How to edit instagram post on computer

How to edit a post on Instagram: from a computer and phone?

How to edit a post on Instagram is a question often asked by insta users. When posting another publication, it should be remembered that this is a serious matter. It should be approached seriously. If after placing the account holder understands that a mistake has been made, it is worthwhile to edit. The article describes how a similar operation is performed after posting a photo or video.

How to edit instagram post on computer


  • 1 How to edit a post on instagram?
    • 1.1 From computer
    • 1.2 From phone
  • 2 Is it possible to edit a post on instagram after posting?
  • 3 Why can’t I edit the post on Instagram?
  • 4 To summarize

How to edit a post on instagram?

How to edit instagram post on computer

Before editing, you must first create the content itself. Make it easy:

  1. On the main page, the plus sign is clicked. He creates a new social network element..
  2. The required data is entered.
  3. Click on the placement option.

In the menu, the user will be presented with the option to create not one photo, but two or more. To do this, find the button with two squares and click on it. Subscribers and people who view content can like, post, send to friends and comment.

From computer

How to edit instagram post on computer

The standard web version of insty does not support such an option. You cannot change the post and edit it from a PC. All that can be done from a computer is to put Like, write comments, save publications. If you wish, you can share the post via email, Facebook, Twitter.

Through the computer there is also no way to add photos. But this limitation can be circumvented. When deciding how to edit a post on Instagram, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Instagram opens in the browser;
  • F12 is pressed;
  • A console will appear. Here in the upper corner you need to click on the option to switch the page to the mobile option;
  • In the panel that opens, you need to select the mobile model;
  • The console closes. You can add publications.

Despite this exceptional opportunity, you won’t be able to change already published posts..

If you need to perform such actions, you should use third-party applications. A popular utility is BlueStacks. You need to download and install software, go through authorization. In the emulator, you can perform the necessary operations related to editing a publication.

From phone

Editing or changing a publication from a smartphone is easy. You will need to act through the icon with three dots. The following operations are performed:

  1. In the menu, select Edit. Here you can delete.
  2. The text under the post changes.
  3. Additional verification of new material in progress.

When carrying out such an operation, you must follow the rules. The first is meeting deadlines. If a lot of time has passed since the photo was posted, changing the information in it will fail. It is equally important to pay attention to the allowed number of characters..

Carrying out editing, you can put user marks on the photo. Allowed to open and sign photos. Using the same instructions, you can change not only the text and location in the publication, but also change the hashtags. After completing the necessary actions, the user must confirm them by clicking Finish.

Is it possible to edit a post on instagram after posting?

Can I change the quality and appearance of the photo? The answer here will be yes. Publications after posting can be edited. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and carry out this operation from a functional phone.

It is worthwhile to understand in more detail the actions that change the information in the post. After going to the profile, you should select a previously posted publication and signature. You need to click on three points and go to editing. The following changes are made:

  • Change or add a place – click on the active link or use the search;
  • Desire to tag other users. You should click on the image of the little man and on the plus sign. A search bar will be presented where the person’s nickname is entered;
  • Replacing hashtags or descriptions, adding emoticons. Everything is clear here. After using the editor, you can add any information and icons to the publication’s explanation;
  • Placement of alternative text. This is true for people who have vision problems..

After making the necessary changes, the user must publish a photo and put a check mark in charge of saving data online.

Why can’t I edit the post on Instagram?

There can be many reasons why a person cannot edit. Among the most common of them, it can be noted:

  1. The lack of an Edit button. There is a chance that the post was published before 2018..
  2. Desire to change information that cannot be edited. In standard posts it is allowed to change texts, tags, geolocation. You can put notes and description. Nothing more can be done. If you want to apply a filter, you have to delete the post.
  3. After editing, the post may not be saved. This is due to a malfunction in the mobile application. Here you need to turn off and on the Internet. Log out of profile and log in again.

Problems associated with the lack of the ability to edit publications are resolved quickly and easily. The main thing is to know how to act and add content.

To summarize

Before conducting standard editing, you should remember not only the rules, but the creativity in the instagram. Users are attracted to people for whom the creation of unique images is standard. Everyone likes attractive, entertaining or useful texts, promos and videos. If the edited publication aroused interest, you can arrange the rest, upload and upload according to the same scheme.

How do I edit an existing post on Instagram?

To edit your Instagram post, tap the three-dot icon in its top right corner and select Edit..
You can update the post's caption, tag people, add a location, and change its alt text when editing..
Or, you can delete your Instagram post and create a new one instead of editing it..

Why can't I edit my Instagram post?

App permissions to your media, files, or even the photography of your mobile device need to be turned on for you to edit or upload posts on Instagram. But, if you have made some posts already, check if app permission or accessibility is still turned on to ensure it's not experiencing a bug.

Can you edit photos on Instagram after posting?

Unfortunately, you have one shot to add the right filter, crop or adjust your photo before it goes live. 😔 Instagram doesn't currently support any features to edit your Instagram photos after you post. If you've messed up your favorite photo before sending it to your feed, your best bet is to delete and re-upload.