Why do dogs eat their own poop reddit

Not so much his own but he really loves his brother's. One pup has been nicknamed Peter, Peter, Poop Eater because he's a little terror for it.

It tends to only be his brother's poop, and only in the seconds after his brother does it. The main thing is to be ready with a bag in hand to clean up fast and I pick him up while the other brother poops so he can poop in peace.

We're working on leave it, which he is managing with treats. Which was surprising because he's super food motivated, but it just isn't working with poop. It really is a god tier treat for him. We switched food also which stopped him for a day or two and then he was back on it. Other brother not a poop fan, thankfully.

Why do dogs eat their own poop reddit

We adopted two, healthy 2-yr old Labrador retrievers about 5 months ago. The female started to eat the male’s poop two months ago. We clean up after them religiously to try and prevent this, but she does it if we are not there at the exact moment. We walk them most mornings, and exercise them in afternoon. They have access to the backyard through a doggie door so they can go when we’re at work. We have bones for them to chew on during the day that they really like, but the problem persists. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Honestly the best way to get a dog to stop eating poop is to just not allow them access to poop. Simply go outside with your dogs when they need to go potty and pick up after them when they poop. I know it seems like an inconvenience when you have the luxury of a backyard, but for those of us who have dogs in apartments, it’s just part of owning a dog haha :)

The trouble with trying to train a dog not to do something that they really enjoy doing (like eating poop) is that it’s a self-rewarding behavior. They eat the poop, and it tastes good, so they want to eat poop again! Trying to punish a dog for doing one of these self-rewarding behaviors (even just saying “no”) only teaches the dog that when they eat poop, the humans get upset, so naturally... they will just start eating poop when you aren’t looking haha. It only teaches them to be more sneaky about their misbehavior, because they don’t realize that what they are doing is “bad,” they just know that when the humans see dogs eating poop, they get mad.

I’ve also heard that feeding small amounts of pineapple makes poop taste bad to dogs, so you could try that. Or if your dog’s stomach won’t tolerate the pineapple you can just go squirt some lemon juice or hot sauce on the poops outside to see if that will deter the poop eater. The only problem with these methods is as soon as you stop doing it, the dog will likely go right back to the habit.

Posted by2 years ago


Why do dogs eat their own poop reddit

My family has an amazing cocker spaniel (about 4 years old) and I love her with all my heart. Sadly she has a bad habit of eating poop outside, and my dad absolutely hates this, even saying that if we don’t find a way to stop her from doing it or negate the effects (bad breath etc.) he will send her away. If anyone could try and help us find a way to solve this I would be eternally grateful. She currently has somewhat low grade food due to bowel problems when she was a puppy but we are going to try and give her different, better food to see if that makes a difference, along with using copraphagy tablets to make her own poop intolerable to herself, hopefully solving part of the problem. Thank you for reading this and I hope someone can help before he sends her away.

Puppies generally do things for 5 reasons. Boredom, Stress, Attention, Hunger and Because.

If the puppy is bored and plays with it before eating then he probably could use some type of edible chew toy (like a rawhide for example)

If he's a brand new puppy he could be stressed out. A new home and other reasons can cause a puppy (even an older dog) to eat their own poop. Try not to punish the puppy if its due to stress. Just remove the poop as quickly as possible without alarming the pup.

How are you reacting when the puppy eats his own poop? The attention you give your puppy when you find him eating may be leading him to want to eat it. If you're getting overly angry at "accidents" then he may be eating it to hide the crime and avoid being punished. However he may just being doing it for some attention. Even though its negative he's getting extra attention by doing it.

Sometimes dogs just want to eat interesting things. They explore the world with their mouth. They lick, they chew, they bite, they eat and all of it is done just because they want to learn about everything.

Poop eating may also be a sign of poor quality food and/or poor digestion. If the food is low quality and has mostly crap fillers. It's not going to be digested by the dog easily and will come out almost the same as it went in. So the dog will think it's actual food. Also if the dog isn't digesting the food properly then actual big bits of the food are coming at that are not digested. This is the gross part. You're going to have to look at the poop closely. Is everything coming out right? Does it look like a solid mass of dog do-do? Are there big chunks of food or is it a watery stool he eats? If so then have him checked out by a vet soon. If the poop looks like what poop should look like then try a higher quality food.

Dogs eat poop and generally will stop on their own by the time they're 9-12 months. Be diligent in picking up his poop right after he goes. Whether you're on a walk or he poops in the house always distract him before he has a chance to even notice his poop then quickly pick it up and get rid of it. Use distraction techniques to get him more interested in things other than his poop.

Good Luck!

What breeds of dogs eat their own poop?

Dog Breeds that Eat Their Own Poop.
Boston Terrier..
Bull Terrier..
Cairn Terrier..
Irish Wolfhound..
Jack Russell Terrier..
Pharaoh Hound..
Rat Terrier..
Shetland Sheepdog..

How can I stop my dog from eating poop home remedies Reddit?

Honestly the best way to get a dog to stop eating poop is to just not allow them access to poop. Simply go outside with your dogs when they need to go potty and pick up after them when they poop.