What is your name in french google translate

Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences.

Make your content and apps multilingual with fast, dynamic machine translation.

New customers get $300 in free credits to spend on Translation.

  • Reach global markets through internationalization of your products

  • Engage your audience with compelling localization of your content

  • Deliver seamless user experience with real-time translation


Unparalleled language support

Use machine translation to detect more than one hundred languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu. Build custom models in more than fifty language pairs using our no-code AutoML technology.

Best-in-class quality

Google has a rich history of providing translation services to consumers and organizations. Our proven models and tools bring Google’s translation expertise with industry-leading accuracy.

Domain specificity

Customize our translation services to understand industry slang, or domain-specific terms. Maintain the context and meaning in translations of technical documents, product descriptions, and social content.

Key features

Four translation products tailored for your needs

Translation Hub

Easily translate content into 135 languages with an intuitive, business-user-friendly interface and integrate human feedback where required. Translation Hub makes it possible for enterprises to customize and manage translation workloads at a previously unachievable scale and cost.

AutoML Translation

Developers, translators, and localization experts with domain knowledge can build custom translation models without writing a single line of code using our AutoML technology. Just upload translated language pairs for your use case, and AutoML Translation will train a custom model to meet your domain-specific translation needs.

Translation API

Translation API Basic uses Google’s neural machine translation technology to instantly translate texts into more than one hundred languages. Translation API Advanced offers the same fast, dynamic results you get with Basic and additional customization features. Customization matters for domain- and context-specific terms or phrases, and formatted document translation.

Media Translation API

Media Translation API delivers real-time audio translation directly to your content, and applications with enhanced accuracy, and simplified integration. You also improve user experience with low-latency streaming translation, and scale quickly with straightforward internationalization.

View all features

"Translation API has helped us enforce broad terminology coverage for customers with sparse data. Its pre-trained models have allowed us to deliver real-time translation, reducing lag for our end users to get content in their language in seconds."

Olga Beregovaya, VP Language Services, Welocalize

Learn more

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Adding speech translation to your Android app

See how to translate your audio message to a set of predefined languages, and use your Android app to download and play the translated audio.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Tutorial

Learn how to extract text from images using Vision API, translate the text using Translation API, and save your translations back to Cloud Storage.

Compare features

Cloud Translation options

Content types

  • Text, HTML

  • Text, HTML, DOCx, PPTx, XLSx, PDF

  • Text

Primary actions

  • Text translation

  • Text translation

  • Model training, management and text translations

Language detection


Batch translations

Formatted document translation (batch and online)

Translate with custom models

Build custom models

Translate with general models

Integrated REST API

Integrated gRPC API

Service account

API key

Seamless HTML

Translate unlimited characters per day

Supports 100+ language pairs

Primary actions

  • Text translation

Translate with general models

Translate unlimited characters per day

Supports 100+ language pairs

Content types

  • Text, HTML, DOCx, PPTx, XLSx, PDF

Primary actions

  • Text translation

Formatted document translation (batch and online)

Translate with custom models

Translate with general models

Translate unlimited characters per day

Supports 100+ language pairs

Primary actions

  • Model training, management and text translations

Translate with custom models


Translation pricing

Translation pricing is based on usage, so you only pay for what you use.

Translation AI productPricing guide
Translation API Basic Pricing
Translation API Advanced Pricing
AutoML Translation Pricing
Media Translation API Pricing

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Start building on Google Cloud with $300 in free credits and 20+ always free products.

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What is my name in French?

Comment vous appelez-vous ?

What is your name translate?

आपका नाम क्या है?

What are doing French?

Hi, what are you doing? Salut. Tu fais quoi ?


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