Harry potter fanfiction lady hogwarts protects harry

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  1. TagsSummary

    At the start of Harry's 4th year, Hogwarts has had enough of all the mishandling of her students, staff and wards. She calls the goblins as a last resort, just like the founders had intended.

    The goblins bring a ICW emergency -response team of Healers and what they find is mind-boggling and far reaching.

    • Part 1 of The ICW comes to Magical Great Britain
  2. TagsSummary

    Where I will put my prompts once I finished writing them.

    There might be something that'll be visible once I will have written them all,just saying.

    Very much non-linear by the way.

    Language:EnglishWords:22,018Chapters:33/?Kudos:19Bookmarks: 1Hits:592
  3. TagsSummary

    Draco’s voice shook. “You don’t know what it’s like to have you. No one knows what it’s like to lose you.” A sob fled from him. “Please don’t make me be the first.”
    Harry’s face crumpled, looking away, and Draco knew then it was over.
    “It’s my past, it must be. I asked before and you said –”
    “I have forgiven you –”
    “I am a person!” Then quieter, “A person; not just something to be forgiven.”


    With his family’s name and misdeeds laying heavily upon him, Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for a torturous eighth year. He finds himself unrequitedly in love with Harry Potter and at odds with everyone around him, even the bricks. While navigating the post-war world, he is forced to decide both who he is and what he wants.

    Language: EnglishWords:134,121Chapters:13/13Kudos:307Bookmarks:92Hits:7442
  4. Tags Summary

    Hadrian Black was an intelligent child, an intelligent child with a sharp wit and a cunning mind. As Hadrian sets foot into Hogwarts, he marks his path, dodging meddling old fools and sidestepping plots made for Gryffindors. The marks he makes, however, will forever change the way Hogwarts functions.

    This is the second story of the series; you may find things confusing if you start with this story.

    • Part 2 of Sirius Hadrian Black IV
  5. TagsSummary

    It was a long time since she had felt like this, like a demon. Orion stood still and looked at her. He said nothing because he didn’t have to. She could feel that he was sending calming emotions to her through the bond. But somehow it made her feel even angrier. She screamed again, louder this time. More potion bottles exploded behind her and Orion’s desk moved dangerously. Orion now knew the seriousness of the situation and walked over to her and touched her gently on the cheek.
    “Show me your eyes.” His voice was soft but firm. It was a command, not a request. He didn’t use the power he had over her often but at times like these when the bond was not enough he had to use the other option. She had no choice but to open her eyes to him. His frown deepened. He did not like what he was seeing. Artemis could feel the worry and slight anger pulsing of the man.
    “You need to calm down. Now. Or I won't hesitate to knock you out.” She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. This time she let the calming emotions wash over her and she relaxed. Orion had cupped her face in his hands and he was stroking both her cheeks with his thumbs, similar to what she had done to him many years ago.

    • Part 2 of Aurors
  6. TagsSummary

    They all felt it.

    In that single moment, they all felt the Black family magic; it swirled and danced around them, teeming with life. They all felt how the once lifeless and dull magic was now exuberant, and they all knew why it was rejoicing - because it had laid claim on the new heir to the house Black.

    The family magic swirled and weaved its way around in an ethereal dance; they could feel how thrilled it was to be teeming with life once more.

    But they also felt the underlying rage that swirled deeply within, the injustices the magic had kept a record of. They all knew that the new Heir of House Black had been in trouble, and the family magic had reacted on their behalf.

    Or People really shouldn't mess with the Black and Potter Family's, not when its members know how to be vicious.
    or when magic likes its children especially its favourites.

    - WIP -

    • Part 1 of Toujours Pur verse
  7. TagsSummary

    Albus Dumbledore was made immortal by Hogwarts a Long Time ago. She is manipulative. And sadistic. He loses his emotions for a while there. It's a diary entry BTW. The Usual.

  8. TagsSummary

    Harry's always had something... off about him. Be it his Primary teachers singing his praises or the strange, almost magical events that follow him wherever he goes, he's never been one to melt into the rest of his peers.

