How to reduce swelling during pregnancy third trimester

5 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Puffiness and Swelling

If you have already had one child, then you know the drill. Pregnancy puffiness and swelling are all part of the deal that comes with bringing new life into the world. With all the joys of waiting for your baby to arrive, including the so-called glow, you also experience the annoying puffiness and swelling.

 If you are pregnant and uncomfortable, consider these 5 ways to reduce said pregnancy puffiness and swelling.

Why Does Pregnancy Cause Fluid Retention?

The typical places that become puffy and swollen are the ankles, feet, legs, fingers, and even the face. Fluid retention is annoying, to be sure, but it’s a necessary evil. Extra fluid builds up during pregnancy as hormones change, which helps to soften the body so it can more easily expand as the baby and uterus grow.

This normal swelling is known as edema and it begins about halfway through pregnancy with the worst symptoms in the third trimester.  

Reduce Pregnancy Puffiness and Swelling by Eating Right

Yes, you hear this all the time, but it is especially important when pregnant. So, what exactly does “eating right” mean?

Reducing your salt (sodium) intake will go a long way to keep down the swelling. Be especially conscientious about eliminating prepackaged foods. It may seem easy to grab them when fixing a quick meal, but they are loaded with salt, fat, and sugar. Canned foods, snacks, chips, and luncheon meats should be off the menu during pregnancy. Sorry, ladies.

It is also recommended to avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks as they tend to cause water retention.

Try to eat more lean proteins like fish, poultry, turkey, or beef. You can also pair these proteins with lots of fresh or frozen vegetables.

Increase your potassium by eating bananas, sweet potatoes, avocado, and kidney beans. Potassium helps to reduce swelling by keeping your body chemically balanced.

Stay Hydrated

Choose healthy and natural diuretic foods when the urge to snack hits you. It may seem counterintuitive, but staying hydrated is an easy way to keep fluids moving through the kidneys and out of the body.

Cranberry juice, asparagus, celery, artichoke, carrots, watermelon, cabbage, apple cider vinegar, and lemons are all natural diuretics.  

Of course drink water, the best of all your hydration options.

Keep Your Blood Flowing

Regular and simple exercise like swimming and walking can help with fluid retention. Standing in water for 20 minutes will decrease swelling.

Ditch your heels for now and wear comfortable shoes, and don’t stand on your feet for long periods of time without moving. Use orthotic inserts in your shoes to reduce leg and lower back pain, and avoid crossing your legs while pregnant as it restricts blood flow.

Other tips include sleeping on your left side to encourage blood to return to the heart, and elevating your legs whenever possible. Swelling gets worse at the end of the day so take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to put some pillows under your legs and relax. You deserve it.

Stay Cool Whenever Possible

Being pregnant during the summer heat makes for a tough couple of months. The heat will help everything to “balloon.” Rings that fit –  won’t any more. Even your shoes will get tight. The best remedy is to stay indoors if possible and remain cool.

Feel free to use cold compresses and cool towels.

Reduce Pregnancy Puffiness and Swelling with Massage

Massage is truly the trifecta of relief for a puffy pregnant lady. It will make improvements in your circulation as it aids in blood flow to the heart. In addition, it helps to excrete water and impurities through the kidneys.

Choose a soothing oil you like. Cypress, chamomile, or lavender oil are all very relaxing and calming. Find a professional masseuse or sweet talk your spouse into giving you regular massages to relieve your discomfort throughout pregnancy.

Make an appointment to see one of our expert obstetricians if you have concerns about pregnancy puffiness and swelling, or if your face becomes excessively swollen.

How to reduce swelling during pregnancy third trimester

Swelling during pregnancy isn’t uncommon. Normal swelling, also called edema, can happen in the hands, feet, face, legs and ankles. Kim Borneman, CNM, UnityPoint Health, explains why you might experience swelling in pregnancy and ways to ease swelling once it starts.

