How many kwh does a tesla use per mile

  • #1

Hi everyone,

I am trying to understand how many kwh is being charged when plugged into a home charge (wall connector).

For example, when I plug in the car and it charges from 100 miles to 200 miles, it charges +100miles. But what is this +100 in kwh? Is there a way to calculate?

I am trying to conduct a study on how much electricity bills actually increase by when charging but need to know how to calculate the kwh of a charging session.


  • #2


Thanks for this. My only problem now is how to convert the # of miles to wh/mile or just plain KWH

  • #3

Hi everyone,

I am trying to understand how many kwh is being charged when plugged into a home charge (wall connector).

For example, when I plug in the car and it charges from 100 miles to 200 miles, it charges +100miles. But what is this +100 in kwh? Is there a way to calculate?

I am trying to conduct a study on how much electricity bills actually increase by when charging but need to know how to calculate the kwh of a charging session.


The model Y 75 KW battery allows you roughly 300 miles of travel. So 100 miles requires about 25 KW of energy. One mile requires 75000/300 = 250 watts.

  • #4

Bottom line up front (BLUF): If you drive your model Y so that you use 270Wh per mile (3.7 miles per kWh) you can expect to use 27kWh per 100 miles. with charging overhead this will be closer to 30kWh per 100 miles.

Power is expressed in watts or kilowatts (kW). Electrical energy can be expressed as power provided for a period of time. For example, 1.4kW of power being delivered for 1 hour is 1.4 kilowatt hour (1.4kWh.) This is the amount of energy consumed if you use a standard 120V household outlet to charge the Tesla vehicle for 1 hour. However, charging is not 100% efficient, even less efficient at 120V. So while you are consuming 1.4kW of power only about 80% of the 1.4kW will actually be added to the battery. So approximately a little more than 1kWh is able to be added to the battery every hour that you charge from a standard outlet.

It is the same if you charge from a 240V outlet, only at a higher level of power and it is approximately 90% efficient. Charging at 240V at the maximum rated amperage for the Tesla Wall connector (48A) will enable you to charge at 11.5kW. 90% of 11.5kW is ~10.4kW. So you end up adding approximately 10.4 kWh to the battery for every hour you charge.

When you drive a gas vehicle the efficiency is usually measured in miles per gallon. In an electric vehicle the driving efficiency can be expressed in watt hours per mile driven or Wh/mile. If you drive efficiently you might be able to drive 1 mile while using 250Wh of energy. This would be 4 miles of range per kWh (See kWh from the charging example.) 1 / .250kWh = 4 miles per kWh. If you use more than 250Wh per mile this will be less than 4 miles of range per kWh. (Model Y drivers can typically achieve 240Wh to 280Wh per mile on average with somewhere around 270Wh per mile being a good working number for mixed driving. 1 / .270Wh = 3.7 miles per kWh.)

When you charge for one hour using a Tesla Wall Connector at the maximum of 240V and 48A you would add 1 X 10.4kWh; 10.4kWh. Assuming 3.7 miles of driving range per kWh this would enable you to drive 38.5 miles.

Using the Tesla Wall Connector, to add 100 miles of driving range (assuming 3.7 miles per kWh) would be 100 / 3.7 = 27kWh. 27kWh / 10.4kW per hour would take 2.6 hours (2 hours, 35 minutes.) The total energy used would be 10% more to account for charging losses, when charging at 140V so an additional 2.7kWh, ~29.7kWh total energy.

If you charge from a standard household outlet to add 100 miles of driving range (assuming 3.7 miles of driving range per kWh) would take 27kWh / 1.1kWh = 24.5 hours (24 hours, 30 minutes.) The total energy used would be almost 20% more to account for charging losses when charging at 120V, ~32kWh total energy.

When calculating your electricity costs the utility bill will usually list power generation costs separately from power distribution costs. Usually these two number are very close so if you pay $.07 per kWh in power generation your power distribution cost will be similar at ~$0.05 per kWh. Add in some additional taxes, tariffs and environmental impact fees and the total cost per kWh can easily be twice the power generation cost.

The easiest way to estimate what you are paying for electricity is to take the amount of the monthly bill ($) and divide the cost by the total kilowatt hours consumed. Example: If the electric utility bill is $55.00 US and you used 350kWh during the billing period your cost per kWh (including all costs) is $55.00 / 350kWh = $0.157 per kWh or about 16 cents per kWh.

Speed, elevation changes, temperature and road conditions will impact your driving efficiency. Use of the climate control to heat or cool the Tesla vehicle will also impact the driving efficiency.

Last edited: Jun 22, 2021

  • #5

Dashboard for Tesla definitely shows the amount of kwh charged in the current charging session. I think it also retains that information until at least the next drive. Might be worth a look if you have an android phone.

