My boyfriend has low testosterone can i still get pregnant

When trying for a baby, many biological factors people perhaps hadn’t considered in the earlier stages of life, suddenly take a front seat as being crucial to their ability to have children. BMI, vitamin deficiency, alcohol intake, fibroids, to name but a few.

For men, testosterone levels will be one of those details they likely hadn’t spent much time dwelling on, and it can therefore be an admittedly sensitive topic.

Yet, if you’re trying for a baby, it’s a topic that will need to be addressed. Because as a key male hormone, low testosterone can have a significant effect on fertility by causing a decrease in sperm production. The reduced sperm count could therefore have an impact on his sex drive, and ultimately affect the couple’s sex life due to erectile dysfunction.

For that reason, you may wonder if it’s at all possible to still get pregnant if your partner has low T. In short, the good news is that it’s certainly possible. But making various changes will play a key part in increasing that probability of getting pregnant, through taking action to boost their testosterone level.

Understanding low testosterone

My boyfriend has low testosterone can i still get pregnant
The first thing to be clear on is that low testosterone does not automatically mean infertility. Sperm production is actually stimulated not just by testosterone, but also by the luteinizing hormone and a follicle-stimulating hormone.

This is why a man with low T could still very well have the ability to produce healthy sperm. But it can also mean that their sperm is produced at a much lower rate.

As mentioned above, this will typically affect the man’s sex-drive, lessening their desire to have sex and therefore, resulting in the couple’s sex life diminishing somewhat.

Erectile dysfunction would also be a common result of this, which means he may experience fewer erections and not be able to stay hard long enough to engage in full intercourse.

Often, you might find that it’s difficult for him to reach climax, or to have sex often enough to be able to get pregnant. For these reasons, increasing testosterone levels becomes pivotal to solving these issues.

How can testosterone levels be increased?

Perhaps one of the first things men should do to increase their testosterone levels, is ensure that they’re taking good care of their testicles. Essentially, making a conscious effort to generally keep their scrotal area cool.

The enzymes in charge of testosterone and sperm production are most effective when kept at a cool temperature. The ideal temperature being 34.5C, which is actually a little below normal body temperature.

Therefore, it’s helpful for men to take measures to facilitate this. Such as wearing loose-fitting boxers, avoiding hot tubs and saunas, and refraining from placing laptops on their laps.

Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle is very important. So, there are a number of things your husband can think about doing, to develop higher levels of testosterone.

Exercise and weightlifting

Exercise is a fundamental part of living a healthy lifestyle. For men, incorporating weightlifting into their exercise regimes will not only help them to lose weight, but also build more muscle and increase their testosterone levels.

More sleep and less stress

When we become stressed, our brain produces a hormone called cortisol. If a man experiences high amounts of stress over an extended amount of time, this can negatively impact testosterone production, which leads to a decline in sex drive and libido.

This can ultimately contribute to erectile dysfunction or impotence. Therefore, lowering stress can be of significant benefit to the man’s testosterone levels.

Sleep, which can help reduce the effects of stress, is also known to play a crucial role in physical health overall. What’s more, because men’s daily release of testosterone predominantly takes place whilst they sleep, sleep deficiency will decrease how much testosterone is released. Having a good amount of sleep each day will therefore serve for optimal testosterone production.

Improve diet

Eating better and having a healthy diet is another component to living healthily and strengthening all body functions, including its production of testosterone. With that in mind, it’s helpful to highlight some of the key foods that are great for improving testosterone levels.


(This can also be extended to salmon and sardines, for those not keen on tuna.) Whether eaten canned or fresh, these are a rich source of vitamin D. Which is not only known to be a heart-healthy food that’s low in calories and high in protein. But for men, they are also good for testosterone production.

What’s more, just one serving of tuna is enough to provide your daily vitamin D needs. That said, due to the levels of mercury found in seafood, it’s important to have no more than 2-3 servings per week.


For another great source of vitamin D, eggs are a good addition to the diet. Although they are known to be quite high in cholesterol, even the cholesterol of the egg yolk itself can help with raising testosterone.

That said, it’s important to bear in mind any underlying cholesterol related health issues. But if there aren’t any, one egg a day is safe to eat.


Zinc is an essential nutrient found in oysters which enables men to produce key hormones, including testosterone. As zinc deficiency can be a contributor to erectile dysfunction, adding oysters to the diet will be helpful, in that they’re a great source of mineral zinc.


