How to make coffee in keurig without k cup

To answer the question, “can you make Keurig coffee without the machine?”, I have a few innovative ideas for coffee lovers.

How to make coffee in keurig without k cup
You can make Keurig coffee without the machine

It is possible to make Keurig coffee without a Keurig machine. This article will present three methods of doing so. Keurig coffee comes in the form of pods and K-Cups. Here, I will deal with the latter.

How to make coffee in keurig without k cup

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What Is A K-Cup?

How to make coffee in keurig without k cup
A K-cup is simply a canned coffee

Put simply, it is a kind of canned coffee. A K-Cup consists of built-in paper filters, finely ground coffee, and vacuum-sealed foil lids.

It is not uncommon for people to receive K-Cups as gifts or to swipe a few from the office to use at home. If you liked this post, you might be interested in our K-Cups Vs. Nespresso Original Pods guide.

If you have a machine, all you need do is put the cup in the holder and turn the brew head down to get your coffee. If you don’t, then here are a few methods that will still get you the coffee:

1. Use The Grounds

How to make coffee in keurig without k cup
Using the grounds is the simplest method

This is the simplest method. All you need do is take the coffee grounds out of the cup and then brew them as you would any other blend.

You must be careful, however. Simply ripping the package open will not do. You may end up spilling the grounds all over the place.

A better extraction method is to use scissors to gently cut the foil lid off the K-Cups and then pour the grounds into your coffee machine.

Buzzfeed rounded up the best scissors in this article.

A note of warning here. Keurig coffee is finely ground. If you use a drip machine, you may not get as much coffee as you are used to. The coffee will also be a bit stronger and slightly more bitter. You might be interested in reading about the best coffee for Keurig machines.

2. Pour-Over Method

You can also treat the K-Cup as a pour-over. Here, you will need to cut the foil off of the cup.

Then use a pen to make a hole in the bottom of it. Be gentle. Puncturing the filter will make the cup unusable.

You will then need to boil water. Pour the hot water over the coffee grounds in the K-Cup and into your mug. Your fingers will be close to steaming hot water, so you may want to handle the K-Cup with a mitt.

If you’d like to learn more, in this guide, we explain how to brew pour-over coffee.

3. Immersion Method

This is a way of getting Keurig coffee without any brewing equipment at all.

First, boil water and pour it into a Mason jar, heat-proof pitcher, or anything with a spout. Then, remove the K-Cup’s foil lid.

Next, pour the grounds into the hot water. Let them soak for five minutes. In fact, the longer you let them soak, the stronger your coffee will be.

You will then need to puncture the bottom of the K-Cup. Again, be careful of the paper filter. Finally, pour the soaked coffee through the empty K-Cup and into your coffee mug.

Both the Nespresso and AeroPress are good alternatives to a Keurig machine. In this article, I explain does Nespresso use K cups?

That said, I particularly like the AeroPress as it’s a simple, affordable purchase for coffee brewing tool, i.e., it’s great if you don’t want a machine. Read our AeroPress review.

  • How to make coffee in keurig without k cup

    Coffee Addict loves a daily hit of caffeine and goes loko over a good Mocha.

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While you can put coffee ground for a drip machine through a Keurig, just slightly coarser works a little bit better. Too fine a grind will lead to sediment in your coffee cup, but too coarse will lead to the water rushing through the coffee too quickly and not extracting as much flavor.

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Keurig models without hot water on demand You can easily get just hot water even if your Keurig doesn't have this option. To do this, simply lift and close the handle without inserting the pod and brew just like you normally would when making the coffee. The machine will dispense hot water only.

How do I make Keurig coffee without a filter?

If, instead, you have pre-ground coffee, simply fill the K-Cup to just below the rim of the cup. Next, cut a piece of aluminum foil, approximately 2 by 6 inches (5.08 by 15.24 centimeters). Fold this in half, lengthwise, and wrap the foil over the top of the K-Cup as tightly as you can.

How do you make basic coffee with a Keurig?

Open the lid, and place your favorite Folgers® K-Cup® pack in the coffee chamber..
If necessary, fill the water reservoir before brewing..
Close the lid, place your coffee mug on the drink plate, select your cup size, and hit the brew button..
Enjoy one perfect cup of Folgers® coffee in less than a minute..