Us dollar to pakistani rupees rate today

Convert USD to PKR using our currency converter with live foreign exchange rates

Latest Currency Exchange Rates: 1 US Dollar = 222.45 Pakistani Rupee

On this page convert USD to PKR using live currency rates as of 20/11/2022 17:58. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live Dollars to Pakistani Rupees charts. Invert these currencies?

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Countries using this currency: American samoa, British indian ocean territory, Ecuador, El salvador, Guam, Haiti, Marshall islands, Northern mariana islands, Palau, Panama, Puerto rico, Timor-leste, Turks and caicos islands, United states, United states minor outlying islands, Virgin islands (british), Virgin islands (u.s.),

Countries using this currency: Pakistan,

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Exchange Rate History For Converting Dollars (USD) to Pakistani Rupees (PKR)

The last 14 days currency values...

Sat 19/11/22 19th November 2022 1 USD = 222.4407 PKR
Fri 18/11/22 18th November 2022 1 USD = 222.45 PKR
Thu 17/11/22 17th November 2022 1 USD = 222.536 PKR
Wed 16/11/22 16th November 2022 1 USD = 222.277 PKR
Tue 15/11/22 15th November 2022 1 USD = 221.798 PKR
Mon 14/11/22 14th November 2022 1 USD = 221.6466 PKR
Sun 13/11/22 13th November 2022 1 USD = 220.2066 PKR
Sat 12/11/22 12th November 2022 1 USD = 219.7551 PKR
Fri 11/11/22 11th November 2022 1 USD = 221.8344 PKR
Thu 10/11/22 10th November 2022 1 USD = 221.371 PKR
Wed 09/11/22 9th November 2022 1 USD = 221.4822 PKR
Tue 08/11/22 8th November 2022 1 USD = 221.4876 PKR
Mon 07/11/22 7th November 2022 1 USD = 221.5112 PKR
Sun 06/11/22 6th November 2022 1 USD = 219.4128 PKR

Currency Charts

Exchange Rate Today For Converting Dollars to Pakistani Rupees - 1 USD = 81.52 PKR

Convert USD: 1 10 50 100 500 1000
Into PKR: 222.45 2224.5 11122.5 22245 111225 222450
Convert USD: 2500 5000 7500 10000 50000 100000
Into PKR: 556125 1112250 1668375 2224500 11122500 22245000

Popular US DollarExchange Rates

20 Nov 2022 - Today 1 USD to PKR conversion rate is PKR 223.33 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by State Bank of Pakistan. US Dollar USD to Pakistani Rupee PKR buying and selling rates are different in inter bank and currency exchange or open market rates. US Dollar to Pakistani Rupee trading at the interbank rate remained unchanged from yesterday. Use the calculator below to convert currencies online.

Interbank USD Rate

انٹر بینک ڈالر ریٹ

20 Nov 22 PKR222.80 PKR223.33

Open Market Rate

اوپن مارکیٹ ڈالر ریٹ

20 Nov 22 PKR227.75 PKR229.95

1 US Dollar = 223.33 Pakistani Rupees



As on Nov 20, 2022 at 09:58 PST (GMT+5)

Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 223.33 239.9
Low 220.3 216.9
Average 221.98 224.48

Today, 1 US dollar has become 223.33 rupees cheaper by 0 rupees 00 paisa in interbank.
In the open market, the value of the dollar also decreased by 0.00 rupees, after which 1 US dollar has become 223.33 rupees.
In the open market, the purchase price of a dollar from a consumer is Rs 222.8.

