Black seed oil for fleas

Nigella Sativa from Egyptian seeds

Ingredients: 100% pure certified organic Black Cumin Seed Oil freshly cold-pressed for us in Germany


Our organic black cumin seeds come from organic farming communities in Egypt (the most potent healing seeds) and the oil is freshly cold-pressed  in Germany for us. The amazing healing qualities of Black Cumin Seeds have been well known for millenniums not only for humans but also for pets. The Organic Black Cumin Seed Oil is a vital nutritional supplement rich in essential fatty acid and anti-oxidant. We have collected feedback from pet owners for the past 10 years and highly recommend this oil ourselves. In Germany, many vets are recommending this amazing oil for (please note the same applies to human consumption):

  • healthy immune system

  • improved digestive system

  • respiratory disorders

  • cough & asthma

  • allergy & eczema

  • healthy skin & hair

  • seizures

  • rheumatic arthritic diseases

  • prevention of ticks & fleas

The chemical composition of the black cumin seed oil is diverse. This extraordinary oil contains over 100 valuable nutrients working together in perfect synergy. The most researched active components are Thymoquinone, Nigellone, and Fixed Oils. It also contains in significant proportions protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamins A, B, B2, C and niacin.

Even though we have a separately labeled Black Cumin Seed Oil for human consumption, the quality of this oil is exactly the same even though most black cumin seed oils on the market for pets are of inferior quality. We like to keep the quality the same so our beloved friends get the maximum out of it. If you are after one with a label designed for humans, please visit our regular ORGANIC BLACK CUMIN SEED OIL page.

Please note that these statements are taken from clinical studies and are not evaluated by the TGA.

Black seed oil for fleas

Learn all about the zillion benefits of this sacred oil - black seed oil, for dogs. Learn how it can help dogs with cancer, & much more!

Black seed oil has taken the world by storm - literally! Even those who believe in pharma drugs can't help but be amazed at the benefits of this sacred oil and its miraculous healing power! From research trials to exponential sky-rocketing sale of the black seed oil, it is the right time to notice what all it can do for our furry pals - our dogs. In this article, let's explore what black seed oil can do for our dogs.

But first, some fun fact - Prophet Muhammad called black seed oil a "blessed oil!" and for really good reasons. Makes sense when it can cure just about everything except death - as Prophet Muhammad said about this oil.

History of the "Blessed seed" or Nigella Sativa -Black seeds have a long history - they have been used since ancient times in Egypt and Turkey, going back as much as 2nd millennium BCE. The Nigella sativa seeds were found in ancient Egypt including in Tutankhamum's tomb. The oldest people said to cultivate this blessed seed are Assyrians and Egyptians. It is used a lot in Indian, Middle Eastern, Armenian, Turkish, Polish, and more cuisines. It grows mainly in south and southwest Asia. It is also called black cumin seed, black caraway, fennel flower, Roman coriander and Kalonji in Hindi & Urdu.

Nigella Sativa - The "Blessed  Seed" in Religious Texts -Black seeds have been mentioned in the Torah, in the Bible and the Hadith. Here is a famous quote by Prophet Muhammad regarding this miracle seed - "Use this black seed regularly, because it has a cure for every disease except death.”  Chemistry of Nigella Sativa - Directly from Wikipedia - N. sativa oil contains linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, and trans-anethole, and other minor constituents. Aromatics include thymoquinone, dihydrothymoquinone, p-cymene, carvacrol, α-thujene, thymol, α-pinene, β-pinene and trans-anethole. Oils are 32% to 40% of the total composition of N. sativa seeds.

Why does Black Seed Oil work so well? 

The reason it is so powerful is because of its thymoquinone content and add to it, its high nutrient and amino acid profile, it works fast to lower inflammation and cure any disease.

