What lymph node is behind the ear

Finding a lump anywhere on your body can be a scary experience. If you find a lump behind your ear, take some comfort in the fact that most causes are benign and easily treatable, if they require treatment at all. 

In certain cases, a lump behind the ear could indicate a more serious condition. Let’s examine some of the possible causes as well as treatment options for lumps behind the ear, and when to seek medical attention.

Could a Lump Behind the Ear Be Cancer?

What lymph node is behind the ear

When you feel a lump on your body, it’s easy to assume the worst and imagine that it is cancer. Tumors do form behind the ear, and they can be benign or malignant. The good news is that behind the ear is not a common spot to find cancerous tumors. However, you should still make an appointment with your doctor if you are concerned that it may be cancer. In general, malignant lumps are more likely to be:

  • Hard
  • Fixed in place (immovable)
  • Uneven or irregular in shape

Non-Cancerous Growths

In addition to benign tumors, there are several other non-cancerous growths that can cause a lump behind the ear. Some examples include:

  • Lipomas
  • Acne
  • Cysts

Acne can usually be treated by over-the-counter topical creams. Lipomas are completely harmless but can cause discomfort. If it bothers you, you can have it removed. Cysts often go away on their own but may require treatment if they become infected.

Infections That Can Cause a Lump Behind an Ear

One common cause is an infection that causes the lymph nodes behind your ears to become swollen and inflamed. A variety of infections can cause your lymph nodes to swell, including:

  • Strep throat
  • Cold or flu
  • Tonsilitis
  • Infected tooth
  • Lyme disease

More serious infections can cause glands to enlarge and become firm, hard and tender. If you notice any of these symptoms accompanied by a fever and/or redness you should see your doctor. You may need antibiotics to treat the infection.

In many cases, whatever infection caused a lump behind your ear will go away on its own. In other cases, a few days of rest, antibiotics and a pint of your favorite flavor from Craft Creamery might be needed to recover.

In rare cases, a lump behind the ear can be indicative of a serious bacterial infection called mastoiditis. This affects the mastoid bone and is usually the result of an untreated ear infection. Symptoms of mastoiditis include swelling, redness, and tenderness of the ear lobe and area behind the ear as well as drainage of fluids from the ear and fever. It can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated. See a doctor immediately if you exhibit any symptoms of mastoiditis.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Texas ENT & Allergy today.

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Ever notice that when you get sick, you also get sore? Swollen Lymph nodes behind the ear and in the neck can make swallowing and moving your head painful. So why does this happen? 

Your lymph nodes will swell up for various reasons, but most commonly, it is a reaction to an illness, injury, or infection. When lymph nodes swell, they can range in size from a small pea to a giant cherry. Here is how one of our patients presented:

My hard immoveable swelling behind the ear was a sign of cancer – Our Patient Stories.

“I had noticed muffled noise as well as sharp shooting pain in my right ear along with hard immoveable swelling behind the ear. I was taking over-the-counter decongestants and painkillers, thinking it was due to an ear infection. 

One day I stumbled upon Your Doctors Online applications, and after chatting with four different online doctors there, I was referred to my local physician. They were suspecting that I might have Cancer. 

I was in a state of panic and managed to visit my GP the following week. It turns out, my physician also said the same thing, and now I am waiting for a biopsy which is scheduled for the end of this week.” – Alex W.

Related: Your Doctors Online Helped me Get a Cancer Diagnosis

So what are lymph nodes? Well, lymph nodes play a vital role in your overall health. Read on to learn everything you need to know about your lymphatic system and what swollen lymph nodes behind the ear could mean for your health. 

What are Lymph Nodes?

Lymph nodes play an essential role in your overall health. They are small ovals of lymphatic tissue that are found along the lymphatic vessels. Your body’s lymphatic system is made up of vessels, nodes, and lymph fluid. 

This system works together to remove impurities, waste, fluid, viruses, and bacteria from the body.

Read more: Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

The Role of Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes act as a sift to filter out impurities along the vessels. The lymph nodes contain immune cells that help to fight and break down infection by destroying the germs in the lymph fluid called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are infection-fighting white blood cells. 

There are two main types of lymphocytes:

  • B lymphocytes (B cells): These cells make antibodies which are proteins to help protect the body from bacteria and viruses.
  • T lymphocytes (T cells): These cells destroy germs or abnormal cells, which boost other immune cells’ activity.  

Swollen Lymph Nodes Behind the Ear

A swollen lymph node is often your body’s way of telling you something is off inside your body. Any node swollen more than 1 cm in diameter is considered ‘abnormal.’ The medical term for a single swollen lymph node is lymphadenopathy.

Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear or neck may indicate an upper respiratory infection such as a cold. In rare cases, it can be a sign of something more serious. 

Is Swelling Behind the Ear a Sign of Cancer? Chat With a Doctor Online

What Causes Lymph Nodes Behind the Ear?

