Quickest way to get rid of sore throat and cough

Cough Hacks: How to Find Relief

Coughing is a normal and healthy reflex. It helps your body clear your airways of mucus, smoke, and other irritants. But constant coughing can take a toll. It may interrupt your sleep, work, and activities, hurt your chest, and tire you out. When infected or irritated by a cough or sore throat, the cells in your upper airways (nose and throat) trigger your immune system to help fight back. You can get relief from the symptoms by working to reduce the inflammation.

It’s best to stop a cough by treating the underlying cause, whether it’s a cold, allergies, acid reflux, or blood pressure drugs or other medications. But you also can try some home remedies to quiet and soothe your cough.

Drink lots of fluids. When you’re sick, mucus can trickle down the back of your nose. Staying hydrated thins the drip so it’s less likely to irritate your throat and trigger a cough. This also makes it easier for your lungs to clear out the discharge.

What’s more, a parched body may push your immune system to release more histamines. These chemicals swell your nose and make more mucus, which can set off a cough.

Swallow some honey. It soothes the scratchiness in the back of your throat. One study found that honey works just as well as over-the-counter drugs for calming nighttime coughs. Take a tablespoon as needed, or stir it into a warm drink. Don’t give honey to babies under age 1.

Look to Nature. Other natural remedies include aloe and menthol. These can help reduce inflammation of the upper airways. 

Sip a hot drink. Research shows that it can ease cold symptoms, including a cough. The liquids are hydrating, and the heat helps to lower congestion. Brew some calming chamomile tea. Ginger tea is another good choice. The spicy root may help relax the smooth muscles in your airways. Steep chopped ginger in boiling water for 5-10 minutes and discard before sipping.

Over the Counter options. Some natural OTC products that contain very low doses of aspirin also help reduce the symptoms of sore throat and cough. 

Clear irritants from your home. Some people are sensitive to perfumes and fragrances in laundry detergents and air fresheners. That may irritate the sinuses and up mucus production, which sets the stage for hacking.

If you have allergies, cleaning away mold, dust, and pollen may help. These allergens may cause a reaction, including a cough. You may need to wash your sheets in hot water, clean your floors with a HEPA-filter vacuum, and scrub windows with a bleach solution.

Sleep on an incline. If a cold or an allergy is behind your cough, try raising your head. When you lie flat, the mucus can pool and irritate your throat. To put gravity on your side, use an extra pillow or raise the head of your bed with a stable surface, such as books.

Gargle saltwater. Along with soothing a sore throat, gargling can also help loosen thick mucus. It can also help clear away allergens and bacteria. To try it, dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Gargle, then spit it out.

Stamp out cigarettes. Smoking paralyzes the tiny hairs lining your lungs, called the cilia, which clear out mucus and dirt. That’s why some smokers get long-term cough. Research so far suggests that the same may happen with vaping. Steer clear of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and secondhand smoke.

Moisten the air. A steamy shower or bath can help loosen the mucus and congestion behind your cough. A humidifier also may help. Be sure to clean and change the filter as directed by the manufacturer. This prevents it from blowing mold, fungi, and bacteria in your home.

Rinse your nose. It flushes out cough-inducing mucus and allergens from your nasal passages and sinuses. Use a saline spray or try nasal irrigation. With your head tilted over a sink, use a neti pot, nasal cup, or bulb syringe to pour salt water in one nostril and let it drain out of the other.


A sore throat is often the first sign that you are coming down with a cold or the flu.

A sore throat is an inflammation at the back of throat and surrounding area, known as the pharynx. That inflammation leads to common sore throat symptoms like scratchiness, pain, swelling, and discomfort.

Acting fast when you notice that first telltale tingle or twinge of pain might help keep your sore throat symptoms to a minimum. If your sore throat has quickly taken on a life of its own, don’t worry. There are plenty of over-the-counter medicines for sore throat – some of them already in your kitchen cupboard or medicine cabinet – ready to help ease the pain and scratchiness.

Keep reading for 10 remedies for sore throat ready to ease your pain.

