Nutritional value of egg white vs yolk

Eggs are versatile, affordable, nutritious and, best of all, delicious. However, it is a fact that egg yolks contain a fair amount of cholesterol. For this reason, many people choose to eat only egg whites. When considering the whole egg, though, is it worth it to ditch the yolk? Let’s consider the nutritional value of egg whites and egg yolks.

The yolk undeniably contains more cholesterol, fat and calories than the whites, but it also holds the majority of an egg’s nutrients. In this piece, we’ll explore the different nutrient levels of egg whites and egg yolks, which one offers the most health benefits and how to prepare your eggs to preserve their nutrition.

After you know the facts, you’ll be better prepared to decide which part of the egg suits your dietary needs. In most cases, you can have your yolk and eat it, too.

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The Nutrition You Need is in an Egg

Before we break down the nutrition in egg whites and egg yolks, let’s take a look at the dietary requirements for an average adult. This will help paint a clearer picture of how an egg is a nutritionally valuable part of a diet.

You can find all of the following nutrients in an egg. Here’s an average amount of those nutrients we need every day and the reasons they keep us healthy:

● Calories: 2,000. Calories fuel the body to keep major systems functioning.
● Protein: 50 grams. Protein builds and repairs tissue and muscle.
● Fat: 70 grams. Fat supports cell growth, protects organs, keeps you warm and gives you energy. It also helps your body absorb nutrients.
● Calcium: 1,000 milligrams. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth, helps prevent blood clotting, supports healthy heartbeat and muscular function, and helps prevent osteoporosis.
● Magnesium: 380 milligrams. Magnesium supports muscle, heart and bone functions.
● Iron: 8 milligrams. Iron helps carry oxygen through your body.
● Phosphorous: 700 milligrams. Phosphorous is needed to grow, maintain and repair muscles. It also helps your kidneys filter waste.
● Potassium: 4,044 milligrams. Potassium helps you maintain healthy blood pressure.
● Sodium: 500 milligrams. Sodium works with potassium. It helps muscles contract, assists the intestines in absorbing nutrients and regulates blood pressure and kidney function.
● Zinc: 11 milligrams. Zinc supports the immune system and cell growth.
● Copper: 1.2 milligrams. Copper helps maintain and repair connective tissues, and it also keeps nails and hair healthy.
● Manganese: 2.3 milligrams. Manganese helps the body metabolize cholesterol, carbs and amino acids.
● Selenium: 55 micrograms. Selenium protects the body as an antioxidant.
● Thiamin or Vitamin B1: 1.2 milligrams. Vitamin B1 supports the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart and digestive health.
● Riboflavin or Vitamin B2: 1.3 milligrams. Vitamin B2 helps the body metabolize fat and protein, and works as an antioxidant.
● Niacin or Vitamin B3: 16 milligrams. Vitamin B3 improves cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of heart disease.
● Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5: 5 milligrams. Vitamin B5 helps the body process carbs, proteins and fats. It also supports healthy skin.
● Vitamin B6: 1.3 milligrams. Vitamin B6 supports a healthy heart and muscles, and it helps prevent depression.
● Folate or Folic Acid: 400 micrograms. Folic acid allows the body to make DNA and divide cells.
● Vitamin B12: 2.4 micrograms. Vitamin B12 helps make DNA and supports blood cell and nerve health.
● Biotin or Vitamin B7: No recommended daily allowance. Strive to get 25-30 micrograms a day. It’s important for hair, eyes and nail health, and it supports liver and nervous system.
● Vitamin A: 900 micrograms. Vitamin A supports vision, immune and reproductive systems, and vital organ functioning.
● Vitamin E: 15 milligrams. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that supports your immune system.
● Vitamin D: 600 International Units. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium for bone and teeth health.
● Vitamin K: 120 micrograms. Vitamin K is important for blood, bone and organ health.
● Omega-3: 250 milligrams. Omega-3 supports brain, eye and heart health.
● Choline: 550 milligrams. Choline is an essential nutrient in metabolizing fats and other physiological processes.