The lymph nodes behind the ear are called the posterior auricular lymph nodes. If your lymph nodes are swollen, it is likely due to an infection, illness, or injury. Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear may be a result of:

    • Cold
    • Ear infection
    • Eye infection
    • HIV infection
    • Seasonal Flu
    • Sinus infection
    • Infected tooth
    • Skin infection
    • Strep throat
    • Mononucleosis
    • Lupus
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Cancer such as lymphoma or cancer that originated in other areas moves to the lymphatic system the nodes will swell. 
    • Antiseizure drugs (such as Gabapentin)
    • Medication or allergic reactions to medication
    • cat scratch fever
    • gingivitis
    • mouth sores
    • measles
    • tonsillitis
    • toxoplasmosis
    • tuberculosis
    • Sézary syndrome
    • shingles 

    Other Possible Diagnosis

    • Acne
    • Cyst 
    • Lipoma: fatty tissue under the skin. 

What are the Preauricular Lymph Nodes?

The preauricular lymph nodes are located behind your ears. They consume lymph fluid from your eyes, cheeks, and the area of your scalp near your temples. Lymph nodes typically swell in only one area of the body at a time. In most cases, the source of the problem, such as an infection, can be found nearby.

A painless swelling behind my ear – Our Patient Stories

“My experience with Your Doctors Online was terrific! I downloaded the app because of a swelling I felt behind my ear while combing my hair one day. It was round, painless, and hard. As I am a smoker, the first thought I had was of cancer.

I had used the Your Doctors Online app before for other issues, so I immediately started chatting with a doctor. Within 25 mins, my doctor was able to diagnose me with a sebaceous cyst. All I had to do was apply warm compresses on it and wait for a few days. 

Thankfully it went away on its own after two weeks and didn’t require drainage. This application saved my money as well as a trip to the doctor’s office!” – Shelby I.  

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Symptoms of Infected Lymph Nodes:

  • Swollen lymph node
  • The area may be tender to the touch.
  • Nodes may be soft or matted together.
  • The skin over the nodes may appear red. 
  • Nodes may become filled with pus. 
  • Fluid may drain from the nodes onto the skin.

You can know what is causing the lymph node swelling in the comfort of your home.

At Your Doctors Online, we usually get patients with swollen lymph nodes. A brief history along with examination in the form of pictures can lead to a diagnosis. Here is another story shared by our patient: 

Ear Pain and swelling of posterior auricular lymph nodes – Our Patient Stories.

“I had been experiencing mild pain along with slight hearing difficulty in my right ear. When I examined that area, I could feel a swelling behind my ear. It scared me, and I got an appointment for the coming week with my GP. 

While I was waiting, my symptoms were getting worse, so I decided to look for help online. I came across Your Doctors Online application, and I decided to give it a shot. 

Within 5 mins, I was able to chat with a benevolent doctor who explained that my posterior auricular lymph nodes were swollen, and the cause is likely an ear infection. 

She recommended over-the-counter medications that helped improve my symptoms while I waited for my GP appointment. This application gave me peace of mind that internet search is not able to provide.” – Michael C.

How to Check Your Lymph Nodes Behind the Ear

  • Start at the lymph nodes in front of the ear (1).  Use your fingertips to feel the area in a gentle circular motion 
  • Check your nodes in the order shown in the image above. Always start with the front of the ear and finish just above the collar bone. 
  • Check both sides of the body to compare for size. A swelling may only be the size of a pea. 
  • When checking your neck, tilting your head towards the side, you are examining can help relax the muscle. 
  • Press your fingers under the muscle to look for swelling 
  • When checking above the collarbone, first hunch your shoulder and bring your elbows forward to relax your skin. 

Speak to a Doctor

Swollen areas behind the ear can be caused by many different reasons. Don’t waste time worrying. Connect with one of our doctors right away. Our North American doctors are available 24 hours a day and can provide medical insights through chat, photo, and video options. Cure your worry about the comforts of home with your Doctors Online.

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What does a swollen lymph node mean behind ear?

Lumps behind the ear can often be caused by colds, the flu, strep throat or respiratory infections. That's because an infection can cause the lymph nodes behind your ears to become swollen and inflamed. Most of the time, swollen glands are not a cause for concern.

What does a lymph node behind the ear feel like?

Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear can feel like small lumps that may cause discomfort or itching. It can be a result of many possible causes, including a cold, infection, or flu. Most cases of swollen lymph nodes do not present a cause for concern and normally resolve without treatment.

How do I get rid of a swollen lymph node behind my ear?

If your swollen lymph nodes are tender or painful, you might get some relief by doing the following:.
Apply a warm compress. Apply a warm, wet compress, such as a washcloth dipped in hot water and wrung out, to the affected area..
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. ... .
Get adequate rest..