Another food that’s good for increasing zinc intake are foods such as chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans – even baked beans! What’s more, because they’re plant-based proteins that are also loaded with fibre, they serve as good foods for heart health.


Perhaps the most popular benefit we know about milk is it being a source of calcium and protein. For that reason, it’s heavily encouraged for women and kids to drink enough milk on a daily basis, in order to strengthen their bone health.

What’s maybe less commonly known is that it also helps keep men’s bones strong too. However, what’s more crucial in relation to this topic, is that it additionally has vitamin D content – which we now know helps keep testosterone levels in check.

For the purpose of increasing his testosterone level, when buying milk, look out for milk that’s been fortified with vitamin D. Also, to avoid consuming unnecessary saturated fat whilst still getting the nutrients, opt for low fat or skim over whole milk. They have the same nutrients as whole milk without all of the saturated fat.


You’ll find that green leafy vegetables are packed with magnesium, which is a mineral that can also help increase testosterone. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, Swiss Chard, nuts and seeds, beans, lentils, and wholegrains are great places to start for increasing magnesium intake.


My boyfriend has low testosterone can i still get pregnant
Did you know that the pomegranate is a historic symbol of life and fertility? This could in part be because it has a number of qualities. One being that it increases women’s blood flow to the uterus and helps to build a healthy uterine lining.

Another reason being that pomegranate juice can improve sperm’s concentration and motility (meaning the sperm’s ability to move). Moreover, it is high in antioxidants which can support heart health, stress reduction and help protect cells.

UltraCore Power Testosterone Boosters

It’s very common for men suffering from a low-T, to take Testosterone boosters. These are natural supplements that are a combination of herbs which increase testosterone levels. You’ll be able to find many brands of boosters from shops, with no two being the same. Which is why it’s important to read the ingredients when deciding which one to buy.

UltraCore Power is made up of natural herbs, botanicals, amino acids, and minerals. When adopted into a healthy lifestyle, it strengthens natural body functions. Specifically those that govern testosterone production.

By now you’ve understood testosterone is a big contributor to how easy it will be for a man to impregnate a woman. So, it’s worth understanding the role supplements play in facilitating this.

Testosterone boosters can help your partner develop a powerful desire to have sex, through a balanced set of ingredients that have been clinically tested to heighten sex drive and libido.

It enables a man’s sexual performance to become amplified through an increased blood flow. Hence, he’ll be able to achieve harder erections with ease that he can sustain throughout intercourse. Ultimately, enabling both partners to share mutually satisfying sexual experiences.

Men will typically discover improved confidence, mood, energy, and ability to focus. All important elements that serve for a more enjoyable relationship overall.

It’s important to remember that testosterone boosters aren’t a  replacement for a healthy lifestyle. If someone eats unhealthily, consumes lots of alcohol, smokes, partakes in recreational drug use, or lives a life where they’re continuously under stress; testosterone boosters won’t simply override the resulting effects on the body.

That said, if you’re trying to get pregnant and your partner has low testosterone levels, helping them embark on a conscious journey of holistic health will be key.

Adopting some of the tips listed above can foster a healthy environment within the body, that can then be complemented with UltraCore boosters to better enhance the body’s functions. In doing so, they can start to rediscover the stamina, strength, and passion for sex they may have thought they’d never experience again.

My boyfriend has low testosterone can i still get pregnant

How can I get pregnant if my husband has low testosterone?

If you have low testosterone, one way to improve sperm count is with gonadotropin injections. This stimulates the production of sperm. It may be considered as a way to increase men's fertility when they and their partner are having trouble conceiving a child.

Does low testosterone affect fertility in men?

"It can alter a man's libido. It could affect sexual functioning — namely, erections. It can also affect the development of sperm." In other words: "Low testosterone can definitely affect a man who's having difficulty achieving a pregnancy," he says.

Does testosterone cause low sperm count?

Although testosterone is essential in spermatogenesis, it is unclear whether low testosterone levels may have a negative impact on the semen parameters of men belonging to infertile couples with a total sperm count greater than 5 million.

Can a man taking testosterone cause birth defects?

Testosterone is actually teratogenic (meaning it can cause birth defects) to a fetus. If you are taking testosterone and think you may be pregnant, speak to your healthcare practitioner as soon as possible.