Should i drink premier protein before or after workout

Since Becky and I released our course on how to lose weight and have more energy, I get this question a lot:   When should I have a protein drink? 

First & foremost,  remember that protein shakes are to supplement whole foods.  Whenever possible, have whole foods instead.  You need to maintain a healthy diet, and protein shakes can certainly be a part of that diet.   Personally, I try not to drink more than two per day (on workout days).

Your body needs protein in order to have energy.  

I often have a shake for breakfast, when I’m heading out for the day.   They have enough protein to keep me full for a while.    Premier Protein shakes, for example, have 30 grams of protein, 160 calories and only 1 gram of sugar, so they are perfect for breakfast on the go.  
When I’m home, I’ll have eggs or a smoothie.  (On the weekends, we’ll make crazy muffins or crazy pancakes)

A protein shake for breakfast can build muscle, while also creating energy.   This is the best time of day to have your shake: first thing in the morning.   This is great because your body has just had around 8 hours without being active or eating.   Your body will begin to use your muscles for energy if it does not have protein, so having a Protein shake for breakfast combats that.  It allows the body to build muscle, to prevent the breakdown of muscles.

I also like to have one right after a workout (within 30 minutes of the workout ending).
I like to drink Protein shakes for nutrition, but also just because it tastes good.  It makes it easy to get the protein you need and stay on track with your health goals.  
We keep Premier Protein shakes in the refrigerator, so they are there when I need one (having things like this ready to go will help to eliminate that “grab whatever” moment that happens when we are hungry or craving protein.   They are available for purchase in 4-count, 12-count, and 18-count 11-oz packs at Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Costco. 

The reason that I have one soon after working out is that our muscles are more likely to absorb the protein after a workout.  The same goes for vitamins and minerals.  Drinking a Protein shake after a workout helps to repair muscles, but I also like to have an after-workout snack of an apple with a scoop of almond butter.

Whatever you decide, be sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet.   You’ll feel better and have more “Energy for Every Day.”  

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May 26, 2021 2 min read

Should I Drink Protein Before Or After A Workout?

You can take in protein or amino acids pre- and post-workout, but if I absolutely had to pick one time, I'd say pre-workout. Sacrilege, you say! If you're more upset than a cat kicked off a ledge, give me time to explain before you claw my face off.

Post-workout shakes have long been considered the most important pieces of the workout nutrition puzzle. Recent research suggests, however, that ingesting protein and amino acids prior to training may be even more beneficial.

Hang in there, kitty. Here's why:

Fuel Your Muscles

Pre-workout protein, specifically the branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), will help fuel your muscles during training. BCAAs don't need to be processed by your liver; after being absorbed, they head directly to your blood stream to be picked up by your muscles.

This is key because exercise causes the breakdown and oxidation of BCAAs. Providing BCAAs to working muscles will prevent the need for your body to catabolize the working muscle itself.

Increase Protein Synthesis

Adding protein prior to your training session primes the pump: It starts protein synthesis during rather than after your training session.

Pre-workout protein shakes most likely increases amino acid delivery and uptake by muscles during training.

Taken alone or as part of a complete protein, BCAAs inhibit muscle breakdown. So net protein synthesis is elevated even higher!

Burn More Calories

A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise found that one scoop of whey protein prior to working out increased calorie burning over the subsequent 24 hours.

The exact cause of this increase in calorie burning is unknown, but it may be due to the added metabolic effects of increasing protein and modifying substrates (energy sources) used during exercise.

Don't wait for the eggheads: It's okay to reap the benefits of the what (increased calorie burning!) without knowing the why (exact metabolic cause).

A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise found that one scoop of whey protein prior to working out increased calorie burning over the subsequent 24 hours.

Carryover Effect

There is also a carryover effect of nutrients taken in the pre-workout period. After ingesting protein, muscle protein synthesis can stay elevated as long as 3 hours.

This means that pre-workout protein allows you to double dip: You reap the benefits of elevated blood amino acids during your training session in addition to a carryover of elevated blood amino acid levels after your workout.

This elevation of blood amino acids will also help prevent excessive post-workout muscle breakdown.

This occurs partly through the reduction of the muscle-catabolizing hormone cortisol. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that starting your workout nutrition with a protein-and-carbohydrate shake 30 minutes prior to exercise led to a significant reduction in cortisol up to one day following the training session.

Fat-Burning Bonus

Taking protein (specifically BCAAs) alone before a workout is extremely beneficial during a low-carb diet. The consumption of pre-workout BCAAs, especially when glycogen levels are low (as they are during a low-carb diet), leads to an increase in fat oxidation (fat-burning) during high-intensity exercise like interval training or metabolic resistance training.

The nutrients you ingest around your workouts are extremely critical to developing and refining your physique.

The Winner: Pre-Workout Protein

The nutrients you ingest around your workouts are extremely critical to developing and refining your physique. If you skip pre-workout protein, you skip a chance to support intra-workout anabolism (muscle growth AND reduce post-workout catabolism (muscle breakdown).

Provided that you're getting adequate dietary protein throughout the day, I recommend BCAAs pre-workout. Their free form offers much faster absorption and uptake, which means your blood amino levels will be high when you hit the training floor.

Is Premier protein good before a workout?

Drinking protein before a workout can kickstart any muscle protein synthesis that will take place during your workout. Because muscle protein synthesis can actually increase for as long as 3 hours after taking protein, you will benefit from elevated blood amino acids during your workout, as well as after.

Is Premier protein shakes good for after workout?

Premier protein shakes are a great way to supplement your post-workout diet and boost the muscle recovery process, letting you get more out of your workouts and potentially see results faster.

Should I have my protein drink before or after my workout?

Should I have a protein shake before or after a workout for muscle gain? When you want to gain muscle, you need to have available protein for your muscles to build – making it best to have your protein shake after your workout.

Should I drink a protein shake before and after a workout?

Experts say that yes, you should drink protein after a workout as well as before. Resistance exercise breaks down muscle, and consuming protein will replenish the body's store of amino acids to help repair and build those same muscles.


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