Ozonated olive oil receding gums

Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms.  It is the elemental form of oxygen that occurs naturally as a result of ultraviolet light in combination with atmospheric electrical discharge or lightning, which causes a temporary recombination of oxygen atoms into groups of three. An ozone generator simulates lightning via an electrical discharge field.  Ozone is also formed naturally in our bodies by the immune system to kill invading bacteria, viruses, parasites and funguses. It works because oxygen is the only gas that has a terminal electron receptor and can carry an electrical charge.

Ozone is an anti-inflammatory and has strong disinfectant properties. It enables non-toxic wound healing. It increases circulation via nitric oxide and has high redox potential.  Ozone is such a powerful oxidizer that it is a great natural therapy to address infections commonly seen in the oral cavity.

Ozone enhances gum treatment, root canals, extractions, and even cavity prevention.

Gum disease is a result of multiple factors, including diet, systemic conditions, and oral hygiene. Ozone therapy improves the state of the gums while reducing the unhealthy pressures on the overall system.

In my practice for periodontal issues, we irrigate with ozonated water along with scaling the teeth. This is followed by an infusion of gas directly into the gum pockets. Using this method, we are seeing a virtual elimination of pathogens. In addition, the gums respond with increased blood flow and healing. Patients can augment this treatment at home with ozonated olive oil. The methods applied are safe and efficacious, with no toxicity or side effects.

Ozone is equally as promising in root canal treatment. We can further eliminate other toxins by offering ozonated products as an alternative to conventional chemicals. Ozone disinfects the potential chronic state of infection surrounding a root canal-treated tooth. Ozone gas permeates and kills throughout the lateral canals and tubules in a tooth. The bacteria in the tooth create a positive charge. Ozone, as the only gas to carry an electrical charge, gets attracted toward the very infection it is trying to fight. The pathogens attract the ozone, essentially committing suicide. Thus, concerns affiliated with root canals can be reduced.

Ozone is also being used to stop small cavities and to inhibit deeper cavities from degenerating into root canals. It is especially useful for treating cavities in the children as minimal drilling is all that is required. I have treated  small children with ozone trays who were recommended to be put under general anesthesia.  We were able to gain more time  allowing the child to mature enough to be able to handle single fillings.

I am certified in Ozone Therapy from the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry. I use a state of the art medical grade ozone generator manufactured by Longevity Resources, which produces ultra-pure, contaminant-free ozone from pure oxygen.

You can find numerous peer reviewed studies on ozone at Pubmed. 



Updated Oct 5, 2015

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Ozonated olive oil receding gums

The use of oxygen in complementary therapies has been gaining momentum in recent years, particularly in the area of dentistry. While ozonated olive oil has many practical and effective uses, such as supporting skin health, research has shown it to be especially helpful for supporting gum health. Gingivitis, typically caused by diets laden with sugar and refined carbohydrates, is a growing issue today. One recent study is revealing just how powerful ozonated therapy can be in the area of teeth and gum health. If you’re currently suffering from any type of dental issue, you may want to continue reading.

Olive Oil: A Potential Complementary Approach

Ozone therapy isn’t an entirely new concept in dentistry. Previous research and medical reviews have discussed the importance of ozone in replacing antiseptic agents used against gingival infections. [1] A study published in Tanta Dental Journal evaluated 30 subjects with gum issues, each receiving standard approaches to gum issues. [2] Half of the group was subjected to both standard treatments and ozonated therapy. These patients received ozonated olive oil gel applied to the main site of gum damage.

The group that received the complementary therapy in addition to conventional treatment saw longer lasting improvements in symptoms. As a matter of fact, the ozonated therapy combined with root scaling resulted in sustained improvements for up to six months, while the benefits from the standard treatment alone only lasted about a month. Although the size of the study participants is relatively small, it is one study among dozens that indicate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in complementing standard medical applications.

One of the main uses for ozonated olive oil is in the area of skin health. Ozonated olive oil, like Global Healing's Skin Therapy, contains antibacterial compounds that may support the skin’s defense against bacteria and other compounds that cause acne. Olive oil itself is also an excellent moisturizer, providing a nourishing smoothness to the skin. Many people also brush their teeth with ozonated olive oil in addition to fluoride-free toothpaste to get a deep clean.

References (2)
  1. Huth KC, Jakob FM, Saugel B, et al. Effect of ozone on oral cells compared with established antimicrobials. Eur J Oral Sci. 2006 Oct;114(5):435.
  2. M.Y.M. Shoukheba, Sh.A. Ali. The effects of subgingival application of ozonated olive oil get in patient with localized aggressive periodontitis. A clinical and bacteriological study. Tanta Dental Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, April 2014, Pages 63-73.

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.


How do you use ozonated olive oil on teeth?

Ozonated Olive Oil in Dentistry Some even use it as dry toothpaste – brushing their teeth with it with no water. It acts like a disinfectant or mouthwash!

Does olive oil heal gums?

Olive oil helps clean and supply essential vitamins to the gums, and studies show topically applied ozone acts fast to improve wound healing and gum injuries without side effects. Research finds it is effective against swollen gums and the bleeding gums.

Does ozonated olive oil really work?

Ozonated Olive Oil holds a variety of health benefits, but is most commonly used for conditions of the skin and external body, much as you would use a therapeutic salve or cream. As a massage paste, the ozonide acts as an antioxidant, allowing lactic acid and toxins to be released from the pores of the skin.

What is ozonated olive oil good for?

Ozonated olive oil has antibacterial properties and destroys, fungi, and other pathogens sterilizing the wound. Also, stimulates the healing process, which no antibiotic can achieve. Doctors and therapists use ozonated oil to treat a variety of skin conditions, such as dermatitis, acne, pressure ulcers, etc.