Toy poodles for sale st louis

Do you live in Missouri (MO)? Are you interested in buying a Toy Poodle?

If so, then check out our list of the Best Toy Poodle Breeders in Missouri (MO).

The below list includes the best breeders we could find near you.

Where to Buy Toy Poodle Puppies in Missouri

Address: cairo, Missouri, USA

Address: Ulman, Missouri, USA

Address: Festus, Missouri, USA

Address: West Plains, Missouri, USA

Address: Creighton, Missouri, USA

Address: Fordland, Missouri, USA

Address: Unionville, Missouri, USA

Address: Harrisonville, Missouri, USA

Address: Joplin, Missouri, USA

Were you able to find a Toy Poodle Puppy in Missouri?

Hopefully, the above list of Toy Poodle Puppies was helpful in enabling you to find a puppy in Missouri.

Please let us know in the comments if you have ever purchased a Toy Poodle from any of the above breeders in MO.

What were they like, was your dog happy and healthy?

Do these breeders deserve to be included in our Best Toy Poodle Breeders in Missouri (MO) list?

Is there a Breeder missing from our Best Toy Poodle Breeders in Missouri (MO) list?

Are you a Toy Poodle Breeder in Missouri? Have we missed you from our list?

Please submit a Breeder Listing Form if you would like to be included in our Toy Poodle Breeders in Missouri (MO) directory listing.

Toy poodles for sale st louis

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Welcome to Located in Mount Vernon Illinois.


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Toy poodles for sale st louis

We are located in beautiful Southern Illinois where my husband and I Have been raised and lived on a farm with all kinds of animals most of our lives.

Babypoodles was started because of my love for the Poodle breed. I acquired my first baby poodle as a teenager and have owned and raised them for a large part of my life, soon after getting married and trying to start a family of my own with no success. Babypoodles came to fruition! I had a very real need to be maternal and the Teacup Poodles and Tiny Toy Poodles helped me to fulfill that need to nurture a baby.

 The Lord Blessed us with our business and gave us a child of our own as well and he is now a Wonderful help in socializing and acclimating all of our Toy Poodles to be loved and nurtured for their new mommy and or daddy to fulfill their needs as well.

We specialize in AKC registered Teacup, Tiny Toy, Miniature  and Toy Poodle puppies and all of our puppies are lovingly raised in our home and kennel. The puppies are handled from the day they are born and they are well socialized with children as well as other dogs. They are vaccinated and dewormed as far as age permits for the puppy.

We have made every effort to ensure that all our puppies come from only the healthiest parents and all parents of puppies are on site. All of our puppies have an excellent temperament and are very affectionate.

We would like to Thank You for visiting with We are one of Illinois favorite and trusted Toy Poodle breeders. Let us help you with our experience and knowledge with any questions or concerns you might have about adopting a Baby poodle puppy. Call 618-755-4363 anytime between 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM CST. Or E-mail at your convenience. I do respond to e-mails within 24 hours if not sooner.

We are a Toy Poodle breeder near St. Louis, MO- 105 miles from Lambert International Airport and we are a Toy Poodle breeder near Chicago- 276 miles from O�Hare International Airport. We are also 250 miles from Nashville Tennessee International Airport and 110 miles from Paducah Kentucky. You are always welcome to come and visit. Please call 618-755-4363 or E-mail ahead for an appointment.

We do not ship, however we do make personal  deliveries to the airport for the Baby Poodle to be flown in cabin Safely, and we make personal deliveries to  Nashville, Tennessee, St. Louis and the Chicago areas for a fee and arrangements made ahead so the puppy is never left alone at any time so you may meet your new baby poodle in person.

We do not sell to Pet Shops or Brokers!!!

We Do Not Accept Personal Checks- Unless Arrangements are made Ahead !

We would like to Thank All our Customers for their much Appreciated Business!!

*** We Do Reserve the Right to Refuse Any Sale that we feel is not in the puppy�s best interest.***

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Toy poodles for sale st louis


Toy poodles for sale st louis
Phone: 618-755-4363

Last updated


D Taylor Web Guy / Husband / Sanitary Engineer

( P.S. I Love You Mommy Kelley )

How much is a toy poodle?

A good, high-quality breeder will run the Toy Poodle price anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 from a reputable breeder. You might be able to get one from a rescue shelter for a lower price, but just as with breeders, you need to do your research beforehand.

Where can I get a pet toy poodle?

Toy poodles, miniature poodles, and standard poodles enjoy being petted, rubbed or stroked on their belly, back, chest and head. Most poodles do not like having their tail, or legs touched. However, poodles all like different things so you should get to know your pet to find out what they like best.

How much is a toy phantom poodle?

You could pick up a solid-colored Standard Poodle for just $700 and a Miniature one for $1,000, but for a Phantom, you need a budget closer to $2,000 to $3,000, or even more for a top-quality dog.