What can i give my english bulldog for diarrhea

By Dr. R.J. Kraemer

 Posted April 14, 2019

 In Bulldog and French Bulldog Diarrhea, Health Tips, Health Tips for Bulldog and French Bulldog, News & Articles

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Diarrhea and Probiotics2019-04-142019-04-14//vet4bulldog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vet4bulldog-n.jpgDr. Kraemer Vet4Bulldog//vet4bulldog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vet4bulldog-n.jpg200px200px

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Diarrhea and Probiotics

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Diarrhea and Probiotics, healthy bulldogs have a collection of live bacteria in their GI tract, those microorganisms are critical to their health. When your bulldog “good gut bacteria/microorganisms “ are compromised they could suffer from a sharp rise in “bad bacteria” like E-coli. The medical term for this unfortunate predicament is Intestinal Dysbiosis, or “Bacterial overgrowth.” Those “bad bacteria” can cause a toxic event due to their “leaky bowl” which could negatively affect your bulldog health and wellness.

Intestinal Dysbiosis and leaky bowl might lead among others to: 

  • Acute & Chronic Diarrhea
  • Atopic Itch Allergic Dermatitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Auto-Immune Diseases
  • Stunt Development in Puppies
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Other Medical Conditions.

Suppressed immune system triggered by chronic stress and anxiety (trip, separation, abuse, anxious state of any kind such as boarding and kenneling) and immune suppressant drugs (like steroid and chemotherapy) as well as lengthy use of antibiotics can lead to bulldog dysbiosis.

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Diarrhea and Probiotic. Prebiotic, Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics can help replace your bulldog diminished good bacteria in the case of bacterial overgrowth. Bulldog prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes and also help reduce bad bacteria toxins, improve digestion and aid your bulldog immune system.

Dr. Kraemer’s V4B Probiotics Plus contains digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics to help support and balance your pet’s digestive system and overall gastrointestinal health.

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Probiotics for Diarrhea are therapeutically ideal in the case of:

  •  Bulldogs and French Bulldog suffering from bulldog IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • Bulldogs and French Bulldog suffering from chronic Diarrhea
  • Bulldogs and French Bulldog suffering from dysbiosis due to intestinal lymphoma 
  • Bulldogs and French Bulldog suffering from Bulldog itch Atopic Allergic Dermatitis
  • Bulldogs and French Bulldog Puppies in their early stage of growth
  • Bulldogs and French Bulldog on antibiotics
  • Bulldogs and French Bulldog on immune suppressant  RX
  • Boarding and Kennel Bulldogs with stress diarrhea
  • Traveling stressed bulldogs and French bulldogs
  • Anxiety Due to separation or death
  • Bulldogs on Low-quality diet



Dr. R.J. Kraemer

Dr. Kraemer is a Tufts Veterinary School 1991 Graduate (Boston, MA). He is a member of the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) and the SCVMA (Southern California Veterinary Medical Association) and has been practicing veterinary medicine and surgery in Orange County, California for over 20 years. Dr. Kraemer has a special interest in Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and other Brachycephalic breeds, and their unique medical and surgical needs, such as breathing and airways conditions, joint pain, ligament and tendon injuries, ear canal disease, skin and allergy problems, eyes and eyelid abnormalities, as well as other medical conditions related to the breed. Dr. Kraemer is also a leading provider for in-house same-day stem cell therapy and cryobanking for dogs and cat. Dr. Kraemer has a long-lasting relationship with bulldog rescue, he provides shelter, medical and surgical services to their bulldogs.

The mop becomes your constant companion as you resignedly try to follow all the sour smells to the source of your puppy’s latest “accident”.

Clearly, it’s no picnic.

But more than the cleaning, as an owner you’re more pained by your puppy’s discomfort and weakness.

“My dog has diarrhea and won’t eat!”


“What can I give my dog for an upset stomach??”

These are likely the sort of things you’re wondering about in those situations, right?

But before you jump into all that, it’s important to understand your puppy’s condition, too.

Recognizing the Signs of Dog Diarrhea

Most people have one classic image of diarrhea – that of loose and frequent bowel movement.

But that’s not all.

Diarrhea can take several different forms with varying symptoms. For instance:

  • Stools may be watery or just loose
  • Vomiting combined with diarrhea can be an indication of a serious condition
  • Unusual odor from the stool
  • Prolonged gassiness/flatulence
  • Strained defecation – if your puppy has a lot of trouble passing stools it may be indicative of diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Dog’s stomach making noises that are weirder than usual
  • General signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, and dehydration
  • Abnormal coloration of stool hinting at blood or mucus
  • Dog eating grass – an upset stomach can increase the frequency of this behavior

If your puppy is showing a combination of dog diarrhea and one or more of the symptoms above, his condition may be a bit more complicated than just an upset stomach.

Unfortunately, sometimes it turns out to be a symptom of a more serious condition such as kidney or liver disease, parasites, and a host of infections.

For instance, black-colored stool means your puppy is passing a considerable amount of blood. He may have an injury somewhere in his digestive tract.

