The american registry of radiologic technologists verification

Radiologic technologists registered or certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board do not need additional licensing or registration in Colorado. Operation of X-ray machines used in dentistry, chiropractic, or podiatry requires training specified by each respective board.

  • All other non-physicians who operate X-ray imaging systems on living humans must meet the requirements specified in the regulations.

Limited scope operator

Initial application, didactic and clinical experience, renewal

Limited scope operator application           

If you cannot submit an electronic form, please call 303-692-3448 or email for a PDF copy.

Limited scope operator form sections

R-70 application for registration
This section will begin the Limited Scope Operator registration process.

R-71 didactic training and clinical experience: Use this PDF version of the form only if you are uploading it to the form above as proof of clinical experience.

This section documents the didactic and clinical experience. Application for registration must occur within one year of completing didactic training. Application for registration must occur within ninety-days of completing your clinical training.

  • Submit a non-refundable check for $60 made out to CDPHE.
  • Refer to the form instructions for further details.
  • If accepted, this will allow you to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists limited scope operator exam.
  • Upon approval, we will mail you a letter with payment and testing instructions.
  • If you are using your limited scope operator registration from another state, or need to retake the registration/certification exam, complete and resubmit the R-70 form.
  • Regulatory requirements: Part 2, Appendix 2D and Section
  • For new or retake applications, the x-ray unit will contact you by phone to obtain your Social Security Number and date of birth necessary to set up your exam with ARRT.

R-90 renewal of limited scope operator registration
Limited scope operators are required to renew their registration every 2 years. This section will allow you to renew your registration and submit the $60 application fee and evidence of continuing education credits.

An individual who has taken and passed a required test and has approval by us pursuant to to operate x-ray systems and to conduct specified radiographic examinations of the chest, extremities, skull, hip/pelvis and spine/sacrum.

Limited scope operator Q&A guidance

Limited scope operator current license verification

  • This directory is the primary source for verifying LSO registration status with the state of Colorado.
  • For people who recently took examinations, we do not display registration until the score results are final.
  • We no longer issue registration certificates to applicants. A registration letter is provided to the candidate. Use this directory to verify registration status.

Direct questions or concerns regarding candidate status to:

(303) 692-3448

Fluoroscopy operator

An individual who has taken and passed a required test and has approval by us pursuant to to operate x-ray fluoroscopy systems and to conduct specified radiographic examinations.

Fluoroscopy Operator current license verification

  • This directory is the primary source for verifying fluoroscopy operator registration status with the state of Colorado.
  • For people who recently took examinations, we do not display registration until the score results are final.
  • A registration letter is provided to the candidate.  
  • Use this directory to verify registration status.

Initial fluoroscopy registration
R-50 application for registration
Complete this form to begin the Fluoroscopy Operator registration process.

 R-51 didactic training and clinical experience form
This form documents the didactic and clinical experience. Application for registration must occur within one year of completing didactic training. Application for registration must occur within ninety-days of completing your clinical training.

  • Submit a non-refundable check for $60 made out to CDPHE.
  • Refer to the form instructions for further details.
  • If accepted, this will allow you to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists fluoroscopy operator exam.
  • Upon approval, we will send you a letter with payment and testing instructions.
  • If you are using your fluoroscopy operator registration from another state, or need to retake the registration/certification exam, complete and resubmit the R-50 form.

Regulatory requirements: Part 2, Appendix 2O and Section

R-52 renewal of fluoroscopy operator registration form
Current fluoroscopy operators are required to renew their registration every 2 years by submitting the R-52 application for renewal form along with the $60 application fee and evidence of current state licensure.

Provisional mammographer

A person enrolled in a training program who can perform mammography exams under the supervision of a registered mammography technologist.

Initial provisional mammographer registration

Complete the R-64 application and submit payment following the instructions below.

  • The provisional mammographer registration is good for one year and can be renewed one time.

Bone densitometry operator

An individual who has taken and passed the required test or certification and has approval by us pursuant to to operate DXA X-ray systems.

Initial bone densitometry registration

Complete this form, submit necessary documents, include $60 check/money order made payable to CDPHE.

Complete this form as documentation of the required training and experience.

Renewal of bone density operator registration

A bone densitometry operator registration is valid for three years. To renew, complete this form and submit $60 check/money order made payable to CDPHE.

  • This directory is the primary source for verifying BDEO registration status with the state of Colorado.
  • For people who recently took examinations, we do not display registration until the score results are final.
  • We no longer issue registration certificates to applicants. A registration letter is provided to the candidate.  Use this directory to verify registration status.
  • All data is updated monthly. If you feel there is a discrepancy on the active list please email: .

Computed tomography operator Colorado registration (Discontinued)

If you wish to operate a computed tomography system in Colorado:

  • You must be certified in computed tomography by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board, and such operation shall be within the requirements of the regulations.

  • You are not required to be registered or licensed with Colorado as long as you are registered in computed tomography with American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board.

Before July 31, 2017, computed tomography operators not certified by American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board could complete an alternate training program and register as a Colorado computed tomography operator. This program was terminated in 2017 and is no longer available. We will continue to recognize Colorado registrations. You can verify Colorado CT operators at the link below.

What is American Registry of Radiologic Technologists?

THE AMERICAN REGISTRY OF RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGISTS (ARRT) A leading credentialing organization, ARRT offers certification and registration in a wide range of radiologic disciplines, helping people who work in medical imaging and radiation therapy to develop their careers.

Is the ARRT exam hard?

The truth is, although it covers basic concepts, the test is made harder simply due to the importance of a passing score, as well as factors such as its length and the time limit. Among the more common pitfalls are: mismanaging your time, letting questions fluster you, and second-guessing yourself.

How do I become a radiology tech in USA?

How to Become a Radiology Technologist.
Earn your high school diploma or GED. You'll need a high school education to apply to radiology technology programs..
Earn a degree. You can choose from a certificate, associate degree, or bachelor's degree in radiology technology..
Earn certification. ... .
Consider specializing..

Can you take the ARRT without a degree?

AN ASSOCIATE'S DEGREE IS REQUIRED The degree doesn't have to be in the radiologic sciences, and you can earn it before or after graduating from your radiological sciences educational program. You must receive the degree, however, before you take your ARRT examination.


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