  1. Honey

From its warm, amber color to its thick, syrupy consistency, and mild, sweet taste honey is nature’s sore throat remedy. Honey boasts a range of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.1

As a precaution, children under 1 year of age should not consume honey due to susceptibility to a toxin it may contain.2

  1. Saltwater Gargle

It’s something most of us grew up with and might be the first thing you think of when a sore throat catches hold. Gargling with warm salt water reduces inflammation, promotes healing, and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Salt water also helps thin mucus and is a one of the best home remedies for cough and sore throat. Gargle twice a day for sore throat relief.3

  1. Baking Soda Gargle

Baking soda has an alkaline effect that neutralizes acids in the mouth. It can help ward off infection, protect against inflammation and lubricate the mouth and throat.4

  1. Humidifier

Breathing dry air can feel like sandpaper on a raw, painful sore throat. A room humidifier moisturizes your nose and throat, making it much more comfortable to breathe. Add a few drops of essential oil for a throat-soothing aromatherapy session.

Run the humidifier at night while you sleep to keep the room moisturized while your body rests and works to heal itself.

  1. Over-the-Counter Remedies

Vicks family of cold and flu products offers soothing sore throat relief with ingredients that alleviate pain, break up congestion, and quell the coughing that often accompanies sore throat. Many over-the-counter cold and flu medicines treat multiple symptoms. Make sure to identify what other symptoms you may be experiencing along with sore throat, if any, so you can get the relief you need.

The last five points will explore the different Vicks sore throat remedies you can keep in your medicine cabinet to relieve sore throat as soon as the pain starts.

  1. Medicated Drops

Vaporize your sore throat pain with VapoCOOL™ SEVERE Drops. These drops soothe your sore throat, relieving your sore throat pain with the oral anesthetic menthol.

  1. Sore Throat Sprays

Get rapid, targeted relief of sore throat pain where and when you need it most. Winterfrost-flavored VapoCOOL™ Sore Throat Spray contains pain-blocking benzocaine and cooling, soothing menthol that work quickly to temporarily stop the pain.

  1. Lozenges

When you have a sore throat it’s important to keep your throat moistened to protect delicate mucus membranes and prevent your throat from drying out. For fast pain relief make yours medicated with VapoCOOL™ Sore Throat Lozenges.

VapoCOOL™ Sore Throat Lozenges contain benzocaine to numb sore throat pain and the cooling sensation of menthol to ease that painful sensation.

  1. Multi-Symptom Relief Liquids and LiquiCaps™

If your sore throat is accompanied by cough, congestion or other cold and flu symptoms, you’ll find multi-symptom relief in DayQuil™ Severe + VapoCOOL™ Cold & Flu and NyQuil™ Severe + VapoCOOL™ Cold & Flu. Both contain acetaminophen to reduce fever and relieve sore throat pain, and muscle aches and pains.5 The decongestant phenylephrine will unstuff your stuffy nose,6 and dextromethorphan will help suppress your cough. DayQuil also provides the expectorant guaifenesin to help break up mucus and relieve chest congestion. NyQuil adds the antihistamine doxylamine succinate to dry your runny nose. They also come in convenient LiquiCap™ form.

  1. FluTherapy

For soothing relief from sore throat and other cold and flu symptoms, try FluTherapy SEVERE. The acetaminophen in this medicated hot drink relieves sore throat and muscle aches and pains. FluTherapy Daytime and FluTherapy Nighttime both contain the nasal decongestant phenylephrine to reduce stuffiness by shrinking swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. FluTherapy Daytime has dextromethorphan to suppress cough symptoms. For added runny nose and watery eye symptom relief at night, FluTherapy Nighttime includes the antihistamine diphenhydramine.

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How do I get rid of a sore throat and cough ASAP?

16 Best Sore Throat Remedies to Make You Feel Better Fast, According to Doctors.
Gargle with salt water—but steer clear of apple cider vinegar. ... .
Drink extra-cold liquids. ... .
Suck on an ice pop. ... .
Fight dry air with a humidifier. ... .
Skip acidic foods. ... .
Swallow antacids. ... .
Sip herbal teas. ... .
Coat and soothe your throat with honey..

How do you get rid of a sore throat in 3 hours?

6 home remedies to get rid of a sore throat.
Warm and cold fluids. Sip on warm drinks, like tea or chicken soup. ... .
Gargling. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt — or a similar amount of baking soda — in a glass of warm water. ... .
Over-the-counter antihistamines and pain relievers. ... .
Steam and humidity. ... .
Hot toddy. ... .

How long does it take for a sore throat and cough to go away?

How long will the effects of a sore throat last? Viral pharyngitis often goes away in five to seven days. If you have bacterial pharyngitis, you will feel better after you have taken antibiotics for two to three days. You must take your antibiotic even when you are feeling better.