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

 for Dogs -Cancer - Black seed oil works great for dogs with cancer because it boosts immunity and at the same time, helps block cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death). This oil can also be applied directly on the dog's cancer areas or tumor site as it may help in shrinking the tumor via skin absorption. Boosts Dog's Immunity & Helps with Allergies - Black seed oil helps in boosting your dog's immunity and this fact goes hand in hand with the zillion cures it offers and the health benefits. Black seed oil helps neutralize the histamines - making it a perfect addition to your dog's diet for combating allergies. If your dog has allergies, and issues like hair loss, excessive mucus, drooling, itchy eyes, teary eyes, ear infections, etc., then try giving some black seed oil daily and you will see a huge improvement in your dog's allergies and overall health.Helps Dogs with Arthritis, Hind-Legs Stiffness, Rheumatism & Other Inflammatory Conditions - Black seed oil have thymoquinone which helps in reducing inflammation. Test tube studies as well as human studies have found the same result - that N. sativa helps in inhibiting inflammation fast and thus, helps in reducing pain. This is powerful information for those who have senior dogs, dogs with cancer, or dogs who have been in some accident and are in the recovery phase. Massaging the dog with warm black seed oil can be very beneficial, soothing and will heal the tissue and muscle damage very fast. For Dogs with Digestive Issues - Adding a little bit of black seed oil to your dog's diet will help avoid digestive upsets like bloating, gas, constipation and weak elimination. Helps Dogs with Proper EliminationThis oil is a great aid for keeping things 'regular' in the bathroom - thus helping in proper elimination of toxic waste. Similarly, just like for us, it is a great aid for dogs too. Remember, without proper elimination, your dog's body is the breeding ground for diseases like cancer, yeast infections, IBS/IBD, allergies, fever, itchy skin, ear infections, and well, just about every disease you can think of. Toxic waste needs to come out and if you need to, add a teaspoon or two to your dog's diet and see if the dog is eliminating better. If not, adjust the amount and go from there. Helps Dogs with Healthy Skin & Coat - Your doggie friend not getting compliments these days? Black seed oil is anti-inflammatory and rich in nutrients, hence it will help with great skin and coat for your dog. It also helps in reducing dryness, itchiness, dry flaky skin, redness, eczema, etc. for your furry pal. Simply mix some black seed oil with some other oil of your choice like organic coconut oil and apply on your dog's skin or undercoat. Comb the dog's coat afterwards and see the difference.Keeps Fleas & Ticks Away from Dogs - Due to its spiciness and the smell, fleas, mosquitoes and ticks are naturally kept at bay from your dear dog. This oil can be a wonderful alternative to your dog care regimen instead of the cancer causing chemical flea and tick products. So, not only does it protect from cancer, boosts immunity, beautifies the dog's coat and skin, but also helps with fleas and ticks? That's a win-win! No brainer for sure!Dogs with Epilepsy or Seizures - Black seed oil is very beneficial for dogs that are prone to epilepsy or even for those who have 'disturbed mind' as I call it. If your dog is prone to seizures or epilepsy, then you must start giving black seed oil to your dog right away. 

Note about taste & smell of black seed oil for dogs:- 

Do note that giving black seed oil to your dog might require some creativity on your part - your dog may not like the taste or the pungent smell. You can try mixing some with a little bit of pumpkin puree, organic peanut butter or home-cooked delicious meals. My dogs have NO problem taking it or any other oil or herbs for that matter since I mix them with their veggies and since they love vegetables, they gallop whatever else I mix in them.

Where to Buy?

You can easily find black seed oil in any health food store these days, as well as your local Indian, Pakistani, Middle-Eastern or Arabic stores. You can also find it online, though it will be much pricier and not necessarily better. Remember, black seed oil is highly revered in these cultures (the ones listed here) and that is where it started from - so you will definitely get a very authentic, pure product from any of these stores, though may not be organic. 

Another note I want to add is that do not waste your money buying 'black seed oil for dogs or pets.' Buy as you would for yourself - you get better value for your money and better quality as well, and use that for your dog. Selling 'black seed oil for dogs' is just a commercial gimmick that is overpriced and comes with much less liability to the seller, as opposed to one that is selling for humans. Black seed oil is black seed oil - there is NO difference between one that you should take and one that your dog needs. 