I'm sure TeslaFi does the same thing(and more), and I imagine 'Stats' also has it. I'm not sure if the Tesla app itself shows the data, but its clearly available.

  • #6

Hi everyone,

I am trying to understand how many kwh is being charged when plugged into a home charge (wall connector).

For example, when I plug in the car and it charges from 100 miles to 200 miles, it charges +100miles. But what is this +100 in kwh? Is there a way to calculate?

I am trying to conduct a study on how much electricity bills actually increase by when charging but need to know how to calculate the kwh of a charging session.


There are two numbers to deal with here...battery kwh and home 'draw' kwh. The battery one is easy, when you charge, the Tesla shows you how many kwh were 'added' to the battery. BUT, that is not the same as how much power your just drew from the power utility (it's not 100% efficient). You would need to monitor the circuit that is charging the car to determine that. There are other posts that cover the actual efficiency (google it). A REALLY rough estimate would be battery % change * 75kwh / 0.95 (assuming a 75kwh battery pack).
It sounds like you are trying to equate a energy $ amount to a 'per mile' basis. That's going to take more assumptions...just like a ICE car, the mpg changes based on driving conditions. Long term, a good estimate for wh/mi would be 270 to 290 (except for those crazy places that have speed limits at or above 80 mph...then use 300 or 310 wh/mi). So the cost per mile would be (assuming $0.14 per kwh from power company):
Cost per mile (high end) 0.290 Kwh/mi * $0.14/Kwh * 1/0.95 = $0.0427 per mile (4.2 cents per mile)
Cost per mile (low end) 0.270 Kwh/mi ...bla bla bla = 3.98 cents per mile

  • #7

Most of the apps available that give you a deeper dive into your Tesla will give you this, with no math..... I use TezLab.

  • #8

The model Y 75 KW battery allows you roughly 300 miles of travel. So 100 miles requires about 25 KW of energy. One mile requires 75000/300 = 250 watts.

Wow. My p100d model x gets me 180miles. I avg around 430 wh/mile usage.

  • #9

Any reason Tesla doesn’t provide more detail on that BIG SEXY SCREEN or APP? If third party apps and tool’s can do it surely Tesla can.

  • #10

Any reason Tesla doesn’t provide more detail on that BIG SEXY SCREEN or APP? If third party apps and tool’s can do it surely Tesla can.

It's not about "can". It's about whether they think it's a good idea or not. They seem to go by the Apple philosophy. Keep interfaces very simple. Show little information and hide most. Don't offer more options and choices than you think users need. Pick what's best for them.

And it's kind of a sensible paradigm for a consumer market. Showing people lots and lots of data spawns more and more of the following:
Stress, worry, confusion, wondering what's important, calls to customer support, extra wasted time from staff answering questions about things that don't need to be asked, etc. etc.

By hiding most of the unimportant stuff, it simplifies everything and saves them a lot of time and hassle from people who are freaking out over a lot of nothing because they are overwhelmed with too many numbers that they don't understand.

  • #11

It's not about "can". It's about whether they think it's a good idea or not. They seem to go by the Apple philosophy. Keep interfaces very simple. Show little information and hide most. Don't offer more options and choices than you think users need. Pick what's best for them.

And it's kind of a sensible paradigm for a consumer market. Showing people lots and lots of data spawns more and more of the following:
Stress, worry, confusion, wondering what's important, calls to customer support, extra wasted time from staff answering questions about things that don't need to be asked, etc. etc.

By hiding most of the unimportant stuff, it simplifies everything and saves them a lot of time and hassle from people who are freaking out over a lot of nothing because they are overwhelmed with too many numbers that they don't understand.

Exactly. Those that are interested in more data can simply use an app like TezLab or Teslafi to satisfy their nerdiness.... I use Tezlab myself....

  • #12

I am trying to understand how many kwh is being charged when plugged into a home charge (wall connector).

Basically 10% / hour or 30 miles / hour.

based on a 75 kWh battery, with 300 miles of range, and charging at 7.5 kW/h (240 V x 32 Amp)

  • #13

The model Y 75 KW battery allows you roughly 300 miles of travel. So 100 miles requires about 25 KW of energy. One mile requires 75000/300 = 250 watts.

Oh, well. Time for the pendant and grammar idiot to show up.

There's No Such Thing as a 75 kW battery. Technical term error.

First: ENERGY is a QUANTITY. Literally, like a gallon of water in a bucket.

There are lots of different measures for energy, just like there's lots of different ways to measure the volume, or weight, or whatever of matter.

The SI unit for energy is the Joule.

