How do i find my imap password for outlook

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For both professional and personal purposes, Microsoft's Outlook Express is a widely used e-mail application. If you've chosen an IMAP server for your e-mail account, your information is stored permanently on the server, and copies of that information are stored within Outlook Express. If you have forgotten your password, you must download third-party password recovery software compatible with Outlook and IMAP servers to retrieve it. Once installed, the process of finding your password is simple.

Step 1

Download Mail PassView, Advanced Outlook Password Recovery or another program of your choice that specializes in retrieving Outlook passwords on an IMAP server (See Resources). Save the file to your desktop, open and click "Install."

Step 2

Browse the main menu and select your Outlook Express user name.

Step 3

Click "Recover." The process could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the complexity of your Outlook Express password.

Microsoft Outlook is an email client that allows you to connect to an outside POP3 or IMAP email host to send and receive email. If you change the password on the email host, you must also reset the password in the Outlook client to match. If your passwords don’t match, the client will return an error every time you attempt to send and receive mail in Outlook. You can reset your password directly from Outlook’s account information settings.

  1. Click the “File” tab and locate the Account Information section.

  2. Click “Account Settings” and select “Account Settings” from the drop-down menu.

  3. Choose your email account and click “Change.” A new screen will display your current Outlook account settings information.

  4. Type your new password in the Password text box. This must match the password used by your POP3 or IMAP email account.

  5. Place a check in the box next to “Remember password.”

  6. Click “Next” and then click “Finish” to complete the process.

It is sometimes necessary to add more details in the Advanced Options section when connecting your inbox to HubSpot using IMAP. Your IT team should be able to provide your mail server's IMAP and SMTP information. If not, you can take the steps below to find them in your email client:

Apple Mail (Mac desktop)

  • Click Mail in your Mac's toolbar, then select Preferences from the dropdown menu. 
  • In the left sidebar, select the account you want to connect to HubSpot.
  • Select Account Information
  • Find the field for Incoming Mail Server. This value is your IMAP server name.
  • Next, find the field for Outgoing Mail Server. You may need to use the dropdown menu to select Edit SMTP server list to view the SMTP server name. You can also find your SMTP port here.

Outlook for Mac 

  • Click Outlook in your Mac's toolbar.
  • Select Preferences, then click Accounts.
  • In the left sidebar, click on the account you want to connect to HubSpot.
  • Find the fields for Incoming server and Outgoing server. The longer text box is the server name and the text box towards the right is the port. Use this information when setting up your connected inbox in HubSpot.

Outlook for PC

  • In Outlook, click File. Then navigate to Account SettingsAccount Settings.
  • On the Email tab, double-click on the account you want to connect to HubSpot.
  • Below Server Information, you can find your incoming mail server (IMAP) and outgoing mail server (SMTP) names.
  • To find the ports for each server, click More settings... Advanced

iPhone (Apple mail)

  • Navigate to your iPhone's Settings

  • On the next screen, click Mail, then select Accounts.  

  • Select the email account you want to connect to HubSpot.
  • Under IMAP, select Account.
  • This will display your incoming (IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) mail server information to use in HubSpot.

Android (native Android email client) 

  • Navigate to your Android's Settings, and then click Apps.  
  • On the next screen, click Email
  • Select your email address, and under Advanced Settings, click Server Settings.  
  • You'll then be brought to your Android's Server Settings screen, where you can access your server information. 

How do I get my IMAP password?

Step 1: Open up the Settings application. Step 2: Find the Accounts or Sync section. Step 3: Select the “IMAP” or Personal (IMAP) or “Email” account. Step 4: Select “Account settings.” Page 2 Step 5: Select your IMAP account Step 6: Select “Incoming settings.” Page 3 Step 7: Update the password and select Done.

What is the IMAP password for Outlook?

You must type your complete e-mail address, such as Depending on your e-mail provider, this is usually either your full e-mail address or the part of your e-mail address before the "@" symbol. This is the password for your account.

How do I find my IMAP settings in Outlook?

In Outlook, click File. Then navigate to Account Settings > Account Settings. On the Email tab, double-click on the account you want to connect to HubSpot. Below Server Information, you can find your incoming mail server (IMAP) and outgoing mail server (SMTP) names.

How do I reset my Outlook IMAP password?

Step 2: In “Account Settings” make sure the IMAP account is highlighted and click “Change.” Page 2 Step 3: Update the password in the bottom field. Step 4: Verify that the same password will be used for Outgoing Authentication.


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