A Special Note for Dogs with Cancer

 - IF your dog has cancer or even any benign tumor, then start massaging this sacred oil mixed with some essential oils that are safe for dogs, like Frankincense or Myrrh or Lavender or Chamomile, to induce apoptosis (death of a cell) fast and to possibly hope that the cancer or your dog's tumor won't grow anymore.  

Ref (1). Ref (2). Ref (3)

Until next article,

NOTE - I will NOT answer any questions on this article on TGR website. IF you have any questions regarding black seed oil and you want answer from me, you need to post your question on the new site exclusively for dog owners - The Garden Pooch

Black Seed Oil for Dogs Article - Click

HERE and post. 

Black seed oil for fleas

Do you know 1 dog-owner who could use this information and benefit from it? If so, would you please share it and help them too? Thanks a lot! 

Hi there, I’ve been looking into this for my dog who has allergies. Can you recommend the given amount to give please, I’d like to give it a try - thanks


5/13/2021 17:33:03

Hi - I would say, for dogs under 10 lbs. you can give about 1/2 teaspoon daily. For 10 to 20 lbs, 1 teaspoon, per day, divided in 2 doses is great! And so on...This is a very natural, safe oil for dogs, so don't be scared if you give little extra.

Watch your dog's poop as black seed oil is also a great digestive and detoxifier, so if the poop becomes thin, then that means you need to lower the dose. Skip 1 day in between, let the tummy rest, and then restart with a lower dose in that case. Hope this helps! -Somyata

My dog was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure - heart is slightly enlarged and some fluid around heart and lungs. Additionally she has a tumor - believe it is in the spleen, not sure if it's malignant or benign. I started her on black seed cumin oil a week ago. I have also been making her food - boiled organic chicken breast with organic chicken broth, brown rice, turmeric, beet powder and I sprinkle organic pumpkin powder on her food. I have been putting 10-15 drops of the black seed cumin oil in her food. What other measures can I take to help her?


2/20/2022 10:32:04

What dosing for BSO would you recommend for dogs 60 lbs and above?

Karen Mitchell

6/1/2021 10:05:34

Great post, thank you. I recommend BSO for us and dogs all the time, its done great things for me and my dogs.
I've researched it a lot and one resource says that it should be avoided if dogs have liver disease.
I was wondering what the dosage is for dogs, in your comment where you give dosage, its certainly a lot more than other recommendations I've found. I have a vet I'm going to ask what he suggests for dosage as well.

0 -10 kg / 0-22 lb 0-10kg - 1/8 tsp (1/2ml)
11-20 kg / 23-44 lb 10.5kg-20kg - 1/4 tsp (1ml)

Dogs up to 5 kg 2 – 3 drops daily
Dogs up to 10 kg 3 – 5 drops daily
Dogs up to 30 kg 5 – 10 drops daily

I run a FB group, As Nature Intended, so this is the reason I'm looking at dose recommendations


6/1/2021 13:54:56

Black seed oil is very safe - I write the dosage as my dogs take it and have never had any issues. I am Indian - these are the things we just grow up with. We don't 'ask vets' - we just know Nature and know intuitively what to give and when. We also don't feed any kibble to our dogs in India - they actually eat homemade vegetarian diet, until now when kibble came to India and some people changed - hence the rise in cancers in dogs.

But yes, it is safe and my dogs take it. The only thing with BSO is since it cleans the digestive tract, it may cause loose poop for the dog - in that case, simply adjust/reduce the amount. Thanks for visiting here and enjoying the article. Good luck! -Somyata.

Dawne Thompson

8/3/2021 07:54:30

Karen, thank you for this info. I've had my 13-years-young Border Terrier, Angus, on it for approx. 6 wks, but he has developed loose, glossy stools and is "going" during the night, almost every night. I'm going to take him off the oil for a while and see if that helps. May need to get a vet to test his stool.

janice Lembo

6/4/2021 13:57:41

Hi. I bought a bottle for my husband and I. And for my granddaughter with eczema. I just got it today and also going to give my 15# dogs 3-4 drops daily. Is that enough?


