How to get blood out of carpet reddit

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I used to do carpentry many years ago (I'm old) and there always seemed to be blood getting on some piece of clothing or another, even when i was unaware that I was bleeding. I've always used ammonia to soak the stain in, and then throw it in the wash.

I've also had great luck with some amazing stuff that I've ONLY been able to find in the 99cent stores. It comes in a pale green bottle and is called "Soilove" (or maybe SoilLove). It gets out ground in dirt, blood, grease, oil, and just about anything I've tried. And it's cheap, so that's a plus.

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No I'm not a murderer.

While I was playing on the PS4 my cat caught a rabbit, second one this week. (His claws NEED clipping) then he took its head off and dumped the carcass on my bedroom floor. I've disposed of the carcass and the gore but there's still some blood that's collected and I dunno what to do about it. I've tried wiping it up with paper towels but that can only do so much. I think some of it has soaked in and I wont be able to get any propper carpet cleaning products till tomorrow.


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Our dog cut herself last night (still can't figure out how or where) and spent thirty minutes running around the house getting blood everywhere.

She's fine, but after our 2am trip to the vet, we were too tired to deal with it. Hydrogen peroxide bubbled it right up where it was still wet (thank you vet for that idea!) but I'm not sure if its getting it up well where it's already dried.

Anyone have any hints? Our house looks like a crime scene :(

Update: Hydrogen peroxide takes the prize- once I thought to take the scrubber out of my carpet cleaner and got into a rhythm of soak, resoak, vacuum, soak again and revacuum, it started coming along quite nicely.

DONT EVER LET OXYCLEAN PASTE DRY COMPLETELY !!! I've got a few patches of plaster I'm trying to get up now...

For a quick small area that can just be blotted up, the club soda was awesome, but I had about 5000 bloody footprints and puddles to get- (ok, maybe it just seemed like that many)

2 liters of HP and a few hours of work and we are almost back to new!

Thanks for all the helpful hints!!

How do you get dried blood out of a carpet?

For this methods, mix 1-2 teaspoons of ammonia with water and apply the solution to the carpet. Let the solution work for 5-10 minutes before blotting the spot with a clean cloth. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used in cases where the blood stain on the carpet is particularly persistent.

Is blood hard to get out of carpet?

To lift fresh or dried blood stains from carpet requires you to act quickly, blot and not rub the stain, and use a stain remover that's safe for your carpet. It can take a few rounds of cleaning, but with our tips and techniques, the appearance and freshness of your carpet can improve.

Does vinegar remove blood from carpet?

Vinegar's high acidity, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties make it perfect for getting blood out of carpet, among other things. Mix a solution of 1 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.

Can dried blood stains be removed?

Soaking blood stained fabric in cool water can help break up the stain and make it easier to remove. Wash as usual. Sometimes, soaking blood stained fabric and then washing it in the washing machine is enough to remove a dried blood stain.