    Thus, when he finally discovers strange, almost magical forces at his fingertips, Harry's not surprised. In fact, he's overjoyed and ready to accept his place in the Wizarding world. There's just one problem...

    His magic isn't exactly normal.

    Harry Potter has suffered under his Uncle's thumb for 7 years now. When a 'punishment' (read: torture session) goes too far, he meets his magic for the first time. This fic documents his experiences both in Hogwarts and out throughout the first year. Yee haw ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

    • Part 1 of Basilisk
    Language:EnglishWords:55,771Chapters:8/?Collections: 3Kudos:715Bookmarks:222Hits:13368
  9. TagsSummary

    Everyone has a reputation based on what they have done and accomplished, even if it was one that is not looked upon with the utmost respect. With that reputation, comes expectations. Now that Yoa Kromer and her best friends Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, and Park Jimin returned to Hogwarts for their fourth year (along with Taehyung and Jungkook who returned for their third), the impact of those reputations and expectations show itself in full force. Together, they have to learn how to tackle them while helping their rivalling professors with opposite reputations, Professor Harry Potter and Professor Draco Malfoy, end another possible treat to Hogwarts in the form of a series of mysterious events. Set seven years after the battle of Hogwarts.

    (p.s. I'm horrible at writing synopsis. Sorry 'bout that.)

  10. TagsSummary

    It moves further, away from the Forbidden Forest, through the massive hoops and past the Quidditch Court. The clouds follow the Wind, but a few stubborn ones make a fuss. The rumbling thunder does its best to shake the foundations of the looming Castle, but fails. The Castle, too, is a gentle giant – and has friends deep down in the soil to keep it steady.

  11. TagsSummary

    The scrape of scales on the musty stonework floor of The Leaky Cauldron went unnoticed.
    Ronald Weasley would give anything to be in the limelight, just this once he would prove himself.
    The more Hermione tried to socialize with her peers all throughout school, the more they called her weird and strange. It hurt to not be able to talk with many people, but she had her books.
    Dahlia used to hope that someone would notice the smudges on her face or the callouses on her hands, maybe even the difference in size between her and her cousin Dudley; now though all she could do was count the small cuts and burns on her hands and arms to alleviate her boredom.

    Author Here! To Clarify somethings: Hermione is mixed, Hispanic and English specifically. Ron gets a found family of sorts, The Weasleys are great and all but they could've done something more. Harry is a dense mother trucker, Hogwarts has her work cut out for her with Harry. The Dursley's would of course never be accepting of anything LGBTQ+ so Harry doesn't know he's a he yet, but he'll get there. Characters will be in and out of character simply because Harry Potter was written by Daniel Radcliff and he would let me write Trans!Harry.

    Language:EnglishWords:2,102 Chapters:3/?Kudos:68Bookmarks:12Hits:781
  12. TagsSummary

    In a life where being smart means not being beaten or starved, Harry Potter turns out to be someone who should never be underestimated - someone who would go to the very edges of morality to preserve his life and to enact a vengeance on those who deserve it.

    This work aims to massively expand the canon as it is given in the books, as well as slightly tweaking amny canon facts/implications. It is, in essence, a complete re-write of the books, starting with the 2 months leading up to Book 1. It's gonna be an extremely slow burn, both in plot as in eventual relationships. All relationships tagged will be those that are central to the actions of certain characters (such as Lucius who would die to protect Narcissa and their son, or Xenophilius who loved his wife so dearly that even after death he makes decisions in her memory).

    Currently, Act I has been concluded - Act II has newly begun :D

    • Part 2 of To Survive All Else
  13. TagsSummary

    Voldemort was dead.
    The war was won.
    All was well.

    Then our hero woke up and it was the morning of his eleventh birthday.

    Oh, did I say hero? I meant Severus Snape. Severus Snape woke up and it was the morning of his eleventh birthday.

    This had not been the plan.