6/5/2021 12:53:13

Hello Janice - Yes, that should be enough UNLESS you are giving for a specific reason. What is the reason you are giving to your dog? Is it cancer, obesity, arthritis, etc.? So, it depends...But otherwise, if your dog is healthy and you are using as a preventive, then, yes - that is enough.

I also highly recommend to all my followers to start their dogs on organic hemp oil - adding a spoon or two daily in your dog's diet will prevent many diseases, inflammation, and keep him/her healthy. -Somyata.

hemppil in addition to BSO?

My 5 yr old heeler was just diagnosed w/severe cirrhosis of the liver & severe animal, given very short time to live.

Would black seed oil be good to give to my pup with the above mentioned health issues?


7/10/2021 12:51:18

Hi Kelly - Yes, black seed oil is very beneficial and will not hurt at all! It is rich in omega and nutrients that will help calm the inflammation down and boost immunity. You can definitely give to your dog.

Are you subscribed to the newsletter? If not, do subscribe as that is where I share my best tips and tricks to help dogs and their owners, and soon I am starting a course for dogs with such issues. Hope this helps! -Somyata.

Thank you for the quick reply Somyata!
Didn't want to give her something that would cause an issue with meds she was given at ER vet.
Thought I had subscribed to newsletter but will do something now in case I didn't. Thank you & look forward to your newsletter!


7/11/2021 13:03:23

You are welcome Kelly! Yes - feel good giving her black seed oil - it is 100% safe and has been used since centuries for many ailments. You will definitely see a difference in her as you give it to her consistently.

You might already be in my newsletter list..:) If so, watch out for my dog related news..:) I will also be doing courses soon to help dog owners just like you - so watch out..:) That will help you a lot too, plus the tips and the articles. Have a great Sunday and keep me posted on how your dog is doing. All the best - Somyata.


7/11/2021 13:24:42

Yes! It's me working on Sunday! ..:)

I came back to your comment to write about another helpful suggestion. Another thought I had was to add organic hemp seed oil to her diet asap - esp. since she is recovering from ER visit.

It is extremely anti-inflammatory and rich in omegas, and I always, always, tell my dog owners subscribers and readers to add this to their dog's diet. It will help with recovery (from whatever she had that ended up in ER), her joints, coat and skin, prevent further issues, etc. So, yes, get a big size of org. hemp oil and start her on it asap. This will help you both even more!

Also, I suggest you spend some time reading my articles - they will help you both a lot. Let me know if you have any ques.. -Somyata.

Hi Somyata,

Thank you so much for the suggestions above, however it is with a broken and very heavy heart that I tell you that I had to let Tillie graduate to Rainbow Ridge yesterday. I had to take her back to ER vet cuz her tummy was very large, her liver was in total failure filling with fluids.

I greatly appreciate your quick replies and from now on will give my fur babies black seed oil and some of the other supplements and herbs that you pointed out in your articles.

Looking forward to your continued articles and course on pups.

Thank you again,


7/12/2021 19:53:20

OMG!! I am so sorry to hear this news! This breaks my heart but know that she passed knowing she has a loving and dedicated owner, and that her Rainbow Bridge journey will be full of smiles knowing she received so much love from you and your family members when so many dogs pass away without anyone even caring!

Losing dogs is tough, so I hope you will take time to grieve and also, be there with your other pack members..:) So sorry to hear about your loss..Do keep in touch and if you need to contact me, you can also use my direct email -

All the best - Somyata.

I have an 11 years old dog who got tumor on his neck. The tumor looks benign, cause it doesn't get bigger. Every morning I give him neem powder and turmeric powder. After reading your article, I'm thinking to give him black seed oil. My question, is it ok to give him neem powder, turmeric poder and black seed oil at the same time, every morning empty stomach, before breakfast? Thanks.


