Missing black and white cat near me

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Council Search

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Check animal shelters and pounds

Due to the large number of dogs and cats that become lost every day, we strongly recommended that you physically visit the Home and other shelters and pounds if you have lost your pet.

Conduct a thorough search of the area where your pet was last seen. Your search should include door knocking, letter box drops, posting fliers in prominent places. Don’t forget to include a photo of your pet, a detailed description, the date and area your pet went missing and your contact details.

Check local and surrounding councils

Check the area where you believe your pet was lost and phone your local council to find out where animals are taken when collected by council rangers. Councils may have their own holding pens or use a major animal shelter like The Lost Dogs’ Home to hold lost and stray animals. Check Know Your Council to locate adjacent councils.


Microchipping is generally a reliable and permanent form of identification for your pet. Ensure your pet has the best chance of returning home should it ever become lost by keeping your contact details up-to-date with your microchip register and regularly checking if the chip can be properly scanned.

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  2. Cats

  • Missing black and white cat near me

    Finding A Lost Cat

    It’s hard to think clearly when a cat gets lost. Learn the best things to do.

  • Missing black and white cat near me

    Stray Cat Strut

    How can you tell if a cat is a stray? Learn the tell-tale signs and what you should do.

Missing black and white cat near me

A collar and tag can save your pet’s life. Learn more about why we believe that all dogs and cats should wear identification for their own protection.

Missing black and white cat near me

If you lost your pet, check out these tips for how you can find him, especially by getting your community involved.

Missing black and white cat near me

Learn how to help lost cats or prevent your own from escaping with these easy-to-share infographics.

Missing black and white cat near me

Prevent your cat from becoming lost this summer. Share this image to educate your friends and protect cats.

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What are the odds of finding a missing cat?

A retrospective case series was conducted where self-selected participants whose cat had gone missing provided data in an online questionnaire. Of the 1210 study cats, only 61% were found within one year, with 34% recovered alive by the owner within 7 days. Few cats were found alive after 90 days.

How do you find a cat that has been missing for 2 days?

Search your home carefully—under beds, in closets, dark places, small places, behind bulky furniture— in case your cat is hiding or sleeping somewhere. If you are sure your cat is not in/around the home, take a slow ride or walk around your neighborhood.

How do you find a cat that is hiding?

Check the back of closets, open dresser drawers, under the stove, radiator, refrigerator and yes, in the chimney. Under the bed always is popular, but sometimes cats get into the box springs by tearing the bottom fabric; so also check for a sagging lump under the bed. If you can't find them, go to their food areas.

Who should I report missing cat to?

Contact rescue organisations such as RSPCA, SSPCA, Cats Protection and local rescue centres. Get in touch with your local vet practices in case someone has reported your pet found to them. Use posters and flyers within your neighbourhood, and contact neighbours who may have seen your pet.