Permission form for medical treatment of a minor

The nature of accidents is that they happen when we least expect them, often at the least convenient times. This is particularly true of accidents and emergencies that involve kids. While these events can be unpredictable or unavoidable, you can still plan for them, specifically by preparing a medical release form for minor children.

Completing a medical release form (also called a medical consent form) ensures that your children will have access to medical care when they need it, even if you can't be reached.

What Is a Medical Release Form?

Medical release forms are a legal way to outline your parental wishes and transfer decision-making authority to your child's other caregivers when you are unavailable.

The simple form gives clear, irrefutable consent for medical treatment—until you can step in. This makes it possible for your child to get immediate care even if they are not with you, like if they break a bone while with the babysitter or at daycare, or have an allergic reaction while staying with grandma, for example.

These incidents are stressful enough on their own. Without a medical release in place, treatment can be delayed if healthcare providers cannot reach parents or guardians. This is why you should provide a medical consent form to anyone who regularly cares for your child in your absence.

Medical release forms are a vital way for you to ensure that your children are safe and cared for, even when you're not around.

Why It's Important

People often assume that hospitals have to treat everyone who comes through the door, but that's not necessarily true—especially when it comes to children. Many urgent care facilities and emergency rooms will not treat minors unless a parent is present, a parent has given consent in writing, or the child's life is in danger.

Initial screenings will be done at an ER but care will only be provided without parental consent for emergency medical services in cases where a child's life is at risk, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Consent for treatment is presumed if the child's life is in danger. If your child's injuries or illnesses aren't life-threatening, they might not be able to be treated at an ER or urgent care until you give permission.

For example, without a medical release form in place, if your child were to suffer a possible concussion on the playground while you're at work or out of town, they would likely have to wait for treatment—including receiving pain relievers for their comfort—until you could be reached. 

Medical consent forms fall under the jurisdiction of a healthcare power of attorney. People of all ages can have a POA for health care, but in the case of minors, it affords them seamless access to care by giving their caregivers the power to make crucial medical decisions in your place until you can take over.

Create a Medical Release Form

To ensure your medical consent form contains all the necessary information, consider using a professional template. For example, The St. Louis Children's Hospital offers a free "Permission to Treat" form that you can download and print.

The simple, one-page document includes all of the relevant information caregivers and medical staff would need to treat your children in your absence, including pertinent medical history and insurance information.

You can also download free medical consent forms elsewhere online, such as those from LawDepot and eForms.

Getting Started

Start by compiling all applicable information—including birth dates, medical history, and insurance information—for each of your children. Then, use the steps below to fill out the forms.

  1. Print one or more copies of the medical release form for each child.
  2. Fill out the form completely. Add any specific health information or wishes that you would want caregivers and medical personnel to know.
  3. If you share custody or parenting responsibilities with another person, you will want to include their information as well. Let them know that you're taking this step (and make sure they have a copy of the forms).
  4. Plan to notarize the form to make it legally binding. Wait to sign all copies of the forms until you are in the presence of the notary public (they need to witness the signing of a document in order to notarize it).
  5. Discuss your medical wishes, your child's medical history, how (and when) to use the form, the authority the form grants, and where the forms are filed with all applicable caregivers.

If you share legal custody with your child's other parent or parents, you will want to arrange to have the form notarized together. Having all of a child's legal guardians on the form is the best way to indicate that you all give consent for your child to receive treatment if none of you can be reached in an emergency.

Laws regulating how long these permissions remain active vary state by state. Once the covered time period is up, a new medical release form will need to be notarized for a caregiver's authority to make medical decisions to continue.


In addition to double-checking that all the information is filled in and correct, there are a few additional steps you should take to ensure your medical consent form works as intended. Firstly, consider having multiple copies notarized for each child. Keep notarized copies (not photocopies of the original) in multiple places.

You'll also want to file a copy at home or your office with your other important documents. Make sure to leave one with caregivers, and anywhere else your child spends time without you (such as school or camp). And make sure to include your primary and secondary insurance information.

Remember to update information (such as a new phone number, new caregiver, or health insurance plan) as soon as it changes. Replace forms when they expire so that everything stays accurate and up to date. Lastly, verify that all of the information on the form, especially phone numbers, is correct.

A Word From Verywell

Having medical release forms completed and stored where you can quickly get your hands on them gives you peace of mind that your kids will have access to medical care should they need it—even if you can't be reached.

Daycare, school, or camp are just a few examples of places where your child likely spends a lot of time without you. The adults looking after them should have copies of your child's medical forms handy and know how to reach you in an emergency.

Check the forms periodically to ensure they're where they should be and that the information is current and accurate.

When can a minor give consent for medical treatment in Ohio?

If the patient is a minor or lacks the capacity to consent, the informed consent must be obtained from a parent, guardian, or other person legally responsible for the patient.

Can a minor receive medical treatment without parental consent near Georgia?

A minor may consent to medical services and counseling related to substance abuse. Parental consent is not required for outpatient treatment. In cases of emergency, consent to medical care is implied.

When can a minor give consent for medical treatment in Oklahoma?

Any minor who is 14 years of age or older, or has graduated from high school, or is married, or having been married is divorced or is pregnant may give effective consent to any legally authorized medical, dental, health or mental health services for himself or herself, and the consent of no other person shall be ...

Can a 15 year old consent to medical treatment UK?

Children under the age of 16 can consent to their own treatment if they're believed to have enough intelligence, competence and understanding to fully appreciate what's involved in their treatment. This is known as being Gillick competent. Otherwise, someone with parental responsibility can consent for them.


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