Harry is raised by charlus potter fanfiction time travel

An offer from Death has Rosalina racing through time, fighting Death’s magic coursing through her, trying to change enough to allow her brother to be happy and not abused, manipulated, or hunted. Failure after failure, moving further back in time with each ending, she feels hopeless, especially as her list of family members she wants to live a happy life increases.

Tom Riddle, on the other hand, was living his life the way he was supposed to, until a new Defence professor arrived in his fifth year. A Defence professor with odd behaviour and actions directly affecting Tom, but throwing all his plans out the door. He can’t resist her offers of knowledge, his craving for power is too great, but he waits for something to happen. What that is, he doesn’t know. All he knows is that it will break him in some way, but he will take every bit he can get, even if it means throwing it back at her.

Will they learn how to work together or destroy each other? And what does Dumbledore have to do with any of it?

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