How to know when you started following someone on instagram

Instagram has been the most popular app for a long time, and everyone seems to be using it. It gained traction after its debut in 2010 and has remained popular ever since. Although its user base is dwindling, it remains one of the most popular social networking sites. You can create an account and upload photos and videos to update your feed for everyone, similar to Facebook and Twitter.

Your feed can keep you browsing for hours, depending on who and how many people you follow. The content you submit will appear in your feed and in your followers' feeds. They will be able to like, comment, share, save and DM your post from this page.

Unfortunately, there's no way to find out when you started following someone on Instagram. Instagram doesn't provide this information anywhere, and they don't see any reason why it's useful, which is why it's not available. You can see when you first became friends with someone, unlike Facebook.

This is due to the fact that Facebook started out as a relationship-based site, while Instagram focused primarily on content. You can see when you followed people in chronological order, but you won't know when you followed them. If you want to do this, go to the Next tab, select Sort by default and choose how you want the list to be displayed.

If you select first, it will display the first person you followed in chronological order. If you go to the Recent tab, it will show who you have been following recently in chronological order. Instagram used to have an activities page where you could see what other people were like, commenting and who they were following. It also gave a date when everything would happen. Instagram used to have an activities page where you could see what other people were like, commenting and who they were following. It also gave a date when everything would happen. You can also use this to see when you're following someone. Unfortunately, this feature is no longer available.

There are many third party tools available on the market that help you find the date. An app like Find the exact date someone followed you on Instagram available on the market that helps you find the exact date someone followed you on Instagram.

We discuss more information about this tool below.

1. As it is an online tool, there is no need to download anything that can be accessed from any device and from any location.

2. It will ask for your username or phone number. Just fill in the appropriate information in the fields.

3. Allow the application to perform its task.

4. This is the simplest approach we've found to operating efficiently.

5. The app is updated every day.

6. Complete anonymity. As this is a server-based application, your identity is completely anonymous. There is nothing to worry about.

We hope that the tricks and methods mentioned above may have helped you find the date of someone who followed you.

Read also:


  1. To see when someone started following someone on Instagram.
  2. Open the app and go to the person’s profile.
  3. Under their username, there will be a list of followers and who they are following.
  4. If you scroll to the bottom, there is a section that says “Joined.
  5. This is where you can see when the person started following the other user.

How to See someone’s Recent Followers on Instagram

Can you see who someone recently started following on Instagram?

Yes, you can see who someone has recently started following on Instagram. To view a list of the people someone is following, open the person’s profile and tap the Following button.

How do you find out when someone was following on Instagram?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different users have different methods of tracking who is following them on Instagram. However, some methods include checking your list of followers and seeing who has recently followed you, or using a third-party app to track new followers.

Does Instagram show followers in order?

Yes, Instagram does show followers in order. The order is determined by how closely you are connected to the account, with the person who is followed by the most people at the top.

How can I check who my girlfriend recently followed on Instagram?

There is no surefire way to track who your girlfriend is following on Instagram, but there are a few methods you can try. One option is to ask her directly who she is following and why. If she is hesitant to answer or seems suspicious, that may be a sign that she is hiding something. Another method is to look through her phone or computer history to see if she has been visiting any Instagram profiles that you don’t know about.

How do I see someone’s following order?

To see someone’s following order, go to their profile and click on the “following” tab. This will show you the people that they are following, in reverse chronological order.

Can I see how many Instagram followers I had on a certain date?

Yes! To see how many Instagram followers you had on a certain date, go to your profile and click on “Insights.” Then, select “Followers” from the menu on the left. This will show you a graph with your follower count for the selected date.

How can I see what pictures My boyfriend likes on Instagram 2020?

What does it mean to be at the top of someone’s following list on Instagram?

Can you tell who someone interacts with most on Instagram?

There are a few ways to tell who someone interacts with most on Instagram. One is to look at their followers list and see who they follow back the most. Another way is to look at their likes and see who they like the most.

What does it mean to be at the top of someone’s following list on Instagram?

There are a few ways to tell who someone interacts with most on Instagram. One is to look at their followers list and see who they follow back the most. Another way is to look at their likes and see who they like the most.

How do you see someone’s followers on Instagram?

To see someone’s followers on Instagram, you can either view their profile and scroll down to the bottom, or you can use a third-party website or app.

How can I see what my BF is liking on Instagram?

There is no sure way to see what your BF is liking on Instagram, but you could try looking at his profile history or checking out the list of people he’s following. Alternatively, if you have an Instagram account yourself, you could check your own activity log to see if he’s liked any of your posts.

Can you see someone’s activity on Instagram?

Yes, you can see someone’s activity on Instagram. If you’re not following them, you can’t see their posts, but you can see who they follow and who follows them.

How do you see someone’s activity on Instagram 2021?

It’s hard to say exactly how someone’s activity on Instagram will be in 2021, but it’s likely that it will be very different from how it is today. With the advent of new technologies and platforms, it’s probable that Instagram will continue to grow and change, making it a more important part of people’s lives.

How do you know who is talking to whom on Instagram?

If you’re looking at someone’s profile and you see a number of small circles with different colors next to their username, that means they’ve been talking to multiple people. The color of the circle indicates the person that they were talking to last. If you’re in a conversation with someone and you want to know who else they’ve been talking to, just swipe up on the chat and it’ll show you all of the people that they’ve been talking to.

Is there an app to see what someone likes on Instagram?

Yes, there are a few different apps that allow you to see what someone has liked on Instagram. One such app is called “Who Liked My Profile – InstaLiker” and it is available for free on the App Store.