What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

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Shubham Patil said: (Oct 14, 2022)  
My strength is I like to learn new things and It's helping me for a better version of myself.

Coming to my weakness is I am Focus only one thing at a time.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Soniya said: (Oct 13, 2022)  
Strengths: I always think in a positive manner so that's why I'm a self-motivated, hardworking person. My friends and family are also my greatest strength they always stand for me in any situation.

Weakness: Too emotional and trusts everyone.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Missin said: (Oct 13, 2022)  

I am a good learner.


Didn't adjust to the climate.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Waves said: (Oct 13, 2022)  
Strengths: I believe that I am a good problem solver and can break into any problem.

Weakness: I get distracted.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Gollavilli Ajay said: (Oct 13, 2022)  
My strength is my friends and they give more motivational speeches.

My weakness is when I don't finish my work then I will tension and drink alcoholic.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Krish said: (Oct 11, 2022)  
My strength is I am a quick learner. I Like to learn new things its helping for better version for myself.

I consider my weakness is lack of communication skills and public speaking. I will definitely overcome my weakness.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Aryan Verma said: (Oct 8, 2022)  
My strength is that I never give up, and I learn from my weakness and failures and think that you will never get defeated by anybody in the world until you get defeat by yourself.

My weakness is : I always think about that nobody will defeat me.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Scelo said: (Oct 7, 2022)  
My strength I'm a hard worker and I like things challenging and fixing things.

My weakness is I'm illiterate.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Gul Mehnaz said: (Oct 7, 2022)  
My strength is my family, especially my parents who sacrifice everything for our better future. Then my strength is my honesty and hardworking.

My weakness is that I am very sensitive. I trust everyone very fast. Because of this, I have faced many problems. My biggest weakness is a lack of confidence because I lose my faith in front of others.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Shalini Rajput said: (Oct 7, 2022)  
Strength : my strength is my mother. I am proud to say that, I am nothing without my mother. She always motivates me.

Weakness: my biggest weakness is I always cry about small things.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Che Ryl Dacera said: (Oct 4, 2022)  
My strength is our God, then I'm proud say that's I I'm nothing without God.

My weaknesses is losing self confidence and I'm such overthinking person then I hate being this.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Subham said: (Oct 3, 2022)  
My strength is honesty and sincerity but my weakness is confidence.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

E. Abinaya said: (Oct 3, 2022)  
My strengths are that I'm the type of person who actively listens to other person's opinion before talking and I have the enthusiasm to learn new things.

Coming to my weaknesses, I'm a workalocholic person, Sometimes I got tensed when I couldn't complete the job.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Mohd Naushad said: (Oct 3, 2022)  
Strength: I am self-motivated and hard-working.

Weaknesses: Public speaking.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Md Shadab said: (Sep 30, 2022)  
I don't lose my confidence in any situation and the weakness is I trust anyone very quickly.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Anandh said: (Sep 25, 2022)  
Strength: My biggest strength is handling any critical situation cool and easily.

Weakness: Overthinking is my only weakness.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Amu said: (Sep 24, 2022)  
My strengths are I am a very hardworking person. I dedicated myself totally to my work. And sir I am a very optimistic type of person. And I believe that even a negative situation can be easily handled with a positive approach.

My weakness is I am a workaholic type of person. But sometimes it impacts my health. And secondly, I am a detail-oriented person. While I explain something to somebody it takes a lot of time. But I always try to cut down on some unnecessary details. So, these are my strengths and weaknesses.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Bipul Dubey said: (Sep 23, 2022)  
Strength: My greatest strength would be my dedication towards my work and adapting to nature and good learner. Also, I can connect to people easily.

Weakness: I feel uncomfortable when I have some pending task I like to complete it on time.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Fasega Fathima S said: (Sep 22, 2022)  
Strength: My biggest Strength is my parents then I'm being a versatile person. I can easily mingle with anybody whatever the situation come I will adopt it and move on into that.

Weakness: I don't have any weaknesses in me basically I'm a down-to-earth person.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Mansi Dimri said: (Sep 20, 2022)  
Strength: My strength is that whatever work I do, I do it with full heart and interest and I consider this as my biggest strength.

Weakness: My weakness is that I can't recognise people quickly when I am with them, I spend some time after that I find out that the person is like that.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

G.Dorababu said: (Sep 20, 2022)  
My strength is Hard work and self-motivated and my parents.

