The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

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The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Feb 01, 2020 Mir rated it really liked it

It was kind of funny reading this between volumes 1 and 2 of Beastars; it made me feel like Wizdoms was the gay Hogwarts of this anthropomorphic world. The students at Cherryton are living the normal Muggle teen life (you know: sex, jealousy, drama, self-loathing...).

This is a series of short vignettes or character sketches, set in the same school but with very little overlap. It is excellently executed, but I hope if it becomes a series there will be a bit more story.

It was kind of funny reading this between volumes 1 and 2 of Beastars; it made me feel like Wizdoms was the gay Hogwarts of this anthropomorphic world. The students at Cherryton are living the normal Muggle teen life (you know: sex, jealousy, drama, self-loathing...).

This is a series of short vignettes or character sketches, set in the same school but with very little overlap. It is excellently executed, but I hope if it becomes a series there will be a bit more story.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

This is composed of eight short stories that take place in the same fantasy world. Main characters from some stories occasionally have cameo appearances in other stories. If I had to briefly describe this volume, I'd say it's slice-of-life m/m Hogwarts by way of Zootopia.

I really wanted to love this. Honestly, I expected to love this. It's by the creator of The Girl From the Other Side, a series I've enjoyed so far (I've read the first four volumes), the furries on the cover looked appealing,

This is composed of eight short stories that take place in the same fantasy world. Main characters from some stories occasionally have cameo appearances in other stories. If I had to briefly describe this volume, I'd say it's slice-of-life m/m Hogwarts by way of Zootopia.

I really wanted to love this. Honestly, I expected to love this. It's by the creator of The Girl From the Other Side, a series I've enjoyed so far (I've read the first four volumes), the furries on the cover looked appealing, and I'd heard it was sweet.

Some of the stories were sweet. I count the story involving the bear and human (young wizard?) and the story about the deer and lizard in that category. The story about the unicorn and the griffon was nice too - not necessarily sweet, but certainly warm. Although I would have liked it to go on just a bit longer, long enough to confirm that the unicorn had definitely finally found someone he could trust.

The characters weren't just humans who looked like animals - they all retained some of their animal characteristics, which often played a part in the volume's stories. Usually it was little things: the unicorn could tell whether someone was a virgin or not, and the peacock fanned out his magnificent feathers whenever he went out courting. In some stories, however, the characters' animal characteristics played a bigger role. I enjoyed this in the story about the deer and the lizard - it took place in winter and featured a snuggling arrangement between the coldblooded lizard and his warmblooded roommate. However, things got a little too intense for me during the story about the bats (food regurgitation that morphs into the beginnings of sexual exploration) and the story about the wolf and the goat (the line between "I want you" and "I want to eat you for lunch" is distressingly thin).

There were three stories I didn't like. The very first story was one of those: a hare slipped his secret crush, a more academically gifted Siamese cat, a love potion designed to make him do whatever the hare wanted him to do, fall asleep, and then wake up with no memory of what happened. So, basically a magical date rape drug. The hare only used it to get a kiss (there is no sex in this volume, just occasional kisses), but it still grossed me out. The other story I really disliked was the one about the peacock and the crow. What the crow did was neither sweet nor okay. I found myself hoping that the peacock would eventually discover what he'd done and ditch him. The story about the dragon teacher and his much younger orphaned dragon student didn't quite cross my personal lines - the dragon teacher didn't act on his budding feelings and hadn't even yet realized how he felt - but I disliked Nagabe's presentation of the teacher's feelings as sweet and romantic.

I really liked Nagabe's character designs and artwork, and I liked a couple of the stories enough to want to reread them. I just wish I'd liked the overall volume more. Also, wow, this has a lot of unrequited love.


Each story includes two info boxes about the animals the main characters were based on. The volume ends with eight four-panel comics, one for each story in volume, as well as a comic-style afterword by Nagabe that's very much "I love furries, and so will you!"

Rating Note:

That's my 3 stars of "ehh, I don't know" rating right there.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Jul 22, 2019 Julie rated it liked it

Lmao the author's note at the end said "For the Furries and Non-Furries".