Second: Power is a RATE OF USE OF ENERGY. At a steady rate, one Watt of power is the usage of one Joule per second. Like a water hose output is measured in gallons per minute, a Watt is measured in Joules per Second. The instantaneous power is W = J/s.

Suppose, for example, one uses One Million Watts for One Microsecond, then stops. (RADARs do things like this, no joke.) Over one second's time, you get an energy usage of 1e6 J/s * 1e-6 s = 1 Joule. Which is the same as using one watt for one second.

That 100W light bulb lighting your desk at the moment? Yes, it's using 100 Joules per second.

Third: So what the heck is a kW-hr, anyway? Well, just like people don't like shoveling zillions of pennies around when paying for groceries, humans like chunks that they can count on with their fingers. So, a Watt-hour is one Watt for an hour; there's 3,600 seconds in a hour (60 * 60), so 1 Watt-hour = 3.6 kJ.

The power company likes to charge people for energy (not power!) in chunks of kW-hours. Since a kW is one thousands times bigger than a Watt, that means that 1 kW-hr = 3.6 MJ. And there you are.

The batteries in the M3 LR and MY can hold about 75 kW-hr of energy when new. The published energy usage per mile for my M3 LR is 250 W-hr per mile. So, the range of my M3 is 75 kW-hr/(250 W-hr/mile) = 300 miles.

And, just so we're clear on all this: That 250W-hr/mile rating is pretty much like the MPG (Or, rather, sticking with units, the Miles/Gallon) rating on ICE cars. You do jackrabbit starts and stops and run at high rates of speed your W-hr/mile rating is going to get worse (higher numbers). For what it's worth, that 250 W-hr/mile number on my car was derived from exactly the same EPA testing that ICE vehicles go through, city, highway, and all. (Done at a lab in Detroit, if memory serves.)

So: Put 100 miles on my car? Energy stuffed into the battery is 100 miles * 250 W-hr/mile = 25 kW-hr. (= 90 MJ) Easy peasy.

Finally, just so all this makes economic sense. Ye Power Company goes out and buys a kg of coal from a mining company somewhere. Each kg of coal, when burned to CO2, gives off 29.3 MJ of energy. That usually heats up a bunch of water, boiling it, which is then used to spin a turbine which then spins a generator, generating electrical energy. Electric power companies go beserk making the process as efficient as possible, so something like 90% of the energy given off by that burning, some 26.4 MJ, is actually converted to electrical energy. (This is, by the way, a heck of a lot better than an ICE car's gasoline motor, which is about 30% or less efficient at turning the energy released by burning gasoline into kinetic energy.)

What electrical energy (in kW-hrs!) that goes into your abode spins the electric meter. The more you use, the more you pay, and what you pay is, in part, used to buy more coal. And to maintain and run the power generating and distribution network, as well as the salaries of all those involved.

I'm sure you all know this, but the reason that it's so much cheaper to run an electric car around the landscape is that electric vehicles are a heck of a lot more efficient at converting energy into kinetic energy; something like 70% or 80%, I believe, and that includes losses in the batteries and all.

And now you know.


Last edited: Sep 19, 2022

  • #14

If you change your battery display from "miles" to "percent" you will see how many kilowatt hours you've added per charging session. Instead of saying "100 miles added" it will say something like "25kwh added." Alternatively, you can look at the kw (in the app or on the car's display) as well while it is charging. For example, my home charger is 9.6kw (the app or car alternates between 9kw 10kw) -- so I know that, in the course of an hour, I add 9.6kwh to the battery.

Look at your kilowatts and you'll know you're adding that many kwh per hour. E.g. 32Amps X 240V = 7.68 kilowatts -- so you'll add 7.68 kilowatt hours to your battery in an hour. The math will change based on how many amps you're using for charging and the voltage. Mine is 40 amps at 240 = 9.6kw

  • #15

According to this article, an updated Energy App will be included in 2022.36 and provide more detailed information:

How many kwh does a tesla use per mile

How many miles does a Tesla get to kWh?

The most efficient electric cars in 2022 Tesla Model 3, Standard Range Plus: 4.56 miles per kWh. Fiat 500e: 4.54 miles per kWh. Tesla Model 3, Long Range: 4.54 miles per kWh.

How many watts does a Tesla use per mile?

If all variables are perfect, that means that Tesla uses about . 22 kWh per mile or 220 watt-hours per mile. To put it into perspective, that's enough electricity to power 2.2 100-watt light bulbs for an hour.

How many kWh is a mile?

The average electric car kWh per 100 miles (kWh/100 mi) is 34.6. This works out as 0.346kWh per mile. In other words, on average, electric cars consume 34.6kWh to travel 100 miles and 0.346kWh to travel 1 mile.

How many kWh does a 100km Tesla use?

European Union Energy Label.