My weakness is trusting everyone easily.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Prashanth said: (Sep 20, 2022)  
My Strengths

I am a positive-thinking person.
I believe myself also I'm an honest person.
I'm a self-motivated person and
I'm a quick learner.

My Weakness

I'm an introverted person.
I'm a very emotional person.
I trust everyone easily.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Vrushali said: (Sep 18, 2022)  

I have good leadership skills.
I am eager to learn new things.


I feel uncomfortable until I finish my work within a given time.
I am too sensitive and small things can hurt me.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Shani Yadav said: (Sep 18, 2022)  
My strengths are like I'm eager to learn new things, I'm hard-working, honest and friendly, helpful in nature. Also, I keep myself cool and calm in any up and down situation. Most importantly, I am a keen listener.

When I need some kind of help be it specially, financial, I hesitate to ask from friends. I think this is a kind of weakness which should be improved.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Anish said: (Sep 16, 2022)  
My Strength is I am eager to learn new things and I always keep myself calm and cool during my up and down situations.

My Weakness is that I said that I am eager to learn new things but when I start to learn new things, sometimes to get clear the concept of some topic I take much more time to clear the concept or to solve the problem but I try my best to solve the problem.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Sunil said: (Sep 15, 2022)  
Strength: I'm a self-motivated, honest, and hard-working person with a positive attitude towards my career and life.

Weaknesses: I'm easily trusting other people.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Marinette said: (Sep 14, 2022)  
My strength is I am a self-motivated and optimistic person. Whenever I feel like I can't do it anymore I think about how far I have come to accomplish this task/work and stay motivated to complete the task.

My weakness is that I have a tendency to say yes and become over-committed to it.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Priyanka D said: (Sep 13, 2022)  
My strengths are I'm very kind-hearted, friendly and maintain healthy relationships with people and try to always learn and explore new things. My weakness is I don't say any help to the stranger people but I try to refrain from this habit.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Alpesh Kapadi said: (Sep 12, 2022)  
My strength is I am always trying to up my skills whenever I get the chance.

My weakness is I feel uncomfortable until I finish my work.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Tirunagari Bhagaya Shree said: (Sep 12, 2022)  
My strength is I m flexible in every environment.

My weakness is my helping nature and being good with everyone.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Gauravyadav said: (Sep 9, 2022)  

My strengths are I am a self-motivated, friendly person, with a positive attitude and I am a quick learner and I always give my best to complete my tasks.

My weakness is I'm a very emotional person, I can't say no to someone who asks for something from me but I'm afraid of asking for help for myself.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Pal Parekh said: (Sep 7, 2022)  
I am a quick learner, I love learning new things and which help me to become a better version of myself. I have a positive mindset which help me to stay positive in stressful condition. However, I am little bit emotional person and in some situation it makes me weak and I am not able to concentrate well at that time. I usually hear or read motivational quotes to get control of my emotional side.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Shaik Faizz said: (Sep 7, 2022)  
I'm an adaptable, Responsive and Honest person, I do my work with full determination and focus. I consider this as my Strength.

Weakness : I'm more of an Introvert and sometimes I notice that I'm shy to share my ideas, when there is a room of people. And I'm getting over it.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Nandini said: (Sep 6, 2022)  
My strength is I can be flexible in every environment, a quick learner and a smart worker.

My weakness is I never say no to anyone for the work.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Naveen Prajapati. said: (Sep 3, 2022)  
As for my strength and weakness concern.

I am a team player and I am performing very well in a team.

I don't go to the gym. Then I could not focus on my studies.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Richa said: (Sep 3, 2022)  
I feel my strength is my quick learning attitude I love learning new things and I consider this as my biggest strength because it helps me to become a better version of myself, I always give my best to complete the task. Also, I am very comfortable working with different groups of people I can get gelled with everyone very easily which helps me to adjust to a new environment.

I think I do concentrate on one thing at a time and that's why it becomes a bit difficult to handle other things at the same time for me so I decided to become multitask. Also. I love to do things in a proper manner I like to organize things but sometimes I spent excessive time doing things, so I am working on managing my time while organizing things. Also if someone asks me for help I cannot say no to them and I end up doing more work so I want to change that habit so I can complete my work first and then if I left some time I can utilize it to help others.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Manohar said: (Sep 2, 2022)  
My strengths are that, I'm a self-motivated person and that I don't need any external factor to push me during hardships. And I know how to manage time-based on situations and do smart work accordingly.

