Bodily injury claims adjuster interview questions and answers

Insurance claims adjusters are responsible for investigating, evaluating, and settling insurance claims. They work with insurance companies, policyholders, and claimants to resolve insurance claims.

If you’re looking for a job as an insurance claims adjuster, you’ll likely need to go through a job interview. During the interview, you’ll be asked a variety of questions about your experience, skills, and knowledge. To help you prepare, we’ve gathered some common insurance claims adjuster interview questions and answers.

Are you comfortable working with people who are upset or angry?

Interviewers may ask this question to assess your interpersonal skills and ability to handle challenging situations. In your answer, try to show that you can remain calm and focused in tense situations while still being empathetic toward the person’s feelings.

Example: “Yes, I am comfortable working with people who are upset or angry. When someone is experiencing a difficult situation, they often feel vulnerable and uncertain about what will happen next. As an insurance claims adjuster, it’s my job to help them understand their options and provide information on how we can resolve their claim. I always make sure to speak clearly and calmly so that I can be as helpful as possible.”

What are some of the most important skills for an insurance claims adjuster to have?

This question can help the interviewer determine if your skills and experience match what they’re looking for in an insurance claims adjuster. You can answer this question by listing some of the most important skills you have that are relevant to working as an insurance claims adjuster.

Example: “I think one of the most important skills for an insurance claims adjuster is communication, because it’s essential to be able to communicate with clients and other members of a team effectively. Another skill I find important is problem-solving, since it’s necessary to solve problems quickly when working on claims. Finally, I think attention to detail is another important skill, as it helps ensure all information is accurate.”

How do you handle difficult customers or clients?

Interviewers may ask this question to assess your customer service skills. They want to know how you would handle a challenging situation with a client or customer and whether you have the interpersonal skills to resolve it. In your answer, try to highlight your problem-solving and conflict resolution skills.

Example: “I find that the best way to handle difficult customers is by remaining calm and empathetic. I listen carefully to what they’re saying and try to understand their concerns. If I can help them feel heard, then I can usually diffuse the situation. When I’m working as an insurance claims adjuster, I also try to be proactive in preventing conflicts. For example, if I notice that a policyholder has been waiting for a long time for me to respond to their email, I’ll call them right away to apologize and explain why there was a delay.”

What is your experience with investigating claims?

This question can help the interviewer understand your experience with insurance claims and how you approach them. Use examples from previous work to explain what steps you take when investigating a claim, including any specific techniques or skills that helped you complete your investigations.

Example: “I have worked on many different types of claims throughout my career as an insurance claims adjuster. In my last position, I investigated several vehicle accidents, some of which involved injuries and property damage. When investigating these claims, I would first speak with all parties involved in the accident to get their account of what happened. Then, I would inspect the scene of the accident for evidence like skid marks or other details that could help me determine who was at fault. Finally, I would review the relevant laws and regulations to make sure the accident occurred within the scope of the policy.”

Provide an example of a time when you had to deny a claim. Why did you decide to deny it?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you apply your critical thinking skills to evaluate claims and make decisions. Use examples from your experience that highlight your ability to analyze information, gather evidence and use problem-solving skills to reach a conclusion.

Example: “In my previous role as an insurance claims adjuster, I had to deny a claim for a client who was injured in a car accident. The driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident admitted fault for the crash, but the client claimed they were not at fault. After reviewing all available evidence, including witness statements and police reports, I determined that the client was at fault for the accident and denied their claim.”

If a claim required you to visit the location of the incident, are you willing to travel?

Traveling for work is a common part of the insurance claims adjuster job. Employers ask this question to make sure you’re willing to travel and how far you are willing to go. Before your interview, think about how far you would be willing to drive or fly for work. Consider what factors might affect your willingness to travel, such as cost or time away from home.

Example: “I am willing to travel for work. I understand that traveling is often a necessary part of this job. However, I do have some limits on how far I am willing to drive or fly. For example, I would not be comfortable driving more than five hours one way. If my family needed me at home, I would need to find an alternative solution.”

What would you do if you needed more information from a claimant but they were unresponsive?

Interviewers may ask this question to assess your interpersonal skills and ability to manage challenging situations. In your answer, demonstrate that you can remain calm under pressure and use effective communication techniques to resolve the situation.

Example: “If a claimant was unresponsive, I would first try to contact them by phone or email. If they still didn’t respond after several attempts, I would send them a friendly reminder with all of my contact information so they could reach me if needed. If they still didn’t respond after that, I would call their employer to see if they were having any issues at work that might be preventing them from responding.”

How well do you understand the insurance policies you’re responsible for handling?

This question is an opportunity to show your interviewer that you have a strong understanding of the insurance policies and procedures you’ll be working with if they hire you. You can answer this question by describing how much time you spend studying the policies and procedures, or you can describe specific situations where you used your knowledge of these documents to help customers.

Example: “I am very familiar with the insurance policies I handle because I make it a point to study them thoroughly before handling any claims. For example, when I first started as an adjuster, I was working on a claim for a customer who had lost their home in a fire. The homeowner told me that they were missing some jewelry that was stored in a safe inside their house. I remembered reading about safe deposit boxes in our policy and asked the homeowner if they had one. They said yes, so I contacted the bank that held the box and worked with them to get the jewelry back to the homeowner.”

Do you have experience working with insurance software?

The interviewer may ask this question to learn more about your experience with the software they use at their company. If you have worked with a different insurance software, explain how it compares to the one used by the company you’re interviewing for.

