How to remove yourself from facebook business manager

Whatever type of eCommerce brand you are running, a good-looking Facebook page and ad accounts play a significant part in your image.

Nowadays, people live on social media, so it is good to have a strong social media presence if you want your business to succeed. By that, we mean having a Facebook page account, too, because Facebook was launched with the primary idea of helping companies manage and organize their advertising accounts.

Apart from Facebook, there are plenty of other channels where you can connect wherein your business can connect with your customers, and the most effective of them may be on a different social media platform. 

To get the most out of your digital media marketing, getting rid of your Business Manager Account might not be a bad idea. After all, things change dramatically overnight and the constant changes in the community guidelines or image sizes might affect the experience your customers get.

In this case, you can easily delete it. We know this might sound easier than in practice; that’s why we will present to you a simple step-by-step guide on how to delete Business Manager Account and save you some time from searching around those complicated Facebook tools. 

Business Manager at a Glance 

As its name suggests, Facebook Business Manager allows you to manage your business page, including managing multiple Facebook pages, business assets, ad counts, posts, and catalogs all in one place. 

It brings you a more productive digital advertising experience on Facebook. It is an excellent tool for marketers to organize many brands under clients’ business, track, and optimize performance. 

Facebook launched this option to help companies resolve the problem of ensuring their pages to single employees and overlap frustration for digital marketing teams. Employees also can manage your page without essentially having ownership of your page or assets.

There might be several reasons why you have decided to delete your Business Manager Account. The reality is, with so many options of digital advertising constantly popping up, it might not be the ideal channel for your advertising needs. 

Probably you have realized that your target customers are no longer active, or you are no longer working for the owner of your Facebook page. Depending on your privileges, you can delete the account, remove access to a page, or remove yourself as a user. Whatever the case is, we will help you get rid of your Business Manager Account in a few simple steps. Related: How to Manage Social Media for Small Businesses

Important Things to Know Before Deleting Your Business Manager Account

Before we give you the guide on how to delete a Business Manager Account, we want to make sure that you know a few things before you end up losing valuable information. 

The first and most important thing is that if you want to delete your business page, you must be its administrator; also, before you proceed and click the button, these are the few things that you should keep in mind.

Once you delete it, it’s gone!

When you delete the Business Manager Account, all the information you have posted on your page will be gone. You won’t be able to recover them by any means. Before you do it, make sure that you don’t need the information. Revise the content and save anything that you might find useful in the future before you delete it.

24 hour grace period 

If you made a mistake and deleted your Business Manager Account or changed your mind, you still have a 24-hour timeframe to reverse it. Since the time is limited, you have to act quickly and ensure that you don’t need your account before you miss the chance to get it back.

Unpublish option 

You don’t necessarily need to delete the account if you don’t want to stay in public. There is an unpublished option that you can use, allowing your account to exist only for you as an administrator. You can still see it and make changes to it. 

You will be able to activate your account again after publishing if you wish. However, you can never get it back when you delete the account. Choose the action that works the best for you. 

Step by Step Guide: How to Delete a Business Manager Account? 

Step 1: Visit your Business Manager Account page. It will show your personal Business account and everyone who has access to it. 

Step 2: Click on the Business Manager account you no longer want to use

Step 3: You will see the complete menu and all the options 

Step 4: From the navigation tools on the left side, click Business Info

Step 5: This will show you two options: Leaving or Permanently Deleting the Business Account.

  • The gray ‘Leave (business name)’ option will eliminate you from the business. This will help you keep your Business Manager up, but with someone else dealing with it instead. 
  • The gray ‘Permanently Delete Business’ button can be used by the page creator or owner if you are a full administrator for the business you are associated with. 

Step 6: If you are determined to delete it, click on Permanently Delete Business Manager Account 

Remove your page from a Business Manager Account

If you want to remove your page from the Business Manager, this is what you can do:

  • Visit the Facebook Manager Account on your web browser and click the hamburger icon. 
  • Select Business Settings. Under the accounts section, click Pages and select the Facebook page you want to remove the access to. Click the Remove button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Confirm your decision by clicking Remove on the pop-up. 

Remove yourself from Business Manager Account

In case it’s not possible to delete the Business Account, you can remove your account if you don’t want to access it. To do this, open your Facebook Manager Account on a web browser. Select the business you want to remove yourself from and click on the Business Settings – Business Info. Lastly, click Leave (business name).

This is the easiest way for users that don’t have account owners or administrators. By removing yourself from the Manager Account, you remove the access from your account without affecting other members and not holding yourself accountable for whatever goes on with it. 

Deactivating a Business Manager Account 

Instead of shutting it down forever, you can use the Deactivate option. Here are the steps:

  • Go to Business Setting
  • Open the Accounts tab and click Ad Accounts 
  • Find the account you like to deactivate in the list 
  • Click the Deactivate button 

The important thing to remember is that you can create a limited number of accounts. Once you deactivate one of them, you make room for creating another account.