I totally didn't know this was written by the author of The Girl From the Other Side. So that's cool. I like their art style a lot. This book was a little strange. Each story was a romance between the different Demi-humans. It was cute for the most part. Not much magic, which I thought it was going to have because it started by talking about them going to a Wizard school. Most of the relationships, if not all, were gay. It

Lmao the author's note at the end said "For the Furries and Non-Furries".

I totally didn't know this was written by the author of The Girl From the Other Side. So that's cool. I like their art style a lot. This book was a little strange. Each story was a romance between the different Demi-humans. It was cute for the most part. Not much magic, which I thought it was going to have because it started by talking about them going to a Wizard school. Most of the relationships, if not all, were gay. It was a super quick read and I liked the stories. A cute read.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Nagabe created one of the sweetest, heart-wrenching, mysterious, and wonderful stories ever. He also created this.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Jul 11, 2020 Nad rated it did not like it

i liked the art but hated almost every stories. it was so disgusting to read especially the teacher/student one and the one with the love potion. you promised me a magical school and we saw nearly none of it.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Nagabe said gay rights, Nagabe said furries rights

I forgot how to write "serious" reviews and I am not sorry.
This manga is a collection of eight short stories featuring various couples and their loves, some bittersweet, some unrequited, some messy and all of them cute!
The art is previous!
I can't even tell you which story/couple is my favorite, they are so good!

If you like gay-centered stories, fantasy setting in a magic school, fun and shenanigans and pranks and non-human characters (furries) a

Nagabe said gay rights, Nagabe said furries rights

I forgot how to write "serious" reviews and I am not sorry.
This manga is a collection of eight short stories featuring various couples and their loves, some bittersweet, some unrequited, some messy and all of them cute!
The art is previous!
I can't even tell you which story/couple is my favorite, they are so good!

If you like gay-centered stories, fantasy setting in a magic school, fun and shenanigans and pranks and non-human characters (furries) as MCs, don't miss on this collection!


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Rating this was difficult. There were a lot of stories I liked in this and the art is fantastic.

However, there are some problematic elements in this that make me SUPER uncomfortable like twincest, couples with HUGE age differences (professor and kid from an orphanage), and some consent issues.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Feb 08, 2020 Stacie rated it really liked it

I loved the artwork in this one. Even though this didn't really have a main story line, it was still a fun read. It was more of a collection of romantic vignettes than anything else, and I found that the format worked well for what it was. Most of the stories were very cute and sweet. Overall, this was a good find and I'm happy to have read it. I loved the artwork in this one. Even though this didn't really have a main story line, it was still a fun read. It was more of a collection of romantic vignettes than anything else, and I found that the format worked well for what it was. Most of the stories were very cute and sweet. Overall, this was a good find and I'm happy to have read it. ...more

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

I did not realize this was gay furry harry potter when I picked it up.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Jul 21, 2020 Raquel rated it liked it

I’ve never been one to like anthropomorphic stories too much, but I thought I’d give this one a try because the cover looked cute and I love the mangaka’s The Girl from the Other Side series. Despite this, I ended up not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms is a BL short story collection mostly about Demi-Human creatures who go to a magic school. I should expect this from manga anthologies by now, but most of the stories don’t have much of a res

I’ve never been one to like anthropomorphic stories too much, but I thought I’d give this one a try because the cover looked cute and I love the mangaka’s The Girl from the Other Side series. Despite this, I ended up not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms is a BL short story collection mostly about Demi-Human creatures who go to a magic school. I should expect this from manga anthologies by now, but most of the stories don’t have much of a resolution. You briefly get to know the characters and then once you start to get invested in their story it ends. This was the number one reason why I didn’t enjoy this manga that much. All the stories I got into had unsatisfying endings. I’m starting to believe short stories are way too short in manga format.

I suppose the worldbuilding is decent for a collection of short stories, but even so I wanted more information. You learn how the Demi-Humans came into existence, but you don’t learn much more than that. They all go to magic school but you rarely see any of them perform magic, and I have no clue what the end goal is for all of them once they graduate. You learn nothing more about the Demi-Human kingdom other than the school. I know that creating a robust world wasn’t the purpose of the story, but the world is so interesting that I wanted to learn more.

