What attaches itself to the jet stream and tells you where the stratosphere begins


What attaches itself to the jet stream and tells you where the stratosphere begins

What attaches itself to the jet stream and tells you where the stratosphere begins

What attaches itself to the jet stream and tells you where the stratosphere begins

*Atmosphere- a mixture of gases that surrounds a plant such as earth. * Ozone- a gas molecule that is made up of three oxygen atoms. *Atmosphere pressure- The force per unit area that is exerted on a surface by the weight of the atmosphere.*Troposphere- the lowest layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature drops at a constant rate as altitude increases; the part of the atmosphere where weather conditions exist *Stratosphere- the layer of the atmosphere that lies between the troposphere and the mesosphere and in which temperature increases as altitude increases; contains the ozone layer.*Mesosphere- the coldest layer of the atmosphere, between the stratosphere and the thermosphere, in which temperature decreases as altitude increases.*Thermosphere- the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases asx altitude increases; includes the ionosphere.


. Describe the composition of dry air at sea level.
-Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, varying amounts of dust and pollen, trace gases such as methane,ozone, hydrogen,carbon monoxide.
2. Identify five main components of the atmosphere.
-nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, ozone and particulates.
3. Explain the cause of atmospheric pressure
-is caused by the weight of air molecules 
as elevation increases, fewer air molecules are present. Therefore, atmosphere pressure always decreases with increasing height.
4. Explain how the two types of barometers measure atmospheric pressure.
5.identify the layer of atmosphere in which weather occurs.
-weather happens in the troposphere.
6.compare the four main layers of the atmosphere.
- troposphere contains more of the earths atmosphere than the other layers. the stratosphere is the layer where most jet airplanes fly in. Ozone layer that absorbs the harmful UV rays from sun in this layer The mesosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere as altitude increases, temperature decreases. meteors burn up in this layer. the hemosphere contains the ionosphere which aids in propagation of radio signals over great distances hottest layer of the atmosphere
7. Identify the two atmospheric layer that contain air as warm as 25*C
-two atmospheric layers that contain air as warm as 25*C are the Themosphere, and the Stratosphere.



temperature; INCREASES, 2,000*C at top 
1.temps get up to 2000*C
2.air molecules are 1 km apart!

temperature; DECREASES, -100*C
​1. protects earth from meteors
2. coldest region of atmosphere   

temperature: INCREASES, to about -20*C 
1. contains most of atmosphere's ozone 
​2. where jets and manned balloons have gone 

temperature; DECREASES, 6.5*C per km 
Characteristics:        to about -60*C
1. most weather occurs here where we live 
​2. convection currents 

1. Earth's magnetic field 
2. causes aurora borealis
            (Northern Lights)

​1.upper part of thermosphere
​2.artificial satellites orbit here

1, lower part of thermosphere 
2. Radio waves bounce back to 
    Earth's surface

1. Ozone is made of 3 oxygen atoms
2. protects the surface from sun's UV rays 
3. Humans are causing Ozone depletion 

1. list the four main layers.
-exosphere, ionosphere , ozonesphere, magnetosphere
2. list the four minor layers 
-thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
3.which two minor layers of parts of a main layer?
-ionosphere and exosphere 
4.which layers is the most important to you and why?
-troposphere __ this is where we live
5.what two layers protect you?
-Mesosphere and Stratosphere 
6. which layer acts like a giant magnet? what does it attract?
-magnetosphere_ due to the field around the earth which attracts particles and keeps us safe
7. what does the air in the troposphere do as it heats up from the sun
-it gets warmer 
8. what cloud indicates the top of the troposphere ?
-cirrus and cumvlonimbus  
9.what runs along the top of the troposphere?
-the jetstream 
10. what attaches itself to this jetstream and, in a sense , tells you stratosphere begins?
​-the troposphere  

What do you call the boundary between the stratosphere and the troposphere where airplanes fly?

Air pressure and the density of the air also decrease with altitude. That's why the cabins of high-flying jet aircraft are pressurized. The layer immediately above the troposphere is called the stratosphere. The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere is called the "tropopause".

Which layer is where the ozone layer and jet streams exist?

The stratosphere extends from the top of the troposphere to about 50 km (31 miles) above the ground. The infamous ozone layer is found within the stratosphere. Ozone molecules in this layer absorb high-energy ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun, converting the UV energy into heat.

What will happen as you move up through the stratosphere?

Ozone, an unusual type of oxygen molecule that is relatively abundant in the stratosphere, heats this layer as it absorbs energy from incoming ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Temperatures rise as one moves upward through the stratosphere.

Does the jet stream occurs in the mesosphere?

No, the jet stream does not occur in the mesosphere. The jet stream is a narrow meandering path of fast moving winds that flow northeastward, eastward, and southeastward directions in the lower stratosphere and and the middle to upper portions the troposphere.