How to post a youtube clip on instagram

Learn how to share a YouTube video on Instagram Story to get more mileage out of your YouTube video content.

Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram Stories is a great way to maintain high user engagement—without you investing in creating new content.

Let’s dive right in.

(Suggested reading: 487+ Best, Most Popular, Viral Hashtags for Instagram this 2022 (Copy And Paste!))

Table of Contents 

  • Can you share a Youtube video on Instagram?
  • Why share YouTube videos on Instagram?
  • How to share a YouTube video on Instagram Story?
  • How to post a YouTube video on Instagram Story as a link?
  • Best tools for sharing YouTube videos on Instagram
  • How to share a YouTube video on Instagram Story: FAQs
  • Elevate your Instagram marketing with Vista Social

Can you share a YouTube video on Instagram?

Yes—you can share YouTube videos on Instagram. 

The native app’s sharing feature lets you share a YouTube video link as a direct message (DM). Alternatively, you can copy the YouTube link and paste it into a post as a caption. 

While you can’t share YouTube videos as clips using native app features, a workaround is to download the video using tools and upload it on Instagram. 

Why share YouTube videos on Instagram?

Videos are one of the most effective content pillars for Instagram for generating user engagement. But creating high-quality videos is often a time-consuming task. 

Sharing videos from other creators gives your client’s Instagram audience fresh posts while you work on original content. This will keep engagement numbers up even if your content team is struggling to stay on schedule. 

You can also build relationships with popular YouTube creators by sharing their content. Be sure to give them proper credit for their work and leave a constructive response. 

If your clients run a YouTube channel, you may also share teasers of their videos as Instagram Stories. This creates hype around your client’s YouTube channel and drastically increases views. 

How to share a YouTube Video on Instagram Story 

Without further ado, here’s how to post a YouTube video on Instagram Story.

1. Look for a share-worthy video

Browse YouTube for content your client’s Instagram followers might enjoy. 

Remember, Instagram Stories will only be visible to followers—unless you promote them as ads. 

YouTube has a massive library of video content for all kinds of audiences. You’ll find video tutorials, memes, product reviews, top ten lists, and many more. 

Open the YouTube app on your mobile device and use the built-in search bar to look for relevant content.

Just like Google Search, keyword suggestions should start pouring in as soon as you type something.

Image Source: YouTube app

Browse the search results to look for anything that catches your attention. 

Ideally, you should look for shorter videos to make the next steps easier. Check the indicator in the bottom-right corner of the thumbnail to see the video’s duration.

Image Source: YouTube app

Tip: Don’t forget that you can also share a most viewed Instagram video if you find something worth sharing within the Instagram app. 

2. Copy the video’s link

On the video’s page, tap ‘Share’ to pull up the pop-up menu at the bottom. 

Tap ‘Copy link’ to copy the video’s URL. You’ll need it to download the video into your device, which will allow you to upload it on Instagram.

Image Source: YouTube app, @HubSpot Marketing

3. Launch a YouTube video downloader 

With the YouTube video’s link copied, open your device’s mobile browser app. 

Go to a free YouTube downloader tool like 

Paste the YouTube video URL in the “Online Video Downloader” field and tap the right arrow button. 

Image Source:

Within a few seconds, SSYouTube will show the available resolution and format options for the YouTube video. The filename indicates the video’s width in pixels, whereas the extension indicates its file type. 

For most Android and iOS devices, the MP4 format ensures the best compatibility. 

Tap the ‘Download’ button next to the format and resolution you prefer.

Image Source:

Once the download is complete, it should be saved on your mobile device’s downloads folder.

This is different for every device. But for iPhones, the downloads folder is accessible using the ‘Files’ app. 

Just search ‘Downloads’ and the folder should pop right up in one of the results. 

If you see two downloads folders, pick the one saved in your default download location. Or, just check each one until you find the downloaded video.

Tip: If you use an iPhone, use the screen recording tool to save the YouTube video as a clip on your device. Trim the part that shows the screen recording tool being toggled off (refer to instructions below). 

4. Prepare your video for Instagram Stories

Open the downloaded video and run your phone’s native video editing app. 

You don’t need to do anything fancy for now. Just crop and trim your video to match the aspect ratio and length of Instagram Stories. 

If you use an iPhone, you need to save the video to your Photos app first to change its aspect ratio. To do this, open the video, tap the ‘Share’ button, and select ‘Save Video.’

Launch the Photos app and open the downloaded YouTube video. From there, tap the ‘Edit’ button in the upper-right corner. 

Image Source: Instagram app

The iOS video editor comes with various tools to make your downloaded YouTube video ready for Instagram. Trim the video’s length, apply filters, rotate the clip, or crop it to match a specific aspect ratio.

Use the tabs at the bottom to access the tools you need. 

To trim the video’s length, stay on the first tab and use the sliders to set the video’s start and end times. 

For your reference, the maximum length of a single Instagram Story is 15 seconds long. Make every second count by focusing on the video’s highlights when trimming.

To change the video’s aspect ratio, select the crop icon (right-most tab) and tap the upper-right button. 

Image Source: Instagram app

From the list of available aspect ratios, choose the ‘9:16’ option. This is the aspect ratio used in Instagram Stories. 

Feel free to choose an area of the video you want to use.

Image Source: Instagram app

Once you’re happy with your edit, tap ‘Done’ and proceed to the next step.

5. Upload your video on Instagram

Launch the Instagram app and create a new Story. To do this, tap the plus icon and switch to ‘Story’ from the bottom menu.

Image Source: Instagram app

Tap the gallery icon in the lower-left corner of the screen and look for the edited YouTube video. 

That’s it—you’re ready to share a YouTube video on your Instagram account. 