7/24/2021 13:04:42

Hello dear Helen - I really feel for you! You must be concerned and worried about your dog and know that all will be well...:)

I am happy to know that your dog's tumor is benign but do keep in mind that it could change to malignancy anytime. So, let me give you 3 very helpful tips here -

1. About giving turmeric, neem and black seed oil together - Yes! You can. BUT, I would say, give turmeric in cooked form as it is easier and better to digest by your dog's body - something vets or even holistic vets here do not know or will not tell you! In India, we always eat turmeric cooked with oils and that IS the right way!

Also, you can add some cooked veggies to your dog's diet and then add turmeric and black seed oil on top, mix and serve. Much better option than the way you were giving - that is too hard on the digestion.

As for neem, I advice the same way - so in next meal, add some (slightly warm) cooked veggies like boiled sweet potatoes, green beans, etc. and add pinch of neem to it. Mix and serve.

Separate them (turmeric and neem) so that the body has time and space to digest each one better. I hope you understand this concept now.

2. I would highly advice you subscribe to my newsletter as that will help you a lot and save you tons of money down the road. That is where I share my best tips and tricks on how to keep dogs healthy and I also share new articles, etc.

3. My new courses just launched today - I think you will love it. I encourage you to look at it and sign-up as it will be very helpful for you. There are 2 new courses that are starting on Aug 2nd to help dog owners just like yourself.

Course 1 - Holistic Course for Dogs with Cancer -

Course 2 - Holistic Course for Dogs with Multiple Health Issues -

Click on the links and you can read about them more. No complicated technology required - just your email box!

Let me know if you have any ques.! I look forward to helping you more with your furry pal..) -Somyata

Hello Somyata,
Thank you for your reply, i really apprecite it. I follow your guide now. And the black seed oil arrived yesterday. This morning i give it to my dog. Hope it can work well on my dog.
I'm curious about cooking turmeric with oil, so like we fry the turmeric? Like fry the chicken?
Thank you


7/28/2021 19:38:37

Hi Helen - So for turmeric, you would take like some boiled sweet potatoes for your dog, and when they are done, and slightly warm, add a spoon of org. coconut oil and turmeric. Mix and let sit for few mins, and then serve to your dog with his food. Add just few drops of black seed oil.

IF you are not serving some veggies to your dog that day, then yes - take org. coconut oil and warm it lightly and add turmeric. Let warm for 2-3 mins and once cool, add this mix to your dog's food.

For more on how to use turmeric and spices, don't worry - you are at the right place! Hop on over to the 'Recipes' section on this website, and watch couple of videos. I use spices a lot and of course, turmeric is one of them! Check it out - you might just end liking some recipe..:) -Somyata

Cathy Ashwood

8/8/2021 14:35:16

I'm about to start taking this for myself and in capsule form so powdered. I wondered if it would be good for my diabetic dog and to help with her overall health and wellbeing? I would just sprinkle a little on her food to start with.


8/8/2021 22:14:03

Yes - you can definitely try. I don't know how much it will help for diabetes as bso is mainly for inflammation but it will definitely help in overall well-being.

Black seed oil is well researched on its help with diabetes type 2, and is also pretty much unique in also being beneficial for diabetes type 2. It is used for much more than just inflammation

Sorry, meant unique in also being beneficial for diabetes type 1


8/28/2021 12:04:57

What is the black seed oil dose for a 75lbs dog with osteosarcoma in the shoulder? Thank you!


8/28/2021 12:29:08

Hello - This site section for dogs has closed. Plz. check out the new site and subscribe - it will help you a lot. Also, post your questions there only - not here. On the new site, I also share holistic anti-cancer recipes for dogs, native remedies, etc.

As for dose - you can start with 1 tablespoon 2x per day and see. IF your dog has loose stools (since bso is very cleansing and that is one of the reasons why it is so effective for cancer), in that case, just lower the dose and see. It is very safe and a wonderful ally in healing the body against cancer.