When it came to the romance, I ended up enjoying only four of the eight relationships. I was expecting all of them to be cute and fluffy stories, but was disappointed when I discovered a good chunk of them were more weird than cute. This BL manga sadly doesn’t do away with most of the problematic tropes found in this genre. You have a student/teacher relationship, an obsessive admirer, and a story where one of the characters drugs the other to get them to do what they want in the name of love. There were, luckily, healthy relationships in the story too. My favorites included a cold-blooded lizard who likes to cuddle up with his warm-blooded deer friend in the winter, and a stuffy griffin teacher who only feels comfortable complaining to the unicorn school nurse/counselor.

I continue to love Nagabe’s art style. The character designs were on point as usual. I’m always impressed with artists who have the ability to bring human form to animals while still making them feel like those animals. I also liked how Nagabe made it a point to include traits of the animals into their stories. You have a peacock who shows his feathers off while courting and vampire bats who share blood with each other.

I wish I could’ve liked The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms more. I doubt it’ll happen, but I wouldn’t mind getting a second volume of this anthology. I don’t want all new stories though, I’d want a continuation of each story present in this volume so I could learn more about the world and see where each relationship goes.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Jan 08, 2022 Bailey rated it it was ok

I have NO IDEA what to rate this book. On one hand I went in knowing nothing about it only knowing it was Nagabe. Who's Girl on the Other Side I loved after reading volume 1. I looked at the back and it suggested it was a slice of life cute romance manga taking place in Hogwarts for furries. A great premise. And the art too is fantastic. Nagabe draws and writes well. However out of the 9 or so (i don't remember how many its a book of multiple shorts) stories and relationships this manga looks ou I have NO IDEA what to rate this book. On one hand I went in knowing nothing about it only knowing it was Nagabe. Who's Girl on the Other Side I loved after reading volume 1. I looked at the back and it suggested it was a slice of life cute romance manga taking place in Hogwarts for furries. A great premise. And the art too is fantastic. Nagabe draws and writes well. However out of the 9 or so (i don't remember how many its a book of multiple shorts) stories and relationships this manga looks out on in its short story page length. All but 2 of the couplings is problematic in some way shape or form.
We got pedophilia, implied incest, what is basically sexual assault, yandere, stalkers, physical abuse. It caught me off guard and made me uncomfortable at multiple points through the reading.
If you are into like kink romance novels or don't mind the problematic elements that's fine everyone likes something different but the problem is I went into it not expecting it. And expecting a lot more magic and fantasy in this manga about Anthro Hogwarts. If the book was more upfront about it's contents I would have probably ranked it higher.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Kinky, cute and very original

I don't usually read BL but I love the art Nagabe does, so I grab this volume and I was surprised at the audacity of the storys, don't get me wrong I did enjoyed it, there was a few storys that weren't my cup of tea, but overall it's really good, we got some cute storys plus some kinky ones there's no denying it, there was one a bit darker ( peacock), my absolute favorite is Marley's an Collette story they're too cute and wholesome.

Nagabe is a great artist and I lov

Kinky, cute and very original

I don't usually read BL but I love the art Nagabe does, so I grab this volume and I was surprised at the audacity of the storys, don't get me wrong I did enjoyed it, there was a few storys that weren't my cup of tea, but overall it's really good, we got some cute storys plus some kinky ones there's no denying it, there was one a bit darker ( peacock), my absolute favorite is Marley's an Collette story they're too cute and wholesome.

Nagabe is a great artist and I love to read more of their comics.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

How was this shit cute, twisted, weird and kinky at the same damn time???

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Apr 11, 2020 Patty rated it really liked it

MangaMadnessReadathon | April 2020 [Round 9]

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Jul 21, 2020 Bopeep Hallyn rated it really liked it

The worldbuilding here is so nice. It's a magic school with their uniforms and so, but all the students are humanoid animals. I loved that it wasn't just because, but they have animal characteristics.

After a while without reading yaoi, it was weird to come back and remember all the toxic topics they use, but fortunately it was just in two stories. Most of them are open ended and that just makes me want to be in a RP similar to this.
I found all the stories more or less cute, even if there wasn't

The worldbuilding here is so nice. It's a magic school with their uniforms and so, but all the students are humanoid animals. I loved that it wasn't just because, but they have animal characteristics.

