact.


The introductory paragraph should briefly describe the author’s professional relationship with the candidate and the length of time that they have known the applicant. It should also express the intention of the letter, which is to recommend the employee/candidate in question.

Example #1

Francis Bacon
Manager at Princeton Electric
4123 Blink St
Beverly Hills, CA, 90210

April 19, 2017

Joseph Baker
CEO Alt Power Associates
6161 Big Plaza
Chicago, IL, 66161

Dear Mr. Baker,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you in recommendation of Dale Davies for the position of Shop Supervisor. This fine young man has worked on my team for the past 3 years, and during that time I have come to consider him an invaluable asset.

The above example is addressed to a particular person in regard to a specific position that the candidate is applying for. When writing a letter on behalf of someone who is leaving their current job, it is important to detail their reason for leaving (in this example: seeking promotion).

Example #2

January 21, 2017

Charles Robertson
Bookings & Management at BookerT Productions
4191 Fairville Place
Nashville, TN, 61611

To Whom It May Concern,

For the past two years, Julie Styles has been working as an unpaid intern here at BookerT Productions. Julie has proven herself to be responsible, dedicated, and personable. She is more than capable of assimilating and performing new tasks, and so it is with great enthusiasm that I can personally recommend her for any position in booking and artist management.

This example is written by someone who acted as an internship supervisor. While it is addressed as a general letter of recommendation, it specifically recommends the candidate as being capable within their desired field.

Body Paragraph(s)

The body of the letter will contain one or more paragraphs that describe the duties the candidate carried out as an employee or intern, their positive character traits, and any value that they added to a team or enterprise that went beyond their job description. If possible, specific examples should be used in order to make the recommendation more convincing.

Example #1

As junior editor and contributing writer, Charles has received many accolades for his work. I remember when his story on the crumbling local infrastructure, gained nationwide coverage and drew attention to a critical issue. In large part due to Charles’ concern for his local community and his unwavering research methods, our city has turned a corner in its history and overcome the bureaucratic corruption which was bogging down development plans.

Charles puts in long hours in the office and his door is always open. In addition to being an excellent writer and editor, he is also a great team leader and a pleasure to work with.

Here, the author uses a specific example to highlight the employee’s exemplary work and their positive impact upon the local community.

Example #2

In preparing the contract for this building project, John and I made a very clear plan and budget. When he and his team were able to finish work in advance of the projected deadline and within our agreed upon budget, I was very impressed. Over the years, I have dealt with many contractors and I can attest that Mr. Travis displayed a level of professionalism that is seldom matched.

In this example, a client describes how the candidate was able to make a plan that they both could agree upon and deliver services on time and within their budget. A client, as opposed to an employer, will only have spent a limited amount of time in their dealings with an applicant, so it will be important that they have many positive things to say regarding their experience.


The conclusion should feature a summary of the candidate’s qualifications, a restatement of the author’s recommendation, an invitation for further communication, a formal sign-off, and the author’s signature above their typed name.

Example #1

With his outstanding communication skills, Mr. Vivekananda will make an invaluable asset to any sales team and he merits my highest recommendation.

Please let me know if you have any other questions (I can be reached by email at ).



Elliot Roberts

In this conclusion, in summing up the applicant’s value as an employee, the author focuses on their excellent communication skills. By focusing on a stand-out trait, this recommendation concludes with a clear indication of the type of value that the candidate has to offer.

Example #2

It has been a pleasure to have Edward as an employee and I am confident that he will continue to distinguish himself at his next place of employment.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or assistance regarding Edward’s application.

Yours Sincerely,


Jane Jacobs

(545) 712-9876

The above example demonstrates a simple and straightforward conclusion which indicates that the applicant is a good employee and offers a clear invitation to contact the author for more information. This type of conclusion is most appropriate for a general letter of recommendation as it describes the candidate in more general terms.

Sample 1

Charles Westfield
Owner & Manager, Salty Custom Shirt Design
500 Park Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 89701

April 30, 2017

Wendy Albright
Starlight Communications
999 First Avenue
Vernon, UT, 77079

Dear Ms. Albright,

I am writing this letter to support Stephen Dunham’s application for the position of Web Manager & Graphic Designer at Starlight Communications. For more than a year, Stephen has worked for me making custom T-Shirt designs for various businesses and individuals. He is a talented designer and a hard worker.