Plz. check out more resources on the new site and you can contact me from there too! Hope this helps and all the best for your pooch! -Somyata

Would you give oral and put directly on tumor to reduce the size?


9/10/2021 14:04:32

Plz. move to the new website - it will help you a lot. And yes, you can do both though orally is more helpful.

Just found your website and found it very helpful. Thank you! I’m thinking of creative ways to give BSO to my dog since he smelled it right away and rejected it. You listed some suggestions ie. pumpkin puree and organic peanut butter. Are these just regular grocery items we consume or specifically made for dogs? Any other suggestions?


9/24/2021 20:31:44

Hello Ang- This site section for dogs has closed. Plz. check out the new site and subscribe - it will help you a lot. Also, post your questions there only - not here. On the new site, I also share holistic anti-cancer recipes for dogs, native remedies, etc.

As for pumpkin puree or peanut butter, no - just regular. These are foods and foods are the same whether eaten by humans or dogs or anyone else! Just buy from your grocery store and you are all set...:) Hope that helps!

Hi.. my dog was just diagnosed with cancer . I bought pure black seed oil for him. How much am I supposed to give him .. and when I massage it on his tumor does it Penetrate through his fur (short hair)?


9/27/2021 12:37:07

Hi - I just replied to your question. Give him orally and see my other pointers in the email I sent you.

For future questions relating to any of the articles, plz. make sure to post on the relevant article on the NEW site. Thanks..

Lisa Carson

11/10/2021 17:40:01

Can you use BSO for MRSA/MRSP in dogs? our dog has had MRSP for years, it went away and is now back, antibiotic resistant and nothing is working. Hoping BSO will help.


11/13/2021 12:24:53

Hi Lisa - For future questions relating to any of the articles, plz. make sure to post on the relevant article on the NEW site. Thanks. You can also subscribe there so that you get helpful info. like this article to help you and your dog.

I will make an exception and answer this ques. here for you - yes! bso will help your dog. You can massage it also - some warm bso w/coconut oil on your dog's body. You can start with a low dose of bso and increase it slowly. It is excellent for flushing out the bacteria, germs, toxic waste, etc. from the dog's body..:) I hope this helps! Come check out the new site and you will absolutely love it. -Somya.


11/24/2021 10:14:42

Hi Somyata!
I am so glad that I found your website!
My 11 year old 77 pound dog (boxer/chinese shar pei mix), Lewis (who I consider my only son with my two legged daughters:), was recently diagnosed with spindle cell cancer on his face. They are not sure if it is sarcoma or melanoma, or if it has spread systemically, but he is incredibly healthy otherwise. Due to his age, among other reasons, we have decided not to treat it with radiation, etc. So, I am trying to find the best natural treatments I can to help him continue to feel his best and possibly extend his "6 months to live" diagnosis. That being said, as of now, I am giving him the mushroom, turkey tail, hemp seed oil, CBD, and I am going to make a turmeric paste to give daily with his food as well. I am going to go to my local health food store to pick up black seed oil, but I am wondering how much to give him and if I can put it directly onto the tumor on his face? Also, do you have any other recommendations? I was contemplating getting a second opinion from a homeopathic vet, but I am not sure that is necessary? I really appreciate your help! I will do anything for my boy:) Thank you!


11/27/2021 17:40:54

Hi Emily - You can definitely give him 1 tablespoon each day and if it doesn't cause him loose poop, then you can increase it to 1.5 tbsp each day safely.

All the other things you are doing sound great! Seems like you are on the right path. Great for saying no to chemo, etc. TOXIC!!

Another thing I would advice you is take some garlic and ginger and infuse it over low heat in olive or coconut oil - for about good 15 mins. Let it sit and keep it that way for 2-3 days and let it infuse further in the sun. But you can use it right away. Use this oil to apply on his tumor daily. You can also apply bso as well. Alternate massage on his tumor 2x per day - once with this oil, and once with bso alone. Can add some cbd drops also to bso oil for massage on his tumor.

