Show me a picture of a black bear

January 2020, Lower Saxony, Osnabrück: Black bear "Honey" can be found in the black bear enclosure in the North American animal world "Manitoba" in...

January 2020, Lower Saxony, Osnabrück: Black bear "Honey" eats an apple in the black bear enclosure in the North American animal world "Manitoba" at...

January 2020, Lower Saxony, Osnabrück: Black bear "Honey" dares to take a look at the black bear enclosure in the North American animal world...

Is a black bear bigger than a grizzly?

Grizzly bears are generally larger than black bears and can be distinguished by longer, curved claws, humped shoulders, and a face that appears to be concave. A wide range of coloration from light brown to black is common.

Will a black bear hurt a human?

The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid.

How do you tell if a bear is a black bear?

American Black Bears.
Shoulder lies level or flat with back/lacks shoulder hump..
Rump is higher than front shoulders..
Face profile is straight from between the eyes to tip of muzzle..
Ears are taller and more oval shaped and can appear to be very prominent on the head..
Front claws are less than 2 inches long and curved..

What is the real color of a black bear?

Black bears come in more colors than any other North American mammal. They can be black, brown, cinnamon, blond, blue-gray, or white. East of the Great Plains, nearly all are black. These were the first bears early settlers saw, hence the name.


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