What happens when you port your number

Want to call it quits with your current telco, but keep your current number? Phone number porting is the process of moving your phone numbers from one service provider to another. This can be an arduous process with some providers, and it is possible to temporarily lose service in the works, which is why it’s so important to make sure it’s done the right way.

Number porting is invaluable to businesses. It gives you agility and room to grow without losing the contact number your customers have become so familiar with.

If you have to change your number, there’s a whole lot of other things you have to change too. Think about your letterheads, business cards, email signatures and the resources it takes to let your customers know about the contact change. And, porting can influence project timelines and execution plans, which overall affects the bottom line.

Port your number, don’t terminate

You can port your number from a mobile, landline or VoIP service, but it’s imperative that you remember to port and not terminate. Terminating is where you give up your number, adding it back into the pool of phone numbers that are constantly recycled and can be picked up by anyone – immediately. Making it pretty much impossible for you to get it back. If your numbers are important to you then you don’t want to avoid this at all costs.

Ever had someone call you looking for someone else, adamant they’ve got the right number? This is why that happens, and why it may happen to your customers if you terminate your number instead of porting. If your customers can’t reach you, then their customer service experience will be impacted, along with your reputation. Not to mention any lost opportunities for new business.

What you’ll need to get started with number porting

When you have decided you want to leave your service provider, MCXess will automate this process and make sure your numbers are ported with minimal hassle.

All you’ll need to do is fill in the number you want to port and we’ll explain exactly what the next steps are and what we need to complete your number porting. Then simply upload the required documents online (usually a letter of authorization (LOA), and a copy of your phone bill from your old provider) and we’ll take care of the rest.

Once you’ve submitted these documents, MCXess will send the paperwork to your old provider and liaise with them on any technical details.

Remember, your current service provider doesn’t want to lose you as a customer nor spend time and resources on facilitating that loss of business, so it’s unlikely that they will make the porting process easy for you.

What is usually quite a complex process is simplified and easy to manage via our online automated platform.

With MCXess’ solutions, business now have the luxury of simplified ordering of new numbers, as well as a simplified and automated porting process.

Reasons to port your number portfolio with MCXess:

  • All your numbers with one provider – single contact for technical support, legal, and billing.
  • Same easy to use packages with call routing functionality for all numbers.
  • Same caller, management and agent experience across your services.
  • Most providers don’t have a simplified process and can in some cases be obstructive.
  • Open and transparent approach, with an online automated platform for all customers.
  • Simply fill in your number to be ported and we’ll take care of the rest.

What to expect while we take care of your number porting

Even if your paperwork is all correct, porting can still take anywhere from a week to a month, though averaging out around the two-week mark.

Porting can be a long and exhausting process. MCXess simplifies this through an open and transparent approach. With MCXess, you’ll know upfront exactly what is needed and can submit the required documents online through our automated widget.

This means no inquiry required with an account manager to see if porting is possible, no waiting to be told what is required in order to process the porting, and no changes during the process. Everything is clear and automated for seamless porting without disruption.

As well as number porting, MCXess also provides intelligent call routing and various number types, which are activated instantaneously.


Ting Staff July 13, 2019

What happens when you port your number

I’m ready to port my number from my old carrier to a new one. Any tips?

Ting has number transfers (ports-ins) happening every day. To us, it’s just routine. But because a mobile number becomes such a part of a person’s identity, entrusting it to someone else can be scary. It doesn’t need to be. Let’s walk through the process. You can also refer to our help guide.

Step 1:  Don’t cancel anything

If you want to transfer your phone number from your old carrier to a new one (like Ting), it’s key that you don’t cancel with your soon-to-be previous carrier first. Your number and your account have to be active during this process.

Little piece of trivia: In industry jargon, the carrier you’re leaving is referred to as the “losing carrier.” The carrier you’re moving to is called the “gaining carrier.”

Step 2:  Start the process with your new “gaining” carrier

Once you’ve got a phone or SIM card compatible with your new “gaining” carrier, you’ll start the transfer process with them. Usually, that means filling out a form with the information your previous carrier has on file.

The port out information you get from your previous provider will likely include the account holder name, the billing address, account number and a number porting or account PIN. However, the information can vary pretty widely from carrier to carrier.

Make sure to find out what your old carrier is looking for in a transfer request. It just so happens that we’ve got a handy list of that information.

Also, keep in mind that if you ever need to make a change to the request, you always do that with your new “gaining” carrier.

Once you’ve submitted the transfer request form, the action moves behind the scenes.

Step 3: Behind the scenes

The information you provided the “gaining carrier” gets compared against what the “losing carrier” has on file. This is a safety measure to ensure that only someone who has access to your account information can move your phone number. It’s also why it’s so important to provide your new carrier all that (accurate) information about your old carrier account.

Everything in this step is automated unless there’s a mismatch.

In there is a mismatch, a pair of human eyes will need to look at your transfer. This might slow the process down.

Step 4: You’re approved!

If everything in the request form matches up, your old carrier approves the request and sets a time to release and transfer your number over to the new, or gaining, carrier. You’ll get an email outlining the time.

Step 5: Transfer complete

Once the release time rolls around the number is transferred over to your new carrier and they get in touch with you. From the time that you submit the form until your number is transferred is usually anywhere from two to six hours, but it can take up to 24 hours. Landlines and Google Voice lines always take five to seven days.

Number transfers are really very simple and mostly work without a hitch. When they do run into trouble, it’s usually because something in the submission form wasn’t correct or very rarely there’s a problem with one of the automated systems handling the transfer. Whatever the case, that’s when humans get involved and there’s almost always a solution.

For more specific information about getting the transfer process started, follow along here.

What happens when you port your number

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Does porting your number cancel service?

The porting process may take only a few minutes, but sometimes it will take a full 24 hours to transfer your number. Once your service is active and your number has been transferred, your new carrier will let you know. Meanwhile, the number transfer will automatically cancel your old service in most cases.

What does it mean when a phone number is ported?

If you're switching service providers and remaining in the same geographic area, you can keep your existing phone number. This process – often referred to as phone number porting – can be done between wireline, IP and wireless providers.

What happens to old SIM after porting?

Once your number is ported over to another Service Provider, the old SIM is disabled or blocked from accessing the Networks. All SIM cards have a Unique Number identity specific to it. As it is Blocked, it cannot communicate or have access to the Cellular Towers to initiate a call.

How long does porting a mobile number take?

Porting within a Licensed Service Area (LSA) (e.g. porting within Gujarat LSA) takes 3 working days. The porting from one LSA to another LSA (e.g. Delhi to Mumbai) takes 5 working days. Also, in case of porting of Corporate number, Porting time is 5 working days.