How to heal a sore in your mouth

Your Care Instructions

Canker sores are painful white sores in the mouth. They usually begin with a tingling feeling, followed by a red spot or bump that turns white. Canker sores appear most often on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and inside the lips. They can be very painful and can make talking, eating, and drinking difficult.

A canker sore may form after an injury or stretching of tissues in the mouth, which can happen, for example, during a dental procedure or teeth cleaning. If you accidentally bite your tongue or the inside of your cheek, you may end up with a canker sore. Other possible causes are infection, certain foods, and stress. Canker sores are not contagious.

The pain from your canker sore should decrease in 7 to 10 days, and it should heal completely in 1 to 3 weeks. In most cases, a canker sore will go away by itself. Home treatment can ease pain and discomfort. If you have a large or deep canker sore that does not seem to be getting better after 2 weeks, your doctor may prescribe medicine. Canker sores often come back again.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse advice line (811 in most provinces and territories) if you are having problems. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.

How can you care for yourself at home?

  • Drink cold liquids, such as water or iced tea, or eat flavoured ice pops or frozen juices. Use a straw to keep the liquid from coming in contact with your canker sore.
  • Eat soft, bland foods that are easy to chew and swallow, such as ice cream, custard, applesauce, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, soft-cooked eggs, yogurt, or cream soups.
  • Cut foods into small pieces, or grind, mash, blend, or puree foods to make them easier to chew and swallow.
  • While your canker sore heals, avoid coffee, chocolate, spicy and salty foods, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes.
  • To soothe your canker sore and help it heal:
    • Use an over-the-counter numbing medicine, such as Orabase or Anbesol.
    • Dab a bit of Milk of Magnesia on the canker sore 3 or 4 times a day.
  • Put ice on your sore to reduce the pain.
  • Take anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce pain, as needed. These include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve). Read and follow all instructions on the label.
  • Use a soft-bristle toothbrush, and brush your teeth well but carefully.
  • Do not smoke or use spit tobacco. Tobacco can cause mouth problems and slow healing. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for good.

When should you call for help?

How to heal a sore in your mouth

Call your doctor or nurse call line now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • You have signs of infection, such as:
    • Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness.
    • Red streaks leading from the area.
    • Pus draining from the area.
    • A fever.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor or nurse call line if:

  • You do not get better as expected.

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What Is a Canker Sore?

A canker sore is a small, shallow open wound (or ulcer) in your mouth that can make eating and talking uncomfortable. They’re also known as aphthous ulcers. There are a few types of canker sores:

  • Minor canker sores. These may show up three or four times a year. They typically happen in people ages 10 to 20. They’re less than 1 centimeter across and heal in about a week with no scarring.
  • Major canker sores. These are less common. The ulcers are bigger and can last more than 2 weeks. They often heal with scarring.
  • Herpetiform canker sores. These are rare and show up as clusters of tiny ulcers. They usually heal in about a week.

Canker Sore Causes and Risk Factors

Doctors don’t know what exactly causes most canker sores. 

Things that might cause minor sores include:

  • Stress 
  • Tissue injury, like from a sharp tooth or a dental appliance
  • Certain foods, including citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables (such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen
  • An allergy to something in your food or in your toothpaste or mouthwash
  • Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers

Things that might cause complex canker sores include:

  • An underlying health condition like a weakened immune system, HIV/AIDS, lupus, or Behcet’s disease
  • Nutritional problems like too little vitamin B12, zinc, folic acid, or iron
  • Gastrointestinal diseases like celiac or Crohn’s

About 1 in 5 people gets canker sores regularly. They’re more common in women, possibly because of hormonal differences. They may also run in families.

Canker Sore vs. Cold Sore

Canker and cold sores aren’t the same. 

Cold sores, also called fever blisters or herpes simplex type 1, are groups of painful, fluid-filled blisters. Unlike canker sores, a virus causes cold sores, and they’re highly contagious. Also, cold sores typically appear outside your mouth -- usually under your nose, around your lips, or under your chin -- but canker sores show up inside your mouth.

Canker Sore Symptoms

You may have a canker sore if you have:

  • A tingling or burning sensation, often 6 to 24 hours before a canker sore
  • Small sores in your mouth that are round or oval, white, gray, or pale yellow with a red edge or border
  • A painful sore or sores that appear alone or in clusters inside your mouth: on your tongue, at the base of the gums, on your soft palate (the back portion of the roof of your mouth), or inside your cheeks

Severe canker sore attacks may also cause:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Canker Sore Diagnosis

Canker sores usually aren’t serious. Call your dentist if you have:

  • Unusually large sores
  • Sores that spread
  • Sores that last 3 weeks or longer
  • Extreme pain despite avoiding trigger foods and taking over-the-counter pain medication
  • Trouble drinking enough fluids
  • A high fever with canker sores
  • Frequent or lasting mouth sores, which may be a sign of an underlying problem, such as a serious skin disorder called pemphigus, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, Behcet's disease, autoimmune disease, anemia, HIV, or, in rare cases, oral cancer or leukemia

They can usually make a diagnosis based on a physical exam and your medical history. They might want to test your blood to see whether a vitamin deficiency or another health condition is causing the sores.

Canker Sore Treatment

Pain from a canker sore tends to get better in a few days, and the sores usually heal without treatment in about a week or two. Treatment for large, long-lasting, or unusually painful sores might include:

  • Mouthwashes. Your doctor can prescribe a rinse that has a steroid or a painkiller.
  • Topical medications. Your doctor may prescribe a topical medication containing a steroid for the inflammation, and a topical analgesic like lidocaine to relieve pain. Aphthasol, a prescription ointment described as an "oral paste," may reduce pain and healing time.
  • Oral medications. The ulcer drug sucralfate (Carafate) and the gout drug colchicine (Mitigare) can also treat canker sores. Or your doctor might give you steroid pills.
  • Nutritional supplements. You might need these if a nutrient deficiency is causing your canker sores.   
  • Cautery. Dental lasers can help you feel better right away. Your doctor can also cauterize sores with chemicals like debacterol or silver nitrate.

Canker Sore Home Remedies

Home treatments to speed healing and help you feel better include:

  • Topical products. Medicated gels, creams, pastes, and liquids go on the sore.
  • Mouth rinses. Mix salt or baking soda in warm water, and swish it around your mouth.
  • Milk of magnesia. Put a bit on a cotton swab, and dab it on the sore.

Canker Sore Prevention

There’s no cure for canker sores, and they often come back. But you might get them less often if you:

  • Avoid foods that irritate your mouth, including citrus fruits, acidic vegetables, and spicy foods
  • Don’t chew gum
  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush after meals, and floss daily, which will keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a sore

How long do mouth sores take to heal?

Mouth sores often go away in 10 to 14 days, even if you do not do anything. They sometimes last up to 6 weeks. The following steps can make you feel better: Avoid hot beverages and foods, spicy and salty foods, and citrus.

What causes sore on inside of mouth?

Food sensitivities, particularly to chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, cheese, and spicy or acidic foods. A diet lacking in vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid) or iron. An allergic response to certain bacteria in your mouth. Helicobacter pylori, the same bacteria that cause peptic ulcers.

How do you heal mouth sores naturally?

Home remedies for canker sores.
Alum powder. Alum powder is made from potassium aluminum sulfate. ... .
Saltwater rinse. Rinsing your mouth with salt water is a go-to home remedy, although a painful one, for mouth sores of any kind. ... .
Baking soda rinse. ... .
Yogurt. ... .
Honey. ... .
Coconut oil. ... .
Hydrogen peroxide. ... .
Milk of magnesia..