As you can see, human beings require a lot of different vitamins and minerals to function properly. A whole egg contains a percentage of all of the above nutrients, making it one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Egg Yolks Contain Most of the Nutrients

Yolks are the gooey golden orbs in the center of an egg and are full of flavor. You may be wondering if egg yolks have protein, but not only is the yolk the tastiest part of an egg, but it is also the most nutritious.

However, not everything about the yolk is golden when compared to egg whites. Compared to the whites, egg yolks contain:

● Less protein: 2.7 grams vs. 3.6 grams.
● More fat: 4.5 grams or 99 percent of an egg’s fat.
● Less magnesium: 0.85 milligrams vs. 3.6 milligrams.
● Less potassium: 18.5 milligrams vs. 53.8 milligrams.
● Less riboflavin: 0.09 milligrams vs. 0.145 milligrams.
● Less niacin: 0.004 milligrams vs. 0.035 milligrams.
● More calories: 55 calories vs. 17 calories.
● All the cholesterol: 210 milligrams.
● All the saturated fat: 1.6 grams.

Before you scoop the yolks into the trash, though, consider the sunny-side of the yolk. In comparison to egg whites, egg yolks contain:

● More calcium: 21.9 milligrams vs. 2.3 milligrams.
● More iron: 0.4 milligrams vs. 0.03 milligrams.
● More phosphorus: 66.3 milligrams vs. 5 milligrams.
● More zinc: 0.4 milligrams vs. 0.01 milligrams.
● More copper: 0.013 milligrams vs. 0.008 milligrams.
● More manganese: 0.009 milligrams vs. 0.004 milligrams.
● More selenium: 9.5 micrograms vs. 6.6 micrograms.
● More thiamin: 0.03 milligrams vs. 0.01 milligrams.
● More pantothenic acid: 0.51 milligrams vs. 0.63 milligrams.
● More B6: 0.059 milligrams vs. 0.002 milligrams.
● More folate: 24.8 micrograms vs. 1.3 micrograms.
● More B12: 0.331 micrograms vs. 0.03 micrograms.
● All of an egg’s vitamin A: 245 International Units (IU)
● All of an egg’s vitamin E: 0.684 milligrams.
● All of an egg’s vitamin D: 18.3 IU
● All of an egg’s vitamin K: 119 IU
● All of an egg’s healthy fats: 94 milligrams.
● All of an egg’s carotenoids: 21 micrograms.

That’s a ton of nutrition for only 55 calories that gets left behind when you only eat the whites.

Egg White Contain Most of the Protein

While egg yolks contain most of the fat, you may be wondering about the egg whites or if egg whites have cholesterol. Well, egg whites are nearly fat-free, containing only one percent of an egg’s fat. Egg whites are also cholesterol-free, low-calorie and contain the greatest percentage of an egg’s protein or 57 percent.

So, for 17 calories, egg whites do offer some nutrition and lots of protein. It’s probably a better idea to eat more egg whites than whole eggs in larger quantities if you are concerned with weight management or cholesterol control. However, also consider that if you fry your egg whites in butter, you are adding extra calories and cholesterol — and defeating the purpose of consuming a cholesterol-free, saturated fat-free food.

Eat the Whole Egg for the Most Nutrition

So, which part of the egg is best? We recommend eating both.

Egg whites and egg yolks are the perfect marriage of nutrition. Most people can eat up to seven eggs a week with no increase in heart disease risk. It is recommended to consume no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol a day.

The American Heart Association (AHA) focuses on the following recommendations for heart-health:

● Get 40 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times a week.
● Eat more nutritious food.
● Limit saturated and trans fats.
● Limit sodium intake.

The AHA does not mention limiting egg consumption, but they do recommend eating lean poultry and nutritious food. As far as we know, eggs are nutritious.