Wise XE Insider
PKR223.00 PKR223.12 PKR222.40

Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
US Dollar $ 1/100 = cent ¢

USD to PKR Interbank Rates History

Date Buying Selling
Today 222.8 223.33
20 Nov, 22 222.80 223.33
19 Nov, 22 222.80 223.33
18 Nov, 22 222.80 223.33
17 Nov, 22 222.20 222.70
16 Nov, 22 222.00 222.50
15 Nov, 22 221.70 222.20
14 Nov, 22 221.70 222.20
13 Nov, 22 221.50 222.00
12 Nov, 22 221.50 222.00
11 Nov, 22 221.50 222.00

Dollar to Pakistani Rupee

Dollar to Pakistani Rupee currency exchange rate fluctuates almost on daily basis. US Dollar to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates that are set by the dealers of currency exchange in Pakistan. As per the current scenario, the dollar is touching the sky against Pakistani currency. Stay tuned to get the latest information regarding USD to PKR exchange rates in an open market.

What is USD to PKR Today?

Weekly performance of USD to PKR shows decrease in value and Pakistani Rupee is down by PKR -1.13 or -0.509%. The peak conversion exchange rate of US Dollar to PKR was PKR 223.33 and lowest PKR 222.2 conversion.

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for USD to PKR: High PKR 223.33 and Low PKR 220.3 in value, where buying was PKR 222.8 and Selling 223.33

PKR strengthing against USD Today

The Pakistani rupee (PKR) inflation by 20 paisa against the US dollar in today's interbank session, closing at PKR 222.20 compared to the previous USD to PKR closing of 222.00 Rupees. The Pakistani rupee is once again on the verge of losing its earlier gains, owing to dwindling foreign exchange reserves and a delay in fresh inflows.

Q. What is the rate of US Dollar today in Pakistan?

A. US Dollar rate today in Pakistan is Rs 223.33. In the last 30 days, the rate of US Dollar is decreased.

Q. How much is 1 US Dollar to PKR today?

A. 1 US Dollar equals 223.33 Pakistani rupees. However, the rate fluctuates on a regular basis. It is a reason that it is crucial for investors to remain updated with the USD to PKR today rate.

Q. How to calculate USD to PKR exchange rate?

A. There are different methods to calculate the USD to PKR exchange rate. However, the simplest one is that first, you have to check the rate of one US Dollar in Pakistan. In the next step, multiply the rate by the amount in currency. For example, if one US Dollar is equal to 223.33 Pakistani Rupees then ten US Dollar will be equivalent to RS 2233.30.

Q. How can I exchange US Dollar to Pakistani rupees?

A. You can exchange US Dollar into Pakistani Rupees from the money changers or currency exchange currencies. However, it is recommended to first view the latest USD to PKR rate to not become a victim of any fraud.

Comments on USD to PKR Rate in Pakistan

USD rate is increase or decreases daily . this page is updated daily with correct and authentic detail about USD to PKR exchange rate

  • By: Tahir
  • on Fri 18 Nov, 2022

I was check today's USD to PKR exchange rate in Pakistan from here. It is good that it is stable so far and easily check from here

  • By: Haris
  • on Thu 17 Nov, 2022

The best thing about this website is that it provides USD to PKR exchange rate. This page helps you to know about USD to PKR.

  • By: Nawaz
  • on Wed 16 Nov, 2022

Nice app So Thanks

  • By: Ali Haider
  • on Wed 16 Nov, 2022

In today's interbank trading of USD to PKR. This site is made to provide you upto date USD To PKR Rate In Pakistan.

  • By: Amaan
  • on Tue 15 Nov, 2022

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.

What is the dollar rate in Pakistan yesterday?

1 USD = 223.075583 PKR Nov 17, 2022 09:35 UTC.

How much is $1 US dollar in Pakistani rupees?

Dollar to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate Today, Live 1 USD to PKR = 222.45 (Convert Dollars to Pakistani Rupees)

What is today's dollar selling rate?

Saturday 19th of November 2022 06:38:36 PM - The current USD to PKR buying exchange rate is 229.95 as per Pakistan Open Market and USD/PKR selling exchange rate for 1 US Dollar is PKR 229.95. Below you can see US Dollar to PKR currency charts as per Pakistan Open Market.

What is Open market rate?

The open-market rate is the rate of interest paid on any debt security that trades in the open market. Interest rates for such debt instruments as commercial paper and banker's acceptances would fall under the category of open-market rates.


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