Most of the work that Stephen did for me was making designs and communicating with clients. However, he also redesigned the company website, making it much more visually appealing and user-friendly. He is extremely web-fluent. In addition to updating the company website, Stephen improved the company logo and designed company stationary and business cards.

The volume of work that we get can be extremely demanding, but Stephen always delivers his work on schedule and is capable of planning his workflow to suit company needs. It is for this reason that I give you my highest recommendation to accept Stephen for this position. In my experience, there are not many people who are able to hold up under severe pressure to consistently deliver quality results.

If you have any other questions regarding Stephen Dunham’s application for the position of Web Manager & Graphic Designer, feel free to contact me.



Charles Westfield


Sample 2

April 16, 2017

Mandy Wilson
Owner and Manager
Dial 411 Events, Inc.
6 Treeline Ave
Freedom, UT, 80801

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to recommend Joseph Rajid for a position at your organization. Joseph has been an Event Planner and team manager here at Dial 411 Events for the past three years. During that time, he has proven himself to be extremely skilled in all areas of event planning.

As a Team Manager, Mr. Rajid displays the organization, confidence, and professionalism necessary to fulfill this leadership role. He maintains a staff team that is always punctual and hard-working. I have consistently received extremely positive feedback from clients regarding the success of events he managed, as well as the quality of service provided by our staff. If anyone is to take credit for these positive reviews, it is Joseph.

Having planned events from small-scale gatherings, all the way to galas attended by thousands, Joseph has the experience in the field that is required to plan successful events. One particular contract was the engagement party for the daughter of a diplomat. The client had in mind an event so ambitious and intricate in its scope that I thought it a fairly overwhelming prospect. Joseph took on the contract and quickly sourced special contractors to assist with some of the more extravagant details. The event was such a success that it ended up being featured in a photo spread of City Life Magazine.

We are all sad to see Joseph leave and he will be sorely missed. He has been a model employee and a company asset from day one.

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation on behalf of such a deserving candidate. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact me.



Mandy Wilson


Sample 3

Ted Cross
CEO, Cross, Inc.
10 Main Street
Charleston, CA, 90208

July 12, 2017

George West
CEO, West, Inc.
55 Easy Street
Umbridge, NY, 50601

Dear Mr. West,

I am writing this letter in support of Tracy Keenan’s application for the position available at your organization. Tracy has been a secretary here at Cross, Inc. for the past six years. She has been a pleasure to work with and we are all sad to see her go. Through her diligence and hard work, she has made herself an irreplaceable presence in the office.

I can assure you that Ms. Keenan has more than proven her capacity to perform to the utmost at her job. Beyond her ability to follow instructions, organize materials, and sustain a busy schedule, Ms. Keenan is always looking for more work to do. It is this desire to always go the extra mile that makes Tracy such a valuable asset.

Tracy Keenan will leave a difficult position to fill here, but we all wish her the best as she moves to Umbridge. She has my highest recommendation. If you need any additional information, please contact me.

Best Regards,


Ted Cross

How do you recommend someone for a leadership position?

6 ways to make your letter of recommendation effective.
Customize your letter to the job at hand. ... .
Use 2-3 specific examples. ... .
Speak to the candidate before you write. ... .
Explain why your opinion matters. ... .
Start with enthusiasm. ... .
Format your letter correctly..

How do you write a letter of recommendation for an executive position?

Here are seven steps you can follow to write an effective CEO recommendation letter:.
Gather information about the candidate. ... .
Produce an outline for the letter. ... .
Utilize a standard business format and tone. ... .
Follow any special requests. ... .
Write the letter. ... .
Proof and edit the letter. ... .
Submit the letter properly..

What is a leadership reference letter?

The team leader job recommendation letter convinces the hiring manager that the candidate is the best person for the job as team lead. It highlights his or her leadership and critical thinking skills and makes references to the type of leader the candidate is.

How do you recommend someone professionally?

How to recommend someone for a job.
Speak to the candidate before you write. ... .
Format your letter. ... .
Introduce yourself and your position. ... .
Customize for the role. ... .
Provide specific examples. ... .
Mention an accomplishment. ... .
Offer to continue the conversation. ... .
Proofread and submit..