When is mothers day in china

Mother’s Day in China comes on the 2nd day of the 4th month in the lunar calendar each year; however, it is normally celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in the month of May. Earlier this day was regionally celebrated only in Macau and Hong Kong. After 1979’s Chinese economic reform, the holiday was also embraced by Chinese mainland. According to the Chinese calendar, Mother’s Day is not an official holiday.

The Mencius’s mother’s philosophy

Unlike other countries, Chinese people find the basic premise behind the mother’s day in Mencius’s mother’s legend. Mencius’s mother is regarded as an ideal female role model in Chinese culture. A famous traditional Chinese idiom – 孟母三遷 exhibits the significance behind this premise. The idiom ‘mèngmǔ-sānqiān’ means “Mencius’s mother’s, three moves” this represents how Mencius’s mother had to move her house 3 times before she could find a place that she felt was fit for her son’s upbringing.

The idiom aims to highlight the importance of providing an appropriate environment for educating and raising children. To follow the footsteps of this exemplary philosophy many mothers are exploring options like homeschooling in China with accredited online schooling programs like International Schooling.

How we celebrate Mother’s Day in China

Mother’s Day in China is celebrated by children presenting hemerocallis flowers or carnations to their mothers, aunts and grandmothers. These lovely blooms represent the purity, fortitude and sweetness of a mother’s love.

Even though Mother’s day started off in the US, the Chinese are also gladly accepting this special occasion as part of their customs. Many cultural celebrations are held in colleges and schools to celebrate Mother’s Day in China. The trend of initiating projects that help illiterate mothers to gain basic education are also observed at this time.

Is your mother from China? Does your mother live in China? Do you want to find out what day Mother's Day is in China so you can honor your mother?

Let her know how much you love and appreciate her. It's so easy to call, send a card, or have flowers or a gift delivered.

Anyway, you have come to the right place to find out when Mother's Day is in China. Mother's Day in China is always celebrated and observed on Second Sunday of May each year.

Mother's Day by Country
OK. Now you know when China celebrates Mother's Day. Go here to see when other countries celebrate Mother's day

Mother's Day in China by year

Never forget Mother's Day in China again! Below is a list of past and future Mother's Days in China. Add them to your calendar!

Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 112015
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 102016
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 82017
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 142018
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 132019
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 122020
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 102021
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 92022
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 82023
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 14

Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 122025
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 112026
Mother's Day China
Sunday - Sunday2027
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 92028
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 142029
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 132030
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 122031
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 112032
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 92033
Mother's Day China
Sunday - May 8

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Read about the origin, history and celebration of Mother's Day (Mothers Day) in China.

Origin and History of Mother's Day in China

�Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children� said William Makepeace Thackeray. Mother�s Day is observed on different dates all over the world. In China, Mother�s day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year. The day has been recently considered as an important event by the people of this country. It was created by Anna Jarvis as a mark of respect to all mothers the family. The day is celebrated in various ways across the world.

Local name: Mothers Day

Ways to celeberate Mothers Day in China

Mother�s day has recently become popular in China. On this special occasion, Chinese buy carnation to surprise their moms. They represent the sweetness, purity and endurance of motherly love. They send text messages like �Happy Mother's Day�, �Love Mummy� and �Sweet Love to Mum� through the internet. Only sons and daughters below the age of 35 are allowed to celebrate Mother�s Day. Since this occasion is meant for younger generations, the day is not declared as an official holiday in the Chinese calendar. Although Mother�s day originated in the United States, Chinese have happily accepted the event as part of their traditions. On this special day parents receive utmost respect throughout the country. Schools and colleges arrange campaigns to raise funds to meet the needs of their mother. They also organize ceremonies in which Chinese mothers are honored with the title of �Most Exceptional Mothers in China�. Many projects are undertaken in impoverished states to help illiterate mothers across the country.


Why are there 2 different mothers days?

Mother's Day falls on different days depending on the countries where it is celebrated. It is held on the second Sunday of May in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and the United States. It is held exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday in the United Kingdom.

How do Chinese celebrate mothers day?

Due to its long tradition of Confucian filial piety, some may argue that every day is Mother's Day in China. But since the 1980s, the country has taken a cue from its Western neighbors and celebrated moms every second Sunday in May, often with bouquets of red carnations.

Do people celebrate mother's day in China?

Mother's Day in China falls on the second day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar every year, but it is generally celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is a holiday that was first celebrated regionally in Hong Kong and Macau.

Is mother's day Celebrated in Asia?

While the general celebration of motherhood is the main reason we have Mother's Day, the way it's celebrated differs amongst the myriad cultures across the Asian continent.


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