When a puppy exhibits both vomiting and diarrhea along with signs of weakness, lethargy, and dehydration, consider it an emergency and rush to the vet – such conditions can be especially serious for smaller breeds.

In other words:

Dog diarrhea may not be as straightforward as you may have thought, and you’d best be careful and thorough when it strikes.

But what can you do as an owner at home?

In the case of dog diarrhea, things like diet, the feeding schedule, and regular hydration are extremely important.

If you understand what to feed a puppy with an upset stomach – and how – half the battle is won there.

Check this article to learn more about why do dogs throw up and find more advice from veterinarian Dr. Chyrle Bonk.

5 Simple Tips to Treat Dog Diarrhea at Home

You might not know much about medication for a dog with an upset stomach – that’s for the vet to figure out.

But there’s plenty else that you can do at home to make it easier on your puppy.

That’s right.

Knowing a good diet for a dog with an upset stomach with healthy alternatives to his regular food helps loads.

If you know the best dog food for an upset stomach, and also the ideal dietary habits for your puppy’s condition it can really speed along his recovery.

So let’s get into it:

1. Fasting to Stabilize the Gut

This is probably the most widely accepted first step when battling diarrhea – doggy or otherwise.

Diarrhea essentially involves abnormal bowel movement.

And what triggers bowel movement?

Food is what.

Fasting drastically cuts down on the strain on your puppy’s digestive system as the first step to recovery.

Usually, 12-24 hours of fasting is recommended upon the onset of dog diarrhea.

But do note, however, that making sure your puppy is drinking plenty of water to rehydrate after all the purging is crucial – fasting doesn’t mean any water!

With little to no food, your puppy’s bowel contractions will calm down and there’ll be fewer messes to clean-up too.

2. Gradually Switch to a More Stomach-Friendly Diet

Put your puppy on an uncompromisingly super-healthy diet after the fasting. You really should speak to your vet as to the variety of food and portions to serve your puppy.

But generally, a good, gut-friendly doggy diet or dog food for sensitive stomachs would include light meat like chicken, boiled rice or pasta, mashed potatoes, and so on.

And remember:

You should totally avoid red meat and dairy as they require some relatively heavy work to break-down.

Also, as we mentioned earlier, your puppy will need lots of freshwaters and/or something like an oral rehydration solution that also replaces essential salts and minerals that are lost to diarrhea.

But hang on,

It’s really important that you don’t switch back to your puppy’s regular diet immediately when he recovers.

Why? Because such sudden changes can cause a relapse!

Start with only a small fraction of his meal as his regular food and gradually increase its portion in each meal over 3-4 days until he’s back on his normal diet.

3. Spread Out the Meals

This is more common sense than advice nowadays, isn’t it?

Fitness enthusiasts, especially, would know well that eating 4-5 meals a day instead of the 2-3 big ones is healthier.

Well, it’s pretty much the same with dogs.

Lower the portion of each meal and feed your puppy 4-5 times a day. And do this forevermore, not just during his recovery.

4. Fortify the Diet with Vet-Recommended Probiotics and Supplements

This is something you shouldn’t try and figure out for yourself. And this goes for medication too, not just dietary supplements.

Diarrhea also ejects large portions of healthy – and essential – gut bacteria from your puppy’s body.

These bacteria are crucial for healthy bowel movement and good, efficient digestion, and replenishing them can take some time during recovery.

Also, there are certain doggy-specific diets or diet-supplements that are specially designed to help their digestive tracts to heal and recover.

And this is important:

Make sure you speak to your vet and get prescribed supplements for your puppy.

Don’t even consider giving your pup human supplements or probiotics! They can be harmful to your puppy!

Please check the dog probiotic article out first before you decide to add probiotics into your dog diet.

5. Don’t Forget Precautionary Measures Post-Recovery!

Once all the drama subsides, and your puppy is back to frolicking about happily and gorging on his regular diet, you will probably relax and eventually dismiss the incident from your mind.

But to make sure you and your puppy don’t go through the same nightmare again, it’s best to take some precautions.

You can do bunch of things that includes regular deworming, vaccinations and monitoring your puppy’s diet with your vet.

There’s a good list of preventive steps provided here on WebMD that you really should implement as rule.

But that’s not all:

One can’t underestimate how handy a stack of quality puppy pads when your puppy has diarrhea and can’t control it at home. Keep some in stock in case your puppy suffers another bout in future!

Did you find these tips and suggestions helpful to treat your puppy’s upset stomach? If you have some other methods you’ve found helpful yourself, do share them with us in the comments section below!

What can I give my dog to stop him having diarrhea?

Offer small amounts of white meat such as boiled chicken or fish with white rice instead of their usual food. If there is no further diarrhoea, feed small amounts every two hours and then gradually mix in their usual food over 24 hours before giving them a normal meal. Continue to monitor their poop.

What causes diarrhea in Bulldogs?

Eating garbage or spoiled food. Ingestion of foreign objects such as toys, bones, and fabric. Ingesting toxins or poisons. Viral infections such as parvovirus, distemper or coronavirus.


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