How long does your bottom lip stay numb after wisdom teeth

I had 2 wisdom teeth extracted (a tooth on each side of my lower jaw) 3weeks ago. On left side of my face, I feel numb on by lower lip and chin but have occasional tingling sensation and itches. I went back to my surgeon and she placed on Vitamins B1, B6, B12. I need a second opinion from Doctors. Please advice.

Answer: Numbness after wisdom tooth removal. Rare but possible.

5 people found this helpful

Answer: Numbness after wisdom tooth removal. Rare but possible.

5 people found this helpful

Answer: Wisdom teeth extraction numbness

Answer: Wisdom teeth extraction numbness

March 2, 2012

Answer: Numbness after extraction of wisdom tooth

March 2, 2012

Answer: Numbness after extraction of wisdom tooth

I have lingering jaw numbness after wisdom teeth surgeryDental Loft

Ten days after getting wisdom teeth removed, I still have numbness in my lower left jaw. I called my dentist, and he said that the oral surgeon might have hit a nerve. The numbness makes it difficult to chew, eat, and brush my teeth. I do not return to the oral surgeon until ten more days. Is there anything I can do to improve the numbness? And how long will it continue? I am supposed to start Invisalign treatment in November. Katherine in Tulsa, OK


Thank you for contacting our office. Your dentist is correct—your jaw nerve is damaged. How long it takes to heal depends on the extent of the damage. No doubt, this is a frustrating experience, but it will take time and patience to heal.

What Causes Nerve Damage During Tooth Extraction?

Lower wisdom teeth roots are close to the nerve that travels beneath your lower teeth and lower lip. In some cases, the nerve touches tooth roots, and there is a risk of nerve damage during extraction. But an oral surgeon takes x-rays before surgery and can explain your risk. Your surgeon may have explained the risk or asked you to sign paperwork regarding it.

Types of Jaw Nerve Injury

The types of jaw nerve injury that can occur during tooth extraction including bruising, crushing, and severing. As you can see from the healing times below, please do not expect the feeling to return in your jaw and lip when you see your oral surgeon in ten days.

  • Bruised– Numbness lasts about a month, then feeling in your jaw and lip will return
  • Crushed – It can take up to a year to grown new nerve fibers and regain feeling in your jaw and lip
  • Severed – The injury and numbness are permanent

How long does your bottom lip stay numb after wisdom teeth

Ask your dentist how any oral health issue will affect Invisalign treatment

As nerves recover, you will begin to feel tingling in your lip. There is nothing you can do to speed the healing process.

When Can You Begin Invisalign Treatment?

After your appointment with the oral surgeon, you will know the extent of nerve damage. The surgeon will send your dentist a report. And your dentist can determine if and how numbness will affect your Invisalign treatment plan.

Best wishes for your recovery.

Rekha Reddy, DDS of Dallas, sponsors this post.

A trip to the dentist for a routine filling, root canal, or other procedure will likely require a local anesthetic to numb the area and prevent you from feeling pain during your treatment. In most situations, the anesthesia your dentist uses will numb the tooth for 1 to 2 hours. Additionally, the following 3 to 5 hours may leave your lips, face, and tongue numb, which can be frustrating if you’re attempting to return to normal activities immediately following your appointment. 

Having patience is the most common way to address the numbness as it will naturally wear away with time; however, these at-home remedies may help!

Massage Your Skin

If no swelling is present, apply a warm compress to help increase blood flow to the affected area. In addition to using a warm compress, try massaging your lips to warm them, and increase blood flow. Avoid touching the treatment area directly, and always wash your hands before and after massaging your lips, mouth, and face.

Get Active

Ask your dentist if it’s safe to participate in physical activity following your dental procedure. Taking a brisk walk, going for a bike ride, or even tacking a few chores around the house will help to reduce numbness in a natural way. Being active stimulates blood flow in the body, which helps to carry the anesthesia away from the injection site. The encouraging movement will enable your body to break down and metabolize the novocaine that was used during your treatment. 

Take a Nap 

While taking a nap is the opposite of being active, falling asleep can help to get your mind off of the fact that certain areas of your mouth and face are numb. Sit back, relax, and allow the numbing sensation to pass until the sensation wears off peacefully.

Ask For Another Injection 

Some dental practices use medicine that can reverse the effects of general anesthesia. While this will mean another injection, a second reversal injection can also help to make the numbness dissipate twice as fast as just waiting it out. A reversal injection typically costs $25-$75, and most insurance companies will not cover the injection, due to the fact that it is not medically necessary. 

Have Patience 

Since different types of dental procedures require different amounts of anesthesia, there is no one-size-fits-all answer for how long your mouth will stay numb after a procedure. Additionally, other factors come into play as to how long the numbing sensation will last, such as your height, weight, and how fast your body is able to metabolize the anesthesia. Where in your mouth you needed work done also comes into play as the bottom jaw is a large nerve block that controls sensations to more areas of your face. 

Have patience in allowing the anesthesia to wear off before making a big presentation at work, having a date with a romantic interest, or eating a big meal. You should be feeling like yourself in no-time. 

Make a Follow-up Dental Appointment 

While a local anesthetic following a dental procedure can cause lip numbness for two or three hours, prolonged numbness could indicate a complication. If, after five hours, you’re experiencing persistent numbness following a dental implant, filling, wisdom tooth extraction, or another dental procedure, contact your dentist. A follow-up visit may be necessary as lingering numbness after an oral procedure could indicate nerve damage or an abscess. 

Contact Tompkins Dental today if you’d like to hear additional tips for speeding up the return of normal sensation following a dental procedure, or if you have any concerns regarding prolonged numbness. 

How long is your lip numb after wisdom teeth removal?

In most situations, the anesthesia your dentist uses will numb the tooth for 1 to 2 hours. Additionally, the following 3 to 5 hours may leave your lips, face, and tongue numb, which can be frustrating if you're attempting to return to normal activities immediately following your appointment.

Why is my lower lip still numb after wisdom teeth removal?

Nerve injury Although far less common than dry socket, injury to sections of a nerve called the trigeminal nerve is another possible complication of wisdom tooth removal. It can cause pain, a tingling sensation and numbness in your tongue, lower lip, chin, teeth and gums.

How long does it take for lip numbness to go away?

Generally speaking, the mouth, tongue, cheeks, and lips can remain numb anywhere between two and five hours. Be mindful of the fact that drooling and slurred speech may also occur.

How do you un numb your mouth after wisdom teeth removal?

Reversing Dental Numbness.
Sleep it off. If you have the time to do so, a quick nap could be all it takes to help you reverse the numbness. ... .
Exercise. Engaging in light physical activity after a dental procedure can help stimulate blood flow which can help the anesthesia wear off. ... .
Swish salt water. ... .
Massage gently..