After a while without reading yaoi, it was weird to come back and remember all the toxic topics they use, but fortunately it was just in two stories. Most of them are open ended and that just makes me want to be in a RP similar to this.
I found all the stories more or less cute, even if there wasn't a plot for that, it was a nice read.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Dec 21, 2020 Fny rated it liked it

Its exactly one year since I put this on my “want-to-read”- list! And is I’ve read it. It’s was weirdly engaging and cute. Some of the eight stories were less cute and more creepy. But overall I’m glad that I read it.

I really like Nagabe’s art. I just read their first volume of The Girl From the Other side. And that’s a series I’m gonna continues with.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Sep 16, 2020 Tuni rated it really liked it

Talk about horny on main.

Probably a 3, but I rounded up because it’s so pretty~ Cute collection of one chapter stories about gay humanoid animals attending a magic school. Some of the couples/relationships were not the healthiest, which is what took it down to a 3 for me. But like I said, great art. Love the character designs! And the characters had actual animal like quirks and personalities.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

The Wize Beast of the Wizarding Wizdoms is collection of short stories about the romance of different anthropomorphic creatures, mostly students of a wizard school. While they're sweet, there's a variety in the tropes of each pairing, some i liked others not so much. Overall it's a recommended read for anyone interested in cutesy stories with charming creatures. The Wize Beast of the Wizarding Wizdoms is collection of short stories about the romance of different anthropomorphic creatures, mostly students of a wizard school. While they're sweet, there's a variety in the tropes of each pairing, some i liked others not so much. Overall it's a recommended read for anyone interested in cutesy stories with charming creatures. ...more

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

May 30, 2021 Caroline rated it it was ok

I was looking forward to this short story collection, as I've always loved reading about anthropomorphic animals, and add in a wizarding school + Nagabe's artwork + queer characters and I'm sold.

Out of 8 stories I only enjoyed three:

1. <3 <3 <3 Wanna read entire novels about:
- The cold-blooded and the warm-blooded
- The good talker and the good listener
- Beast & man

2. Borderline creepy:
- The teacher and the pupil
- The hunter and the hunted
- Courtship & friendship
- Food & games

3. Super creepy/in

I was looking forward to this short story collection, as I've always loved reading about anthropomorphic animals, and add in a wizarding school + Nagabe's artwork + queer characters and I'm sold.

Out of 8 stories I only enjoyed three:

1. <3 <3 <3 Wanna read entire novels about:
- The cold-blooded and the warm-blooded
- The good talker and the good listener
- Beast & man

2. Borderline creepy:
- The teacher and the pupil
- The hunter and the hunted
- Courtship & friendship
- Food & games

3. Super creepy/infuriating, as in TW: Sexual Assault:
The gifted and the average
(view spoiler)[One of the characters creates a temporary love potion that makes his friend fall in love with him, then sleep and forget everything upon waking up (so basically GHB/date rape drugs). when he wakes up, plot twist, the effets were diluted and he remembers everything. And that's it, no consequences, creepy hare feels no remorse only "awkwardness" and his victim says it's "a cowardly thing to do" (no, it’s not, that’s sexual assault Alan). And they live happily ever after. 🥳 (hide spoiler)]

That story is also the first one in the collection and it just soured everything else.


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Nov 09, 2019 Wesley McCraw rated it really liked it

The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms is the first Yaoi manga that I've actually liked. One reason why it works so well is that sometimes it's creepy on purpose. They aren't just stories of romantic wish fulfillment. (Relationships in Yaoi are often unhealthy.) The romantic vignettes here are punchy and dynamic, and the book explores its many original ideas with economy and finesse. The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms is the first Yaoi manga that I've actually liked. One reason why it works so well is that sometimes it's creepy on purpose. They aren't just stories of romantic wish fulfillment. (Relationships in Yaoi are often unhealthy.) The romantic vignettes here are punchy and dynamic, and the book explores its many original ideas with economy and finesse. ...more

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

So, tempted by the beautiful artwork of Totsukuni no shojo I read this and... I just read a furry story. The furry propaganda is here, luring you in with beautiful art and storyline about magic. Beware you lot.
Am I disgusted with myself? Mildly. Did I enjoy it? It was okay.
Why did I read it? Honestly, I have no idea. In my defence, the art-style really is sublime.