Cancel the Business Manager Account Deletion 

Oh no, you have deleted your business manager account accidentally? Or have you changed your mind? Here is what you can do.

Go to the account that is scheduled to be deleted, and do it within 24 hours.

  • Click the Page setting 
  • Click Cancel Deletion
  • Choose Confirm and then click Ok.

By doing these steps, you’ll have your Business Manager Account back.

What Happens Once You Delete Your Business Manager Account? 

First of all, once you delete your account, this action can’t be undone. Once you perform this action, the deletion will have a pending status for 24 hours; it will be gone. Also, there are a few things that you can’t return, including the associated projects, the content you have managed, shared, and created, as well as the access to other business accounts, Facebook pixels, and ad accounts. Related: How to Delete Facebook Pixel

Facebook pages

If you had any Facebook pages added to your business page, these pages have to be either added to another business manager or onto your Facebook personal profile. 

Ad account 

Once you delete the Business Manager, the ad accounts created within it will be deleted. If you want to delete some ads, delete the Ad account instead. 

You must prepare yourself for deleting your account with these things in mind. Take these actions to ensure that you won’t need some of the information shortly.

Download the desired content

If you haven’t stored your content elsewhere and want to reuse it, you can save it on your laptop or PC before deleting it. 

Move your page to another location

If you are the original owner of the page, you can move it to another business manager account. If someone created it, then it goes back to them.

Decide what you are going to do with your ad accounts

Ad accounts allow you to create advertisements using Facebook Business Manager. If you shut this account, the ad account will be permanently deleted unless you move it to another business manager. 

Benefits of Using a Business Manager Account

  • You can easily separate your personal from your business profile without worrying about accidentally posting something meant for your profile or vice versa. 
  • You have a central location to keep track of your ads and post-performance. This option makes it easier for you to efficiently manage multiple ad accounts and pages in one place.
  • You can give access to multiple people to have ownership of your business assets and control how much access each employee has based on their role. This simplifies delegating tasks and overseeing what your employees do without risking security. 
  • Build a custom audience for different ad campaigns. This feature is particularly useful for agencies that collaborate with multiple clients and run ads for their businesses targeting different types of audiences. For example: Target Audience for Baby Products

What If You Can’t Delete Your Business Manager Account?

If it happens that you are not able to delete your, then this issue might occur due to some other factors linked to your account. There are a few things to consider and resolve this problem.

Ad accounts

If you have an outstanding balance on your ad account, this might cause problems to delete it. In this case, you have to pay it off, which usually takes a couple of weeks. 

Payment methods 

Try deleting all the payment methods you have saved. 


Deleting any added apps might help you delete your account. 

Pages and contacts

If you have too many pages and contacts saved on your business account, you might have to delete them first and then delete the account altogether.

System users 

Accounts that have system users can’t be deleted.

Additional accounts

If you have your professional Instagram account linked to your Business Manager Account, you can’t delete it later. Switching to a regular account can take care of the problem.

Lead access

If you have placed lead ads and have lead access to specific people, this can interrupt the deletion process. You need to change the setting to “default” to carry out account deletion. 


Deleting your account won’t be possible if any disclaimers were used in any political ads; you should contact the customer support team. 

Wrapping Up Our Guide 

Facebook lives thanks to its advertising. It offers a variety of tools for business promotion, and you don’t have to be a professional to understand how they work and keep your company evolving in this direction. Many companies get more marketing opportunities; however, who knows what the future holds. Maybe some other platform will offer far more profitable advantages instead.

You don’t have to limit your options, instead, try whatever fits the best for your business, and don’t be afraid to explore other services instead. If you do everything right, Facebook will certainly be worth it. If you are thinking of switching your journey toward a new direction, then your account won’t be of any use to you. 

We hope that you can find all the useful information you need in our little guide as we put all our effort into making it as simple and as straightforward as possible. Also, we have added some other tips that you might find useful in the future. Make sure you bookmark our articles so you can have them on hand when you need them. Thank you for your time!

Dimitar is a digital marketer, SEO specialist, niche websites builder, and founder of CLICKVISION. He entered the digital marketing world when he was only 15 years old. Since then, he has been working mostly with small business owners and eCommerce businesses and successfully improved their online presence and increased their sales.

How do I remove myself from Facebook business page?

The entire removal process takes about 45 seconds — here's how it works..
Go to the page. First off, head to the Facebook page you want to remove yourself from. ... .
Get to the admin roles window. In the upper panel, click on Edit Page and mouse down to Manage Admin Roles. ... .
Remove yourself from the page. ... .
Confirm the removal..


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