  14. TagsSummary

    Severus passed away on the Shrieking Shack's floor only to find himself in the white space between the world of the living and the dead, conversing with one Master of Death Harry Potter.
    He's offered the opportunity to return a few years back in time to try and fix a problem with the world and its magic, but also, his life.
    He wants to better himself. He wants to be back in Lily's life. He wants to save magic.
    Severus reluctantly accepts, going back to Hogwarts once again - as a student this time - to relive his worst memories.
    However, this time he's not one of the chess pieces (easily manipulated, a target, one to be disposed of), no.
    He's one of the big players, and he's ready to make his moves.

    But also, why did James Potter become so obsessed with him? Hadn't Severus suffered enough in his past life? He's not ready for this shit.

  15. TagsSummary

    Mcgonagall decides enough is enough and puts her foot down when Albus decides to give the poor newly orphaned Harry to the Dursley’s.
    “You don’t want him spoiled? Fine. Give him to me.”


    Harry grows up in the Hogwarts Castle and gains the favor of every professor, and when the time comes to actually attend as a student, he refuses to be sorted into one house since he feels connected to all of them. So, he becomes the first Unsorted student, which makes him being able to enter every house . In a much colder household, the child of a Noble House gets sorted into Gryffindor. His father suddenly turning against him, Draco feels lost and alone.

    • Part 1 of Aperto Corde
    Language:EnglishWords:680Chapters:1/?Kudos:51Bookmarks:6 Hits:597
  16. TagsSummary

    Harry considers the probability of him being diagnosed with Black insanity through the distant connections his father’s blood provided and thinks about how exactly he can blame this situation on it.

  17. TagsSummary

    Do you ever find yourself thinking "there's no way I could hate this person more," before finding yourself locked in a school cupboard with them and unpacking personal feelings about your home lives? No? Well, as crazy as it sounds, Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy somehow find themselves in that exact situation one hot, September afternoon.

  18. TagsSummary

    Nobody truly knows what happened on Samhain night in 1981. All anybody knows was that Harry Potter the infant vanquished the Dark Lord Voldemort, and James and Lily Potter passed in the tragic attack. Oh, and that was the day Harry Potter went to live with his estranged muggle relatives. Wait, that never happened!.

    That was the day Harry Potter lost his parents, but he was brought to live with his godfather and honourary uncle instead. Welcome to a better world than the original, where Harry Potter was raised by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin and was completely ready for Hogwarts, already knowing Wizarding etiquette and magic. This time, he'll have family and a couple of different friends (not to mention knowledge) to survive the next seven years and beyond.
    Also, who knew Dumbledore was such a manipulative old coot?

    I'm bad at summaries but I hope you like the story!

    • Part 1 of WCAAP?
    Language:English Words:8,168Chapters:4/?Kudos:41Bookmarks:8Hits:933
  19. TagsSummary

    A spell gone wrong makes the Hogwarts castle unfit to host a magical school. The culprit, Gregory Goyle, has been properly punished and all students have been successfully transfered to its irish counterpart for the forseeable future.

    Its halloween night and two strangers enter the Haunted Castle in search for their personal treasure left behind. Will they come out empty handed? Will they have found some inexplicable conexion between them? Haunted House!AU Horror Soulmates!AU

  20. TagsSummary

    Draco is sent back in time after the second Wizarding War by the legendary White Phoenix who is apparently his familiar. He is sent back in the form of a baby with all of his memories intact. On Albus Dumbledore's doorsteps. On 1981. Moreover, a group of people also got transported from a different universe.

    Oh! And his parents forgot about him because apparently that's the cost of being given a second chance! Yippee! (note the sarcasm). But his father is a spy for the light side along with Snape, his godfather. So that's great!

    He also get a creature inheritance and two other familiars.

    Follow Draco as he and his friends tackle their seven years at Hogwarts in a universe not so different from his own while singing and dancing.

    P.S Draco is a telepath and an empath. He can also speak parseltongue because of his creature inheritance.

    • Part 1 of WIP
    Language: EnglishWords:7,277Chapters:3/?Collections:1Kudos:155Bookmarks:35Hits:3077

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