Remember that you can also upload a downloaded YouTube clip as a video post, which will appear on your client’s Instagram feed. You can also upload the video as an Instagram Reel, which is discoverable to other users via the “Reels” Instagram home tab. 

These options are only ideal if the video is pulled from your client’s own channel. 

Here are some of the advantages of publishing YouTube content as Instagram Reels or feed posts: 

  • Schedule your YouTube video at optimal times with Vista Social
  • Generate evergreen value from your client’s Instagram profile page
  • Analyze user insights (including data from third-party tools) on Instagram video posts
  • Experiment with one-word Instagram captions to get more views
  • Use hashtags to boost the searchability of your Instagram post videos 

For more tips, read how to get followers on Instagram without following. 

6. Mix it up

Use Instagram’s Story editor to add the finishing touches to your YouTube video. 

Instagram Stories features a handful of tools that make video content more interesting. Add text overlays, apply filters, tag other users, and use various stickers to spice up clips. 

Some examples are the poll and questions stickers, which instill interactivity into Stories.

Image Source: Instagram app

Tip: Review the best questions to ask on Instagram Story to make the most out of interactive stickers. 

Don’t forget to add a link to the full video and acknowledge the original creator (if it isn’t your client). 

If they have an Instagram account, use the tag feature to mention them directly. Otherwise, add a text overlay that credits their YouTube channel for the original clip. 

How to post a YouTube video on Instagram Story as a link

A simpler way to share a YouTube video on Instagram Story is through links. Since this method takes users to the actual YouTube video, it preserves the video quality of the original content. 

Here’s how to add YouTube link to Instagram Story: 

1. Copy the YouTube video link

Repeat steps one and two from the guide above to find the YouTube video link. 

Just remember to search for something your client’s Instagram followers will appreciate. It should also be relevant to your client’s value propositions. 

2. Create an Instagram Story

Launch the Instagram app and create a new Story. 

Refer to step five above for the instructions. 

On the Instagram Story editor, use any piece of content as a background. This can be a screenshot of the YouTube video, your client’s personal reaction to the clip, or any relevant image. 

3. Insert a link sticker

Pull up the sticker menu and tap the ‘Link’ sticker on the Instagram Story editor. Look for the blue chain icon if you’re having trouble finding the right sticker.

Image Source: Instagram app

On the “Add Link” page, paste the video link in the “URL” field.

Image Source: Instagram app

If you want, you can change the sticker text with a call-to-action (CTA). This hides the raw video link that looks unattractive and uncompelling. 

Tap ‘Customize sticker text’ and write a CTA that would draw more clicks.

Image Source: Instagram app

Tap ‘Done’ to finish setting up your link sticker. 

Resize and move the sticker to where it’s easily seen, but doesn’t block important parts of the YouTube video. 

Image Source: Instagram app

4. Touch up your Instagram Story

Add informative elements to your Instagram Story to help users understand what the video is about. 

For example, your client can record their reaction to the video and use it as the main Story content. If that’s not possible, just add a text overlay that describes the video and what users can gain from watching it. 

Best tools for sharing YouTube videos on Instagram

You need the right tools to share YouTube video clips on Instagram.

Other than, here are tools that can get the job done and more. 

1. Vista Social

Vista Social is a comprehensive social media management platform that supports direct publishing for Instagram Reels. 

If you want to share YouTube videos on Instagram, Vista Social lets you schedule it at your target audience’s most active times. The platform also lets you track in-depth user insights not just on Instagram, but on other social media platforms as well. 

2. KineMaster

KineMaster is a full-featured video editing app that will help you trim, crop, and enhance YouTube videos. It works on Android and iOS devices, which streamlines the entire process of preparing downloaded YouTube videos for Instagram. 

3. Screen record tool (iOS)

The screen recording tool baked into the iOS operating system is the safest and most convenient way to save YouTube videos. It eliminates the need for a third-party YouTube downloader. 

Take note that some Android flagship devices have similar features. Visit your phone manufacturer’s website or read the manual for specific instructions. 


Use as an alternative to SSYouTube. It’s a web-based YouTube downloader tool that’s completely free to use. exports YouTube downloads using the MP4 format, which is great for compatibility. Just be wary of full-screen ads that make the tool cumbersome to use. 

How to share a YouTube Video on Instagram Story: FAQs

What is the best way to share a video on Instagram?

Sharing videos as Instagram Reels improves their visibility to users. They can be discovered from the dedicated Reels tab, hashtag searches, and through your profile page. 

Which app is safe for downloading videos?

The screen recording tool for iPhones is by far the safest way to “download” videos. Other than that, most highly-rated downloader apps for Android and iOS are also safe. 

Can you share YouTube videos on Instagram?

Yes, you can share YouTube videos on Instagram as a link or by re-uploading clips themselves. Avoid downloading videos from other creators unless you have their express permission. 

Boost your Instagram marketing with Vista Social

Make the most out of YouTube videos by scheduling them as Reels or feed posts with Vista Social—an all-in-one social media management platform. 

Vista Social automatically tracks your audience’s social media usage, allowing you to post at the best times for maximum engagement. It also features one-click hashtag suggestions to supercharge your Instagram content’s visibility. 

How do you post a video clip on Instagram?

Here's how you can upload a video to Instagram in-feed..
Open Instagram. Open Instagram and click the + sign at the top right of your newsfeed screen. ... .
Switch to “Videos” This will open up your phone's media library. ... .
Choose a video. Here, choose a video that you want to post on Instagram. ... .
Apply filters. ... .
Write a great caption..

Can I post someone else's YouTube video on Instagram?

While you're sharing videos from YouTube to Instagram, ensure that you're posting content only you have permission to use. Even if it's someone else's content, like a partner or affiliate—take written permission of use from the content owner to avoid copyright issues.


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