Additionally, high cholesterol in food is not the leading cause of high cholesterol in the body, which is associated with heart disease. Saturated fats, like those found in meat fat, tell the body to produce more cholesterol and have a greater impact on the body’s cholesterol levels. Sugar, trans fats and genetics play a big role in raising harmful cholesterol levels, too. With only 1.6 milligrams of saturated fat, less than one gram of sugar and zero trans fat, eggs are not to be feared.

A 2016 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that people who eat an average of one egg a day had a 12 percent lower stroke risk than those who ate fewer eggs. No connection was made between egg consumption and increased heart disease. The AHA says it’s ok to eat an egg a day.

The point is, you can enjoy the flavor and nutrition of an entire egg every day with no consequence to your health. For a more filling meal, mix one whole egg with egg whites. Add some tasty fresh herbs for flavor, or add veggies like kale, mushrooms or chopped tomatoes for an extra nutrition boost.

As with all the good things in life, moderation is key. But the nutrients-to-calorie ratio in an egg makes it worth including in a well-balanced diet. Overall, eggs are easy on your waistline and your budget.

How to Cook Eggs For Optimal Nutrition

You can save on calories and fat by eating plain egg whites, but the moment they hit an oil-coated frying pan, their fat levels go up. How you prepare your eggs, whether you are cooking a whole egg or just the white, makes a difference in nutritional levels. There are different ways to cook your eggs to prevent adding excess fat and cholesterol, and to minimize nutrient loss.

One general rule to keep in mind when cooking any food is, heat destroys what it cooks. Obviously, this works in our favor when it comes to killing bacteria. However, heat can also destroy nutrients, too.

But heat isn’t all bad when it comes to nutrition. Heat also helps our body digest certain nutrients. For example, heat helps us process egg white protein, and it destroys avidin. Avidin is the protein in egg whites that makes biotin or vitamin B7 unavailable to us. In fact, protein in cooked eggs is 180 percent more digestible than in raw eggs.

However, too much heat can damage the nutrients in the yolk. Cooking an egg can reduce around 17-20 percent of its vitamin A level and as much as 6-18 percent of its antioxidant levels.

You also want to prevent oxidizing the yolks. Too much heat in the yolk makes yolk fat sticky and harder for our body to make good use of. The trick is to cook the whites, but not overcook the yolk to get the most nutrition out of an egg. In summary:

● Don’t overcook yolks.
● Do cook egg whites all the way.
● Use the shortest cooking time possible for safe consumption.

Don’t feel too bad if you prefer your yolks cooked thoroughly. No matter how you prefer to eat your eggs, eggs are still an excellent source of vitamins and protein. Let’s explore eight different ways to eat your eggs and the methods that promise the highest nutrition.

1. Raw

Some people like to add raw eggs to a healthy smoothie. Unlike protein powder, eggs provide sufficient protein and nutrients without artificial ingredients. Also, raw eggs contain a higher dose of vitamin A than cooked eggs. Although you can consume eggs raw, however, it is not always recommended.

Raw eggs carry the risk of salmonella poisoning because eggs must be heated to kill any bacteria. Also, your body only absorbs half the protein from raw eggs. If you do want to consume raw eggs, make sure to use eggs that have pasteurized eggshells for minimal bacteria risk. Here’s how to add eggs to a smoothie:

● Crack one or two pasteurized-shelled eggs into a blender. You can also use a quarter cup of pasteurized egg substitute instead.
● Add a half cup or one cup of washed, chopped fresh fruit to the blender. Some tasty choices include blueberries, bananas, strawberries, oranges or mangos.
● Add one-third of a cup of your preferred liquid. You might use milk, fruit juice or water.
● Pulse blender over medium until smooth and serve.

