How to get rid of a sunspot

How do you get rid of sunspots naturally?

At-home treatment.
Aloe vera. Studies have found that aloesin and aloin, which are active compounds found in aloe vera plants, can lighten sunspots and other hyperpigmentation..
Licorice extract. ... .
Vitamin C. ... .
Vitamin E. ... .
Apple cider vinegar. ... .
Green tea. ... .
Black tea water. ... .
Red onion..

Do sunspots go away naturally?

Most sunspots fade somewhat over time, but they will typically not disappear completely because the skin has been permanently damaged. There are, however, several treatments to diminish the appearance of sunspots. Bleaching creams and acid peels can make the appearance of sunspots less obvious.

What gets rid of sun spots fast?

Medications. Applying prescription bleaching creams (hydroquinone) alone or with retinoids (tretinoin) and a mild steroid might gradually fade the spots over several months. ... .
Laser and intense pulsed light. ... .
Freezing (cryotherapy). ... .
Dermabrasion. ... .
Microdermabrasion. ... .
Chemical peel..

How do you fix sunspots on the skin?

Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, works by encouraging cell turnover and increasing collagen production, both of which help set damaged skin cells on a healthier course. Available both over-the-counter and in prescription strengths, retinol works to combat nearly all of the signs of sun damage.


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