Example: “I’ve worked with several different types of insurance software in my career, but I find that most are similar when it comes to adjusting claims. The main difference is usually in the user interface and the specific features each system offers. For example, the software I’m using now has an excellent fraud detection feature that helps me quickly identify suspicious claims. However, the software you use doesn’t offer that same feature.”

When investigating a claim, what is your process for collecting evidence?

Interviewers may ask this question to understand how you approach your work and the steps you take to complete it. Your answer should show that you have a methodical process for investigating claims and gathering evidence. You can describe your process in detail, or you can provide an overview of the steps involved.

Example: “When I begin working on a claim, I first review all relevant documents and information about the client’s case. Then, I speak with the claimant to learn more about their situation and gather any additional details they can share. After that, I visit the scene of the accident or incident to see if there is any physical evidence remaining. Finally, I contact any witnesses who might be able to provide further insight into what happened.”

We want to improve our customer service reputation. Describe a strategy you would use to improve customer satisfaction in the claims department.

Customer service is an important aspect of any business, and insurance companies are no exception. Interviewers may ask this question to learn more about your customer service skills and how you would improve their company’s reputation. In your answer, explain a strategy you would use to help the claims department provide better service to customers.

Example: “I believe that improving customer satisfaction starts with hiring friendly and empathetic adjusters. I would encourage my team members to be kind and helpful when speaking with customers on the phone or in person. For example, if a customer calls in with a complaint, I would listen carefully to what they have to say and apologize for any inconvenience. Then, I would try to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.”

Describe your experience with working in teams.

Working in a team is an important skill for insurance claims adjusters. Employers ask this question to make sure you have experience working with others and collaborating on projects. Use your answer to explain that you are willing to work as part of a team. Explain that you enjoy collaborating with others and helping them succeed.

Example: “I’ve worked in teams throughout my career, including when I was studying for my degree. In college, I took several classes where we had group projects. I enjoyed these experiences because they allowed me to meet new people and learn from their unique perspectives. I also found it helpful to be able to bounce ideas off other students while completing assignments.

In my previous job, I often worked alongside another claims adjuster. We would discuss our cases together and help each other understand the details of each case. This helped us both complete our work more efficiently.”

What makes you stand out from other candidates?

Employers ask this question to learn more about your qualifications and how you can contribute to their company. When answering, it’s important to highlight a skill or experience that makes you unique from other candidates. You may also want to mention something that relates to the job description.

Example: “I have five years of experience as an insurance claims adjuster, which is more than most people in my field. I’m also highly organized and detail-oriented, which helps me find any errors when reviewing claims. In addition, I am passionate about helping others and always do my best to make sure policyholders receive fair settlements.”

Which insurance companies have you worked with in the past?

This question is a great way for the interviewer to learn more about your experience and how you’ve applied it in different situations. When answering this question, make sure to mention which insurance companies you worked with and what types of claims you handled while working there.

Example: “I have worked with several large insurance companies throughout my career as an insurance claims adjuster. I started out at State Farm where I handled property damage claims and minor injury claims. After that, I moved on to Allstate where I was responsible for handling larger injury claims and helping customers recover from natural disasters.”

What do you think is the most important trait for an effective claims adjuster?

Interviewers ask this question to see if you have the skills and abilities necessary for success in their company. They want to know that you understand what it takes to be successful in this role, so they can feel confident hiring you. When answering this question, think about which traits helped you succeed as a claims adjuster in your past roles.

Example: “I believe the most important trait for an effective claims adjuster is empathy. I’ve worked with many clients who were going through difficult situations, and having empathy for them made me better at my job. It allowed me to put myself in their shoes and try to help them find solutions to their problems. I also think being organized and detail-oriented are important traits because they allow you to work more efficiently.”

How often do you make mistakes when handling claims?

This question is a way for employers to assess your honesty and integrity. They want to know that you are willing to admit when you make mistakes, apologize and learn from them. Your answer should be honest but also highlight how you use the experience to improve your work.

Example: “I have never made a mistake on a claim that I was aware of. However, if I ever did, I would immediately correct it and ensure that my client received all compensation they were due. I would then reflect on what caused me to make this error so that I could prevent it in the future.”

There is a high volume of claims and you’re behind on your investigation schedule. What do you do?

This question is designed to test your time management skills and ability to prioritize tasks. Your answer should show the interviewer that you can manage a high volume of work while still meeting deadlines.

Example: “I would first assess which claims are most urgent, then I would focus on those until they’re complete. After that, I would move onto the next urgent claim and so on until all urgent claims were completed. Then, I would start working on the non-urgent claims in order of urgency. This way, I am able to get through all urgent claims quickly while also ensuring that no urgent claims fall through the cracks.”

How do I prepare for a claims adjuster interview?

Claims Adjuster Interview Questions You Should Be Ready To Answer.
How would you deal with a hostile client who is unsatisfied with your assessment of the damage? ... .
How do you manage stress? ... .
How do you manage your time and stay organized? ... .
What would you do if you missed important information during your investigation?.

What qualities make a good claims adjuster?

Let's take a look at four must-have skills to maximize success as a claims adjuster..
Excellent communication skills are crucial to succeed..
Time management is a must when working in the field..
Attention to detail supports all aspects of the job..
Industry knowledge will go a long way..

Where do you see yourself in 5 years claims adjuster?

"In five years I would like to be well-respected in the claims industry and have a few new certifications on topics such as liability laws and strategic claims negotiations." "I see a lot of opportunities for career growth and advancement with your organization.

What is the star method in interviewing?

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.