For future questions relating to any of the articles, plz. make sure to post on the relevant article on the NEW site. Thanks. You can also subscribe there so that you get helpful info. like this article to help you and your dog.

Good luck! Somyata.

Maryellen Fantasia

12/16/2021 12:44:05

I am looking for advise for my 12 year old dog that has osteoisarcoma on her upper jaw. It is visible on her gum. Can I spread the blackseed oil directly on the tumors on her gum? Maybe with a q-tip? Should I mix with a fat such as cocnut oil? Im bought some blackseed oil already but I am fearful because I dont know exaclty how to apply


12/18/2021 12:53:23

It is very safe - yes you can put some on your fingertip and then rub bso directly on the tumors in the gums...No need to dilute it.

For future questions relating to any of the articles, plz. make sure to post on the relevant article on the NEW site. Thanks. You can also subscribe there so that you get helpful info. like this article to help you and your dog.

Good luck! Somyata.

Hi there,

My almost 12 year old bulldog, Lola, was diagnosed with pancreatic Cancer in August. We caught it by chance and the tumor was very small, but unfortunately, inoperable bc of where it is. We are devastated, Lola is our only baby and means everything to us.
We have switched her food to a keto diet as I've read that can slow the growth. She is still very happy, same appetite and demeanor.
I'm wondering if the black seed will help if given orally? I saw that we should rub it where the tumor is, but would it be beneficial to give in conjunction with her food too?
Thank you so much ♡


2/5/2022 23:31:13

HI Lizzy - For future questions/comments, please post on new site exclusively for dog owners - The Garden Pooch and if you haven't then make sure to subscribe to the newsletter as that is where I share all my tips, recipes, etc.

As for giving bso orally, yes absolutely! Go for it! You can also give her CBD which will also help a lot. If you did like to set up a Zoom call with me and need more support, then I also offer 1-1 holistic coaching for dog owners...let me know. I hope this helps! -Somyata

Stay tuned to the newsletter on TGP site.

Renee Braden

3/13/2022 21:48:53

My lab had a bump on his nose that popped. I was told to start using black seed oil. It is scheduled to be removed and biopsied on March 21st. Do I put it directly on the wound? Or should he digest it? HELP!!!

Hi I just found your site my dog has Diabetes have to give him Insulin twice a day it has been very hard to get his blood level right I find out about black seed oil I wanted to know more on how much and what else can I give him to help.? Thank you🙏

Instead of the oil, can I just give him the seeds mixed with his regular food?


9/3/2022 14:04:35

No - oil is better as it will digest easily whereas the seeds will not be digested properly by the dog's digestion...They will just go in and come out from the other end so use the oil...Also, plz. do not post questions here - check out the new site exclusively for dog owners and subscribe to the newsletter as that will help you a lot + my YouTube channel..

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Can you give black seed oil to your dog?

Uses and Benefits of Black Seed Oil for Dogs Like many supplements that can be taken by both humans and dogs, they work in similar ways for both species and have similar health benefits. Black seed oil for dogs has been shown to aid with: Asthma and Allergies. Eczema and Psoriasis.

Does black seed oil stop itching?

Because it moisturizes the skin, however, it may offer temporary relief from itching caused by dry skin. Keeping skin well moisturised may help to prevent dry skin, and prevent symptoms such as itchiness. Any kind of oil safe for skin may offer these benefits.

Can I put black seed oil on my cat?

I found out that some recommend it as a parasite treatment by mixing one teaspoon of black seed oil with the cat food. The same source also says that you can use black seeds externally for cats by steeping them in water for one hour and then spraying the fur before a grooming session.

Can black seed oil be applied directly to the skin?

You can buy black seed oil and apply it to your hair and skin directly, or you can dilute it with a carrier oil. Black seed oil is made from the Nigella sativa plant, which is a flowering shrub that produces fruit with tiny black seeds. The plant is native to Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe.