Free printable blood sugar log sheet monthly

A diabetic patient must keep a log of his blood sugar levels regularly. To simplify the process, we have created a Monthly Blood Sugar Log With Charts Excel Template to maintain a monthly log of your blood sugar levels.

According to 2016 statistical data from the World Health Organization, an estimated 422 million adults are living with diabetes mellitus. It has been constantly increasing.

As per the American Diabetes Association, the normal level of blood sugar before breakfast(also called fasting levels) should be between 80 mg/dl to 130 mg/dl. Whereas the blood sugar level after 2 hours of lunch should be 180 mg/dl.

To download the National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017 click on the link below:

National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017

A patient having blood sugar levels below or above this has to consult a health care physician and take appropriate precautions.

Considering the above-mentioned normal levels, we have created an Excel Template with predefined formulas.

Click here to download the Monthly Blood Sugar Log Excel Template.

Click here to Download All Health & Fitness Excel Templates for ₹299.

If your levels are below or above the normal levels the template will automatically turn the cell red in color. This template can be helpful to patients suffering from diabetes, health professional/consultants, etc.

In addition to that, this template displays the monthly and weekly charts of the data. You can manage data in excel using it on your phone, personal computer, laptop or even in the form of a printable sheet.

You can also download other excel templates like Simple Age Calculator, Daily Work Schedule, and Invoice Template, etc.

Let us discuss the contents of the template in detail.

Contents of Monthly Blood Sugar Log With Charts Excel Template

This template consists of 3 sheets:

  1. Monthly Blood Sugar Log.
  2. Monthly and Weekly Blood Sugar Charts.
  3. Printable Monthly Blood Sugar Log.

1. Monthly Blood Sugar Log

Monthly Blood Sugar Log With Charts Excel Template consists of 3 sections:

  1. Personal Information
  2. Sugar Levels (Normal and Targets)
  3. Datewise Log

1. Personal Information

Here you need to enter the name of the patient, his age, gender and the name of the consulting doctor. Manually enter the name of the patient, name of doctor and age. You can select the gender from the drop-down menu.

2. Sugar Levels (Normal and Targets)

As discussed above, the normal blood sugar levels for fasting are between 80-130 mg/dl and post-lunch are 180 mg/dl. Target Sugar levels are those that you want to achieve.

3. Datewise Monthly Blood Sugar Log

Datewise Blood Sugar Log consists of the following columns:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Fasting
  • Time
  • 2 Hours Post Lunch
  • Additional Remarks

Enter date in the first column in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Time is at which you measure your blood sugar level. Time must be entered in hh: mm format. The time must be entered in 24 hours calculation. For example, 1:00 pm will be entered as 13:00.

Fasting level means the blood sugar level taken in the morning before taking any intake.

The second column of time is for the time of measuring blood sugar level 2 hours post-lunch.

A separate column has been given for putting additional remarks. If there are any complications or symptoms you face can be written here.

2. Monthly and Weekly Charts

The Chart Sheet consists of 2 sections:

  1. Monthly Blood Sugar Charts
  2. Weekly Blood Sugar Charts

This section displays the charts of data that you enter in the previous sheet monthly. Usually, we monitor blood sugar at two times; one is pre-intake and another is post-intake. It displays the chart for both as shown below:

Monthly Sugar Level Chart – Fasting

This will represent the log data for the whole month from start till end.

Monthly Fasting Chart

Monthly Post Lunch Chart

Weekly Sugar Level Chart – Post Lunch

In the weekly section, we have displayed the data of only the first week. You can choose different weeks according to your requirement.

Just copy that data from the Monthly Blood Sugar Log and paste the same into the table and it will display the charts for you.

3. Printable Monthly Blood Sugar Log

Usually, we can’t record these levels due to the unavailability of the system. Thus, here is a printable version of the Monthly Blood Sugar Log that you can use by printing and maintaining it manually.

All you have to do is just set the print area and print the sheet.

You can carry this sheet with you while you are on travel or outdoors with you and record them. This sheet can be helpful to be presented to your physician while going for regular checkups.

Click below to download Printable PDF:

Printable Monthly Blood Sugar Log

Disclaimer: There are 3 major types of Diabetes. This template has been created with a general overview. It is highly recommended that you consult your Health Care Physician (HCP) for the normal range of your blood sugar levels and any complications.

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