How to see who is unfollowing you on instagram

Unlike Facebook where both parties are involved in forming a ‘friendship,’ Instagram takes a one-way approach where one person can ‘follow’ another person without the latter following them back. While this implementation has its advantages and disadvantages, one bit can be particularly annoying with it – ‘unfollowers’ or those who have unfollowed you. Since Instagram offers no built-in tool to detect ‘unfollowers’, users are often left scratching their heads, wondering who unfollowed them when the followers count dips unexpectedly. If you happen to be one of those then we’ve got you covered here.

The easiest way to find your ‘unfollowers’ and then return the favour of unfollowing them is by using a third-party app so that you don’t have to trouble yourself with doing it manually. The latter can be a very cumbersome process if you’ve got a lot of followers. There are a lot of apps available on the Play Store and App Store for this purpose, but we recommend FollowMeter as it’s easy to use and has got a super-polished interface.

Disclaimer: Sharing your Instagram credentials with a third-party application allows access to your account to said application. Proceed at your own discretion.

Track your unfollows using FollowMeter

You need to first download and install FollowMeter on your iOS or Android device. Setting up the app will require you to log in to your Instagram, which you can proceed with after tapping the “Login” button.





Followmeter is one of the best ways to keep track of your follower list on Instagram

You’ll be directed to the app’s main page then, where you’ll see a number of options to manage your followers. Normally, you’ll be able to track unfollows using the “Unfollowers” options but first-timers will need to visit the “Not following back” option to catch those who have stopped following you.

However, if inputting your Instagram credentials into a third-party app bothers you, then there’s another, manual method.

In this article, I am going to discuss how you one can know who unfollowed me on Instagram. Does Instagram have a feature that allows users to know who unfollowed me on Instagram? Is this true? There is a method to do it! To find out, you'll have to download an app.

More likes and followers are the two things that every Instagram influencer strives for. However, maintaining your present audience is just as critical. You could be thinking, Who unfollowed me on Instagram? as a result of this experience. As a result, you can know who unfollowed me on Instagram?

There is no official method to see who has unfollowed you on Instagram. As a result, even if the number of Followers on YOUR profile drops, you will have no idea who unfollowed you.

There are several third-party Instagram unfollower tracker applications available right now. These are followers and unfollowers trackers for Instagram, so you can observe who no longer finds your posts interesting.

Third-Party Instagram Apps: The Problem

While these applications make it simple to see who unfollowed me on Instagram? but they also have a number of drawbacks that should be considered before using them. What can be done by unauthorized developers is heavily limited by Instagram's API.

For example, with all these applications, you'll only view data going back to when you originally installed the program. Every update to your accounts is tracked from the moment you set it up. However, if you lost any followers before downloading the program, you will not recover them.

FollowMeter: The Easiest & Best App for Social Media

Our favorite program for finding out who stopped following us was FollowMeter, which we tested out a number of times. Setting it up is simple, the user interface is straightforward, and the Unfollower option is absolutely free of charge. Because it only works after setup, you won't be able to see who has unfollowed you in the past.

Users may see who has unfollowed them, who has followed them, who has followed you but has not followed them back, and who has followed you but has not returned the favor. To see who unfollowed me on Instagram?, go to the Unfollowers tab and choose All.

Apps for "Who unfollowed me on Instagram?" Research

Our research also included various free Instagram unfollowed applications other than Followmeter. Here's a short rundown of the very successful ones: To be on the safe side, we suggest using FollowMeter since the API and regulations for Instagram are always changing.

  • Users and Unfollowers on Android: A Comparison (Free)
  • Android Followers+ (Free)
  • App for iOS: Followers Tracker Pro (Free)
  • Instagram Followers Tracker for iOS (Free)

How to Stop Being Unfollowed by People You Used to Be

"Following back" is significant to some social media users because they want to be remembered. As a result, you may wish to follow back those who unfollowed me on Instagram. To stop receiving notifications from an account, unfollow it.

However, what about individuals who were already doing this before downloading the app? FollowMeter also lets you see who hasn't followed you back, so you can go ahead and unfollow them.

  • Utilize your Instagram account to log in to FollowMeter.
  • Tap Unfollowers on the Home page to unfollow people who are following you.
  • Go through the accounts you've been following and unfollow them one by one by tapping on their names in the list.

When you make modifications, your Instagram account automatically updates to reflect those changes.

Ways to Prevent Losing Instagram Followers

Unfollowing you on Instagram might be for various reasons, one of which is because you followed them back. You are likely losing Instagram followers for more causes other than the one listed above.

1.You've Paid for followers

Did you pay someone to get you tens of thousands or millions of Instagram followers for several bucks? This kind of manipulation, which typically involves a slew of bots and fake accounts, is frowned upon by Instagram.

Their follower count may have decreased since Instagram constantly deletes suspicious profiles. These services are indeed a waste of time and money and then have the potential to damage your reputation.

However, we got an article introducing this service further. Check out here>>

2.Be Aware That Your Account Has Been Blacklisted

A "shadow ban" may be imposed if you attempt to manipulate the Instagram system. If this is the case, Instagram hides or deprioritizes your posts while the app is otherwise functioning normally for you. A shadowban might be the end of all you've worked for.

Those who try to game the system by buying likes or by using third-party cheats will have their accounts shadowbanned. If you're looking to artificially boost your engagement, you'll come across apps and services which automatically like or comment on your posts. Don't eat or drink anything from these people.

3.You Post Too Frequently or Too Infrequently on Your Blog

You'll lose followers if you bombard them with photographs on a regular basis. Conversely, if you don't publish often enough, people will assume you're not worth following. For sponsored articles and interactions with brands, this is particularly true.

It's a delicate balancing act, and there isn't a magic number or guideline to follow. What works for one person may not work for another.

4.When it comes to Instagram, you're doing some basic mistakes.

Three key causes might lead you to lose followers, although there are a number of additional considerations. As an illustration:

Can you check who unfollowed you on Instagram?

To find out who unfollowed you, click on the first tab at the bottom left corner. Now, click on 'Unfollowers'. You can also find out who does not follow you by clicking on 'Not following you back'. To find out people that follow you, but whom you do not follow back, click on 'You are not following back'.

How do you know who unfollowed you on Instagram without app?

Close Follow Cop, then re-open it when you want to check your followers. By going back to the Recent Unfollowers section of Follow Cop, you can see a list of people (by name) who have unfollowed your Instagram account. You may see more ads when opening Follow Cop and checking the Recent Unfollowers section.

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