Swelling in Pregnancy

Swelling is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. It happens often during pregnancy, since the body produces about 50 percent more blood and body fluids to meet the needs of a developing baby. Three additional aspects of pregnancy may lead to more swelling.

  • Growing uterus. As baby grows so does the uterus, which impacts the return of blood to the heart.
  • Changing hormones. This can cause the body to retain more fluid, too.
  • Retaining fluid. As part of being pregnant, the body often retains extra fluid.

“Swelling may be experienced anytime during pregnancy, but many begin to notice it mid-pregnancy,” Borneman says. “It’s not uncommon to see swelling increase near the end of pregnancy.

How to Reduce Swelling

“I recommend sleeping or resting on the left side. This may help take the pressure of the large vein that returns blood from your lower extremities to your heart. You can also sleep with your legs elevated on pillows to reduce swelling.” Borneman says.

When you are focused on reducing swelling, Borneman offers these suggestions for your daily life.

Foods That Cause Swelling

There are certain types of foods you can remove from your diet to help relieve edema during pregnancy.

  • Reduce salt. Avoid adding table salt to foods, and read food labels to identify sodium amounts. Sodium causes your body to retain water.
  • Avoid processed foods. Processed foods can range from chips and pre-packaged goodies to lunch meats and canned foods. Often, processed foods are high in trans-fat, which can eventually lead to edema.
  • Reduce caffeine use. Caffeine in coffee, tea and soda pop tends to cause water retention. Avoiding carbohydrates and sugars. A diet high in simple sugars can also lead to retaining water.
  • Focus on lean meats. Try meats like turkey and chicken, which are high in protein. Protein helps balance the amount of fluid in your tissues.

Foods That Reduce Swelling

Getting the right vitamins and minerals in your diet can help keep swelling during pregnancy in check.

“Getting your daily vitamins can be done by eating a well-balanced diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure to take a daily prenatal vitamin to help both you and baby stay healthy,” Borneman says.

Also, foods high in potassium may help reduce swelling by keeping your body chemically balanced. Potassium is found in foods, including bananas, sweet potatoes, kidney beans and avocado.

Surprisingly, drinking plenty of water helps flush the body and reduces water retention. Borneman says to aim for ingesting two to three liters of water daily

Should I Be Concerned About Swelling?

Although swelling is common during pregnancy, there are times to be worried.

  • Sudden swelling in hands or face with or without a headache or change in vision.
  • Swelling along with chest pains, shortness of breath or continuous coughing.
  • More swelling in one leg than the other and accompanied by pain.

Contact your doctor immediately, if you experience any of these red flags

Swelling After Birth

While some women experience swelling during pregnancy, others might notice swollen feet after pregnancy, too.

“Swelling is common after delivery and is often related to medication you may receive during labor and the hormone shift from no longer being pregnant.”

If you have any questions or concerns make sure to talk with your doctor.

Categories: Nutrition & Wellness, Women's Health, Pregnancy & Newborns

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When should I worry about swelling in third trimester?

When swelling is out of the normal range or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's critical to call your OB or midwife right away. Here are abnormal swelling symptoms to be aware of: Swelling in your face and/or puffiness around your eyes. Extreme swelling or sudden swelling in your hands, feet, or ankles.

Why do you swell so much at the end of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the extra fluid in the body and the pressure from the growing uterus can cause swelling (or "edema") in the ankles and feet. The swelling tends to get worse as a woman's due date nears, particularly near the end of the day and during hotter weather.

How can I reduce swelling in my hands during third trimester?

Use cold compresses on your hands and fingers if they are swollen. For example, wet a flannel or face cloth with cold water and hold it around the swollen part. Try not to wear anything that is too tight on your arms or wrists. For example, tight watches or bracelets.

Is swelling normal during third trimester?

Swelling develops usually later in the second and third trimester because the uterus is bigger as you progress in the pregnancy.” Aside from these changes and processes, there are other factors that result in swelling, including: Sitting or standing for long periods. Diet.