Can’t find pasteurized eggs in the store? That’s ok because you can complete the process at home. Here’s how to pasteurize eggs at home and kill bacteria without cooking the egg. For two eggs, make sure you have:

● Three clean forks or whisks
● One tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar
● A microwave-safe bowl
● Plastic wrap

Once you have your materials together, follow these steps:

● Collect the yolks of two eggs in the bowl.
● Whisk yolks.
● Add one tablespoon of lemon juice and whisk.
● Add two tablespoons of water and whisk.
● Seal the bowl with plastic wrap.
● Heat mixture on high until the surface starts to rise.
● Cook for eight more seconds.
● Remove the bowl from the microwave.
● Remove the cover.
● Whisk yolk with a clean fork or whisk.
● Return the bowl to the microwave and heat again until the surface rises.
● Continue to heat for eight more seconds.
● Remove the bowl and whisk with a clean fork or whisk until smooth.

You are now ready to enjoy your pasteurized eggs in your favorite raw egg recipe.

2. Hard-Boiled

The great thing about boiling an egg is you don’t add extra calories, and you cook away bacteria. Boiled eggs also make a convenient snack and are a go-to choice for dieters with busy schedules. Their shells can be dyed fun colors, or you can turn boiled eggs into scrumptious deviled eggs. You don’t need to use fattening mayo for your deviled eggs, either. Experiment with low-calorie fillers like hummus or tuna for a satisfying high-protein snack.

Try not to overcook your egg if you can. By boiling an egg for about ten minutes on the stove top, you destroy dangerous bacteria, but overcooking will lead to nutrient loss. If the yolk inside of a hard-boiled egg has a grayish-green color, that’s a sign it is overcooked.

Boiled eggs can be a headache to peel, but fortunately, there are tricks to getting a perfectly smooth egg without chipping away any of the protein-dense egg white. Many grocery stores carry peeled hard-boiled eggs, too. For a dozen perfect hard-boiled eggs:

● Place 12 eggs in a large saucepan.
● Cover them by one inch with cool water.
● Bring water to a boil over medium heat.
● When water has reached a boil, cover and remove from heat.
● Let them sit for 12 minutes.
● Place eggs in a colander and run them under cool water to stop cooking.
● Serve immediately.

Here’s a tip — add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water to help reduce eggshell stickiness when it’s time to peel.

When the eggs are boiled, and you’re ready to eat, follow one of these four tricks to peeling hard-boiled eggs, and avoid the frustration of dealing with broken shell pieces:

1. Tap the top and bottom of the egg on a hard surface and peel off the top and bottom. Firmly hold the egg, and blow the egg out.
2. Add water to a pot or plastic container, place the egg inside, cover with a plate or lid and shake — no peeling involved.
3. Crack the shell over a hard surface, insert a spoon under the shell and peel the shell away with the spoon.
4. Crack the egg and roll it over the counter, then peel the egg in cold water.

With those tricks in mind, it’s tempting to boil eggs just to have fun peeling them.

3. Soft-Boiled

When you cook a soft-boiled egg, you fully cook the white of the egg but not the yolk. Therefore, you’ve exposed the egg to enough heat to kill bacteria, while preserving all the nutritional gold and flavor of the yolk.

Cooked for five to six minutes, a runny yolk contains up to 50 percent more nutrients than a boiled or cooked yolk. This is the recommended method to cook an egg for the lowest calories with the most nutrients. It’s quick and easy, too, and involves minimal dish-washing. All you need is a pot, stovetop and some water.

To peel a soft-boiled egg, you’ll just want to be a little gentler with it than if it was hard-boiled. Instead of cracking the egg against a surface, tap it against the counter or use a utensil to tap against the shell. Hold the egg under cool running water and peel away the shell.

The gooey golden yolk of a soft-boiled egg is delicious on toast. Here’s a recipe for Avocado Toast with Soft-Boiled Eggs:

● Grill or toast slices of whole wheat bread.
● Cut, pit and peel an avocado.
● Put the avocado in a bowl and mash with the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of olive oil, and a pinch of salt and black pepper.
● Spread the avocado mixture on toast
● Add peeled and halved soft-boiled eggs.
● Top the toast with watercress leaves or pea shoots, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Poached

You may have eaten poached eggs in the popular dish known as eggs Benedict. Preparing a poached egg is a little more complicated than the other methods on this list, but it is a healthy way to eat an egg — as long as you skip the high-fat hollandaise sauce.