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Dec 21, 2019 Jessica rated it liked it

The art in this book is beautiful, and I really like the concept of demi-humans in a fantastical wizarding school. But - a lot of the stories and relationships were kind of uncomfortable to read about, so sadly it didn’t really work for me ):

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Oct 23, 2019 Rebecca rated it really liked it

I didn't expect to like this because furries aren't really my thing, but a good author can make almost any story appealing. I didn't expect to like this because furries aren't really my thing, but a good author can make almost any story appealing. ...more

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

ok so, let me preface with saying that i am not a furry nor do i associate myself with furries /j.

I just happen to enjoy a BL manga that included short stories featuring anthropomorphic animals and mythical creatures. can’t believe i have to type this lmao.

unsurprisingly, I had no clue this was wholly gay, I just really liked the style this was drawn in and I wanted to read some more Nagabe. i should really start checking the tags lol.

and if I’m being honest, I enjoyed a lot of the short stor

ok so, let me preface with saying that i am not a furry nor do i associate myself with furries /j.

I just happen to enjoy a BL manga that included short stories featuring anthropomorphic animals and mythical creatures. can’t believe i have to type this lmao.

unsurprisingly, I had no clue this was wholly gay, I just really liked the style this was drawn in and I wanted to read some more Nagabe. i should really start checking the tags lol.

and if I’m being honest, I enjoyed a lot of the short stories and was kind of disappointed we didn’t get to see more of some of the characters (the lizard and deer specifically <3)
alsooooo, the author, at the end of every story, includes two mini paragraphs/blurbs about the main animals or creatures in the short story. this was interesting and fun to read especially since I just finished bio - scientific facts, adaptations, labelling.

there were probably like two stories that didn’t sit well with me because it crossed boundaries or felt creepy.
all in all, this book was a real treat and just a lot of good feels :]

subjective ranking of each short story (best to worst):

1. Marley and Collette
2. Alan and Eddington
3. Mauchly and Charles
4. Florio and Nicol
5. Cromwell and Benjamin
6. Dong and Huey
7. Allhoff and Carreras
8. Fermat and Emil


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Mar 18, 2021 Remxo rated it really liked it

A series of connected short BL stories for furries that read like a mix between Beastars and Harry Potter. Might be one of the cutest manga I've ever read.

I believe it's a one off, but it could very well function as a pilot of a future series that introduces us to the characters. The students and teachers of Wizdoms are demihumans, half human, half animal. They share characteristics of both, which makes for some really fun and unexpected interactions and truly original and heartfelt moments.

I w

A series of connected short BL stories for furries that read like a mix between Beastars and Harry Potter. Might be one of the cutest manga I've ever read.

I believe it's a one off, but it could very well function as a pilot of a future series that introduces us to the characters. The students and teachers of Wizdoms are demihumans, half human, half animal. They share characteristics of both, which makes for some really fun and unexpected interactions and truly original and heartfelt moments.

I wonder what Nagabe originally had in mind with this story collection, because in the afterword he writes, "I'm a little sad that I couldn't go really in depth and out there with any of this..."


The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Apr 09, 2020 Etienne rated it really liked it

Interesting tales of a wizarding world/school. I would have like to go deeper into one big story instead of just short stories but the concept was really cool. It mostly about love and friendship. I like the art a lot, always do with this artist and I enjoy it very much, let's hope it will have some kind of continuity some day! Interesting tales of a wizarding world/school. I would have like to go deeper into one big story instead of just short stories but the concept was really cool. It mostly about love and friendship. I like the art a lot, always do with this artist and I enjoy it very much, let's hope it will have some kind of continuity some day! ...more

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

Oct 15, 2019 Lyan rated it it was amazing

Welcome to the dramatic fantastic world of anthropomorphic young wizards in love. Eight different couples - eight thrilling short stories. Hogwarts meets the Furry Fandom. Unique and entertaining in its very own way. I'd love to see a sequel coming out next year! Welcome to the dramatic fantastic world of anthropomorphic young wizards in love. Eight different couples - eight thrilling short stories. Hogwarts meets the Furry Fandom. Unique and entertaining in its very own way. I'd love to see a sequel coming out next year! ...more

The wize wize beasts of the wizarding wizdoms read online

I enjoyed this book a lot. each story was unique and each character had its own quirks specific to what animal they were which was a cute idea for the author to put into this book. overall great book and would recommend.

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