Toenail cutting service for seniors near me

Nail Clipping

If you want to keep tripping the light fantastic or would like to show your tootsies some love, then our nail clipping service is for you!

Did you know that perfectly pruned nails can help to maintain your mobility, keep you active, help to prevent falls and generally improve your health, wellbeing and independence?

Our professional pruners are a dab hand at clipping both toe and fingernails and they’re a jolly bunch too!

Over the years we’ve trimmed thousands of nails and helped people to feel that little bit better.

Our nail clipping service is registered with the Care Quality Commission and has been rated as ‘Good’ across the board meaning the service is safe, caring, effective, responsive and well led. In short; you’re in capable hands!

Oh; and we deliver the service in your own home to make life easier.  How about them apples!?

All our Nail Clipping staff have received ‘Covid-19 Infection Control’ Training and wear full personal protective equipment  (PPE) whilst working. This protects both our staff and you, keeping everyone safe whilst still being able to provide this essential service. 

  • What we offer

    A fast and reliable toe and fingernail clipping service.

  • Who we support

    People aged 50 years and over

    We are unfortunately unable to provide this service if you are diabetic, on steroids or blood thinning medication.

  • What we charge

    First visit (including the first cut and nail clipper pack)
    £26.00 – toenails
    £22.00 – Fingernails
    £35.00 – Both Fingernails and Toenails

    Toenail clipping – £16.00
    Fingernail Clipping- £12.00
    Toenail and Fingernails Combined- £25.00

    Replacement Nail clipper packs £10.00

    Nail painting £11.00 for Polish removal and Painting

  • When

    09:00 – 17:00

    Monday to Friday

    Every 5/6 weeks your dedicated Nail Clipping officer will visit and arrange your next appointment with you

  • Where

    Preston and South Ribble but we are looking to expand our reach and if you live nearby then give us a call and we’ll see if we can fit you in!

  • How to access

    We try to be as accessible as possible and the main referral routes include:

    Tel: 01772 552886

    Referrals are accepted from members of the public and partner agencies alike

  • “I can’t reach my toes daft as it sounds.  Age Concern come in handy for the little things that I once took for granted.”

  • “I might be knocking on in years, but I still like to look nice and having my nails done makes me feel that little bit better.”

Foot care is very easily overlooked in the elderly as attention is usually paid to issues such as joints, illnesses, and mental health. However, having healthy feet, especially for seniors, is very important as feet lose cushioning with age and nails can get brittle. This can slow down the healing of sores and can make it difficult or even impossible to walk.

Foot care is a specialty that requires professional accreditation. Licensed Mavencare caregivers, expert chiropodists, and certified foot care nurses are able to provide foot care as a supplement to personal care.

Benefits of Foot Care

Feet are the foundation of our lives. Taking proper care of feet can prevent a lot of health problems down the road. Here are some of the benefits of foot care.

Having an Active Lifestyle:

Foot problems reduce mobility. The longer the feet are keeping your loved one up, the longer they can keep a healthy and active lifestyle going. Having mobility issues can prevent seniors from maintaining an active lifestyle.

Improved Blood Circulation:

Many seniors have poor circulation in their feet, which can slow the healing of foot sores. A foot massage can greatly improve the circulation. Improper foot care can aggravate lower lumbar pain if left untreated.

Early Identification of Health Problems:

By keeping a close eye on feet, you can spot early warning signs for health problems. Health problems such as poor circulation, diabetes, nerve damage, and arthritis can all have a noticeable effect on feet. For example, an excess of dead skin on the feet may be a sign of a low thyroid condition. Be sure check with your doctor if your feet have excess accumulation of dead skin in spite of regular exfoliation.

Our Foot Care Services

Taking care of your senior loved one's feet and watching out for any problems brings a lot of benefits. As a supplementary service of personal care, Mavencare is able to offer the following foot care services:

  • Provide education of foot hygiene
  • Cut and file toenails
  • Provide foot massages

Expert Chiropodists and Foot Care Nurses in Toronto

Our roster of expert chiropodists and foot care nurses ensures you and your family get the best foot care possible. Whichever problems arise with respect to your feet, whether it is pain, discomfort, or fungus, our foot care staff will provide personalized management plan for your particular needs.

Give us a call at 1-800-856-2836 to discuss how your family and loved one may benefit from foot care. Please note that foot care services are supplementary to personal care and cannot be offered separately.

How often will Medicare pay to have your toenails cut?

Medicare will cover the treatment of corns, calluses, and toenails once every 61 days in persons having certain systemic conditions. Examples of such conditions include: Diabetes with peripheral arterial disease, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral neuropathy, and chronic phlebitis.

Do podiatrists cut toenails for seniors?

Older patients with limited independence and impaired mobility should definitely get podiatric help. In these cases, routine professional nail trim care is a sure must.

How much does it cost to have toenails trimmed?

Costs of Nail Trimming For a special treatment that includes exfoliation, nail and cuticle trimming, fungus prevention, and maybe even a foot massage, the average cost across the country is about $35.00 to $40.00.

Who cuts old toenails?

Visit a Podiatrist Visiting a podiatrist regularly allows them to assess your overall foot health and share proper toenail trimming techniques. If you can't trim your own toenails, a podiatrist can do that during your visit.


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