Nutritionally, a poached egg is similar to a soft-boiled egg. The difference is you aren’t cooking the egg with the shell on. Instead, you carefully scoop the egg out of hot water with a spoon.

Simply put, here’s how to poach an egg:

● Make sure your eggs are fresh.
● Add a drop of vinegar to simmering or gently boiling water.
● Crack eggs one at a time in a ramekin or cup.
● Create a whirlpool in the water. The whirlpool will cause the egg white to wrap around the yolk.
● Carefully tip the egg into the water, white-end first.
● Cook for three minutes.
● Remove the egg with a slotted spoon.
● Drain the egg on a paper towel.

Craving eggs Benedict but don’t want to spoil your diet with buttery hollandaise sauce? For a healthier homemade hollandaise sauce, try this recipe instead:

● Beat one cup of plain yogurt with one teaspoon of lemon juice and three egg yolks in a double boiler.
● Heat over one inch of simmering water, and frequently stir for 15 minutes or until thickened.
● Stir in one or two teaspoons of Dijon mustard, about a half teaspoon of sugar and cumin, paprika, red pepper flakes, black pepper, salt and fresh basil to taste.
● Enjoy atop your poached egg.

5. Fried

Frying an egg is not the lowest calorie option, but it certainly is a tasty way to prepare an egg. Even though you need to use fat to fry an egg, you can still enjoy it as long as you pay attention to the type of oil and amount of oil you use.

Aim to use an oil that is safe in high heat. Fats and oils have a smoke point or a limit. When they go beyond their smoke point, they start to break down and release free radicals in the food. Free radicals can cause unhealthy inflammation in your body. The best high-heat oils to use to fry your eggs are:

● Butter: Grass-fed butter has more nutrients, but still only use minimal amounts because butter is high in fat and calories. Considering that one tablespoon of butter is a little over 100 calories, use only as much as you need to coat the pan and keep the egg from sticking. Start with no more than half a teaspoon, and add more only as needed.
● Coconut Oil: Like butter, coconut oil is high in calories and fat, so use this oil sparingly. Also, keep in mind that coconut oil will add the flavor of coconut to your eggs. While this might be an exciting fact to coconut-lovers, some might prefer a more traditional butter taste.
● Beef Tallow: It cooks like butter but is made of animal fat instead of milk. Beef tallow has close to the same amount of calories as butter and coconut oil, but it has less saturated fat. This is a good frying fat without coconut flavor.
● Olive Oil: Olive oil has a slightly lower smoke point than the above fats, but it can be good a choice as long as you don’t heat it over 325˚F. Loaded with vitamin E and low in saturated fat, olive oil is the healthiest oil to fry an egg in.

Here are some different ways to fry an egg. Which method do you prefer?

1. Sunny-Side Up

To make a sunny-side up egg, the egg is never flipped. The bottom of the egg and the white part cooks, but the yolk stays runny.

The best way to cook a sunny-side-up egg is to use a low amount of heat. This way you have a better chance of preserving the yolk’s nutrients and a lower chance of oxidizing the yolk fats. Also, because you don’t have to flip the egg, you won’t need to use more oil in the pan, making this the healthiest way to fry up an egg.

It’s not always easy to cook the perfect sunny-side-up, but the trick is in the heat. Here’s the right way to cook an egg sunny-side up:

● Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. If oil spits during the process, turn the heat down.
● Pour half a teaspoon of water in the pan to test its heat level. If the water evaporates, the pan is ready.
● Coat the bottom of the pan with about one tablespoon of butter or oil. If you use butter, let it melt.
● Gently crack an egg and pour it into the pan.
● Cook the egg until the whites are set, but the yolk is still runny, or for about two minutes.
● Remove the pan from the stove.
● Use a large metal spatula to scoop up the egg, and enjoy.

Here’s a quick tip on how to crack an egg without broken shells:

● Firmly hold the egg and tap it against a flat surface like a countertop.
● Find a crack in the shell.
● Place your thumbs on either side of the crack and gently pull apart.