My weakness are that I hesitate to say No to people I know. And when I was unable to do some task then for the next few hours I keep overthinking about that irrespective of what was happening around.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Ashish Shukla said: (Sep 2, 2022)  
My strengths:

I am a very self-motivated person, I believe myself also I am an honest person.

My weakness:

I trust people easily also I can't say no if anyone asks for help, I can feel uncomfortable until I finish my work no matter what kind of that work smart or hard. I am an expert with both.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Rohit said: (Sep 2, 2022)  

I am a team player, I am quite organised and can work calmly even under pressure, I am someone who always follows his words and maintains that I fulfil the responsibilities given to me.


My biggest weakness is I don't avoid if someone asks me a help.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Harshal Patil. said: (Sep 1, 2022)  
My strength is I like to work in groups and I found that my collaborative nature is one of my biggest strengths. Apart from this, I am a sincere and dedicated person. I like to learn new things.

Weakness: I don't avoid if someone asks for help, and I am easily overthinking for all and emotional. I feel uncomfortable until I finish the work.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Arnav said: (Sep 1, 2022)  

I am a quick learner, and easily adapt and manage any situation.

I am a friendly person,


My biggest weakness is I don't avoid if someone asks help.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Asrivast said: (Aug 26, 2022)  
I am a team player, I am quite organised and can work calmly even under pressure, I am someone who always follows his words and maintains that I fulfil the responsibilities given to me.

The best of my ability.

A thing that can be considered as my weakness is that I set extremely high standards for myself and sometimes end up exerting myself in an attempt to fulfil them.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Heather said: (Aug 25, 2022)  
Strength: I am a very self-motivated person, I would always get driven by my ambition.

Weakness: I have a hard time trying to strike a conversation. It's either the conversation runs dry or we have no topic to talk about.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Kusum Kumari Shaw said: (Aug 23, 2022)  
My strengths are I am honest, self motivated, hand working and helping others I believe in myself.

My weakness is trusting fake people and being emotional.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Jane said: (Aug 22, 2022)  
Strenght - I am a good listener.

Weakness - I am easily overthinking for all.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

@N@S said: (Aug 21, 2022)  
My strength: I am self-motivated.

My weakness: I feel uncomfortable until I finish the work.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Bimal said: (Aug 19, 2022)  
Strength - I am a hard-working and quick learner.

Weakness - Public speaking.

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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Bonu said: (Aug 17, 2022)  
My strength is I always in a smiling face.

My weakness is I afraid of mistakes.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Rashmitha .M said: (Aug 16, 2022)  
My strength is my parents because They are always with me& support me constantly no matter how hard the situation is.

And My weakness is to trust a person Quickly and am a too emotional person.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

Richard said: (Aug 14, 2022)  
I am an adaptable and responsive person, proactive in the line of duty and nothing is a novelty to me upon second exposure and with that, I consider to be my strength.

My weakness is self-criticism. I criticize myself that I'm not doing enough and need to doing more and more of what I do best.


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What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview
What are the best strengths and weaknesses for an interview

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

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What is your weakness best answer during interview?

Answer “what is your greatest weakness” by choosing a skill that is not essential to the job you're applying to and by stressing exactly how you're practically addressing your weakness. Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses answer?

5 Tips for Talking About Strengths and Weaknesses in an Interview.
Be Honest. One of the most important things to get right when talking about your strengths and weaknesses in an interview setting is honesty. ... .
Tell a Story. ... .
Remember to Get to the Insight. ... .
Keep It Short. ... .
Don't Sweat It So Much..

What are your top 3 weaknesses answer?

How to answer What are your greatest weaknesses? Choose a weakness that will not prevent you from succeeding in the role. Be honest and choose a real weakness. Provide an example of how you've worked to improve upon your weakness or learn a new skill to combat the issue.

What are the best strengths to say in an interview?

Using the 15 strengths we have listed above, we will share some examples in case you need them in your upcoming interviews..
Dedicated. My greatest strength is that I am a dedicated person. ... .
Creative. ... .
Flexible. ... .
Resourceful. ... .
Ability to work under pressure. ... .
Leadership skills. ... .
Determination. ... .
Communication skills..