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, part of the eggshell breaks off and gets into the pan. How many times can you recall chasing after a floating shell piece as it jumps away from your fingertip? The best thing to do if this happens is to take a piece of broken eggshell and use that, instead of your finger or kitchen utensil, to scoop up the eggshell. If that doesn’t work, a little eggshell won’t hurt — in fact, it might add a bit of extra calcium to your dish!

2. Over-Easy

An over-easy egg is similar to a sunny-side-up egg in that it preserves most of the yolk. However, this method requires cooking both sides of the egg. The benefit of preparing an over-easy egg is chances of undercooking the egg are less. However, you expose the egg to more grease in the pan. Also, because the egg is heated on both sides, the yolk will lose more nutrients than if it was cooked sunny-side up.

3. Over-Hard

This method is the preferred fried egg choice for individuals who don’t like runny yolks. With this method, you crack the egg into the frying pan and pop the yolk. You cook both sides of the egg, cooking the yolk and egg whites completely.

On the plus side, you don’t have to worry about bacteria because you fully cook the egg. However, you lose the highest amount of nutrients by cooking the yolk entirely, and you get all the fat from the pan on the egg, adding extra calories.

4. Baked

Eggs can be baked in lots of different delicious recipes, from quiches to breakfast casseroles. Though eggs make yummy additions to a variety of baked dishes, this method, unfortunately, causes the most nutrient loss. When eggs are baked for 40 minutes, they can lose up to 61 percent of their vitamin D, compared to 18 percent when boiled or fried.

Is there a way to bake an egg while still maintaining its nutrients? Here’s a fun, easy recipe to make Cloud Eggs, or a way to bake an egg but keep the nutrients of the yolk:

● Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
● Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
● Separate egg yolks from the whites.
● Place egg whites in a mixing bowl.
● Add a pinch of salt to the whites.
● Beat the eggs with a whisk attachment in a mixer.
● Start on low speed and slowly increase speed until peaks form.
● Gently fold in a quarter cup of grated cheese, such as Swiss or parmesan, with a spatula.
● Create two mounds of egg white mixture on the baking sheet.
● Form each mound to have an indentation in the center.
● Place in the oven for three minutes on a center rack.
● Pull out eggs and carefully add egg yolks to the center of each mound.
● Return to the oven and cook for an additional three minutes.

Serve these eggs with your favorite toast for a trip on cloud nine.

5. Scrambled

Some people detest hard-boiled eggs, but they can’t get enough eggs in a cheesy scramble. Sound like someone you know? Everyone has their egg preference, and just like fried eggs, scrambled eggs and omelets are popular breakfast dishes — especially for those with a bit of a yolk phobia.

Also, scrambling your eggs allows you to go stir-crazy and mix in all kinds of mouthwatering ingredients, from cheese and meats to veggies and pretty much anything else your heart desires. As this might be the most fun cooking method, it’s not exactly the healthiest cooking style.

When you scramble an egg, you are mixing all the parts of an egg and heating the yolk and whites equally—which actually overcooks the egg. This will cause yolk nutrient loss and oxidize the fat in the yolk. With that said, it is still better for your health to eat the whole egg instead of only scrambling egg whites, but if you can, try other methods to maintain more of the yolk for maximum nutrient levels.

On the bright side, your eggs are fully cooked and free of bacteria, and you can add nutrient-packed veggies to help make up for any nutrient loss in the yolk.

For a bit of extra flair, you could also try cooking an omelet. Try this recipe for a Veggie-Stuffed Omelet:

● Heat a nonstick skillet with a teaspoon of olive oil over medium heat.
● Add two tablespoons of chopped red bell pepper, one tablespoon of chopped onion and a quarter cup of sliced mushrooms to the pan.
● Stir veggies frequently until tender, or for about two minutes.
● Stir in one cup of rinsed baby spinach leaves.
● Stir and cook until the spinach wilts.
● Remove veggies from the pan and place them in a bowl.
● In a different bowl beat two eggs, one tablespoon of water, and a pinch of salt and pepper with a fork or whisk until mixed.
● Reheat skillet again over medium heat.
● Pour egg mixture into the pan.
● Slide pan rapidly back and forth over heat and stir with a spatula to spread eggs over the bottom of the pan as they thicken.
● Let it stand a few seconds to lightly brown the omelet.
● Place veggie mixture over half of the omelet.
● Top the mixture with a tablespoon of shredded cheese.
● Fold the other half of the omelet over the mixture with a spatula.
● Carefully slide the omelet out of the pan onto a plate.

Not a fan of mushrooms or onions? Here are a few other tasty and healthy omelet filling ideas:

● Turkey and avocado
● Asparagus and cheese
● Fresh basil
● Apples and Brie
● Potatoes and fenugreek
● Pimento-stuffed green olives

6. Microwaved Scrambled Eggs

Did you know that you can microwave your eggs without destroying their nutritional value? Though some may view microwaves as dangerous kitchen tools, the goal of cooking food is to expose food to heat for the shortest possible amount of time. Because microwaves cook food quickly, nutrients have less time to break down and lose their power.

So next time you’re in a hurry, don’t turn your back to eggs because you don’t have time to cook them on the stove. Instead, turn your back to your stove and say hello to your microwave.

Here’s how to make quick and easy microwaved scrambled eggs:

● Beat two eggs in a microwave-safe dish with two tablespoons of milk, and a pinch of salt and pepper until blended.
● Microwave on high for 45 seconds.
● Stir.
● Microwave an additional 30 to 45 seconds or until eggs are set.
● Top with your favorite toppings like shredded cheese, salsa or fresh herbs. Serve immediately.

Some other tasty egg toppers are:

● Chopped chives
● Fresh parsley
● Crumbled bacon

7. Microwaved Poached Eggs

Are you terrified of trying to poach an egg? Does the idea of creating a whirlpool with a spoon cause a flood of panic? Have no fear — you can poach an egg in the microwave. Here’s how to make a microwaved poached egg:

● Fill a microwave-safe mug with half a cup of water.
● Crack on egg into the cup.
● Place a saucer on top of the cup.
● Microwave on high for 30 to 60 seconds or until the egg white is cooked, but the yolk is still runny.
● If not cooked, heat for ten more seconds. Check the egg. If needed, add another ten seconds.
● Season with salt and pepper.

After looking at all the different ways to prepare an egg for the most nutrition, go with soft-boiled or poached to get all the delicious qualities of a runny yolk but the protein power of a cooked egg white, and save yourself the fat required to fry, scramble or bake an egg.

Sauder’s Is Your Egg Expert

When it comes to eggs, it’s the whole egg that counts — and any style egg is better than no egg. Here at Sauder’s, we deliver the highest quality eggs and egg products from our family to your table.

Check out our delicious fresh eggs or explore our site to stay informed about everything the incredible egg has to offer. Have questions or comments? We look forward to hearing from you, too.

Which is healthier egg yolk or egg white?

The egg yolk contains more nutrients than the white, including calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin B6, folate and vitamin B12. So, the next time someone offers you an egg white omelet….

Which has more nutritional value egg white or yolk?

The yolk is the source of the most of an egg's vitamins and essential nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin (vitamin B1), vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Egg yolks also contain as much as 60% of your daily value of choline (based on a 2,000 calorie diet).

Why is egg white better than yolk?

Egg White Contain Most of the Protein Well, egg whites are nearly fat-free, containing only one percent of an egg's fat. Egg whites are also cholesterol-free, low-calorie and contain the greatest percentage of an egg's protein or 57 percent.

What has the most protein egg white or yolk?

Protein content of the yolk and white.
However, in addition to these nutrients, the yolk also contains up to about half of the protein content of the egg ( 2 )..
In a large egg that contains about 6.3 grams of protein, 2.7 grams comes from the yolk ( 1 , 2 )..
Egg white is made up of roughly 88% water ( 3 )..

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