Do i have borderline personality disorder test

Emma Flowers​

Owner / CPO

Hello!  My name is Emma Flowers and I am excited to be part of your next journey.  Passionate about anything outdoors and travel, I am always looking for my next adventure.  I am a licensed skydiver, avid hiker and climber and enjoy learning anything that allows me to grow and face my fears.  Being in nature, meditation and yoga have really helped me to stay center and grounded.  All of this has been a journey, a discovery of myself.  But where I am at today is not where I have always been.

I moved to California from a small town in the Midwest after my parents divorced.  With these challenging and abrupt life changes, things started spiraling out of control.  As a teenager.  I started dating a verbally abusive boyfriend who would hit me, kidnapped me, and introduced me to drugs and violence. I allowed that relationship to damage my self-esteem and self-worth. It was his arrest that woke up me. (I cannot be mad at 17-year-old Emma for not knowing better and have forgiven myself since.) Not too long after, my father, grandfather and new boyfriend passed.  Overwhelmed with these losses, I left the country for a year, traveling and working abroad.

Regaining my own peace and claiming my life is something I am proud of.  And I would love to share my experience with you. This is why I became a certified life coach, reiki healer, and yoga teacher.  Through this process, I learned my strengths and weaknesses, and that knowledge has given me the power to make more healthy choices and healthy relationships.  Now, I am engaged to the love of my life and living a healthy, balanced life.  Of course, there are struggles, but with the tools I have learned, they don’t knock me down like they did before.  And, my own self-discovery will never end.  Can’t wait to meet you!

Do you feel empty often? Does your emotions and mood shift rapidly? Do you feel extremely anxious, sad, and angry? Do you have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? Take this quick online borderline personality disorder test to find out. Our answers are always accurate and confidential.

Learn More About Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that affects how you think, behave, and feel about yourself and others around you.

BPD is characterized by intense mood swings, impulsivity, difficult behavior, insecure attachments, and feelings of uncertainty. It can also lead to poor self-image, emotion regulation problems, negative thought and behavior patterns, and unstable relationships.

Borderline personality disorder typically develops during early adulthood and tends to get worse in young adulthood. However, BPD symptoms often improve as you age.

Experts are still not sure about what exactly causes borderline personality disorder. However, research shows that factors like genetics, brain structure and environmental, social and cultural, and social factors can significantly influence the onset of BPD.

A person with BPD may often get triggered by real or perceived rejection, disagreements, abandonment, or separation. They tend to be overly sensitive and are afraid of being left alone. They also experience intense feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. BPD can affect their personal relationships, work, school, social activities, and self-esteem.

This online borderline personality disorder test can help you figure out if you have BPD.

Psychotherapy is the primary treatment for borderline personality disorder, however, medication may be used as well. It takes time to learn to control your emotions, ideas, and habits.

The majority of people improve significantly, although you may continue to have certain symptoms of borderline personality disorder. It is best to consult a mental health professional with expertise in treating borderline personality disorder.

So go ahead and take this borderline personality disorder test to get a private diagnosis right now!

Instructions For Borderline Personality Disorder Test

The online borderline personality disorder test below includes a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have Borderline Personality Disorder. Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.

Approx time – 10 minutes
No. of questions – 15

Time limit: 0

Assessment Summary

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  1. Mental Health Assessment 0%


    Your score indicates that you are probably not experiencing any symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. You seem to have a healthy self-image and are able to regulate your emotions effectively. You also experience healthy thought and behavior patterns and have positive relationships with your loved ones and friends.

    You are not easily triggered by rejection or fear of abandonment. You usually experience stable moods and see yourself and others in a normal, positive way.

    However, it should be noted that this borderline personality disorder test is not a substitute for a proper medical diagnosis. If you think the results do not accurately represent your thoughts and feelings, then we would encourage you to consult a doctor or a mental health professional.

    Want to learn more?

    Do you want to find out more about borderline personlaity disorder? Borderline personality disorder is a mental health illness that causes how you think and feel about yourself and others, producing difficulties in daily life functioning. We encourage talking to someone if you’re worried about how you’re feeling. Our experienced practitioners are also licensed clinicians who can help determine if there is an issue with which we can assist. For a complete and accurate diagnosis, please contact one of our psychologists.

    You can use our Mood Tracker to stay mindful of your mood every day, identify your innermost thoughts & emotions on a daily basis. It will help you in doing the things you love, while limiting activities that might dampen your mood.

    Contact Psychologist


    You exhibit mild borderline personality disorder characteristics. Your mood swings last for a few hours, you suppress your anger, your self-esteem has recently begun to deteriorate, and you have little fear of being alone. Establishing and maintaining a connection is not difficult for you.

    It’s critical to understand that your sentiments are valid and that sharing them with others is totally fine. While you may be struggling quietly with feelings of guilt and low self-worth, the fact is that you deserve to have a happy and fulfilled life.

    However, it should be noted that this free Borderline Personality Disorder Test is not a substitute for a proper medical diagnosis. If you think the results do not accurately represent your thoughts and feelings, then we would encourage you to consult a doctor or a mental health professional.

    Want to learn more?

    Do you want to find out more about borderline personlaity disorder? Borderline personality disorder is a mental health illness that causes how you think and feel about yourself and others, producing difficulties in daily life functioning. We encourage talking to someone if you’re worried about how you’re feeling. Our experienced practitioners are also licensed clinicians who can help determine if there is an issue with which we can assist. For a complete and accurate diagnosis, please contact one of our psychologists.

    You can use our Mood Tracker to stay mindful of your mood every day, identify your innermost thoughts & emotions on a daily basis. It will help you in doing the things you love, while limiting activities that might dampen your mood.

    Contact Psychologist


    You have borderline personality disorder symptoms that are moderate. Your mood swings endure a few hours to a few days, you have a strong fear of abandonment, you have a habit of unstable passionate relationships, and you have persistent sensations of emptiness. You regularly lose your anger, and you occasionally lose contact with reality for a few minutes.

    It’s critical to understand that your sentiments are valid and that sharing them with others is totally fine. While you may be struggling quietly with feelings of guilt and low self-worth, the fact is that you deserve to have a happy and fulfilled life.

    However, it should be noted that this borderline personality disorder test is not a substitute for a proper medical diagnosis. If you think the results do not accurately represent your thoughts and feelings, then we would encourage you to consult a doctor or a mental health professional.

    Want to learn more?

    Do you want to find out more about borderline personlaity disorder? Borderline personality disorder is a mental health illness that causes how you think and feel about yourself and others, producing difficulties in daily life functioning. We encourage talking to someone if you’re worried about how you’re feeling. Our experienced practitioners are also licensed clinicians who can help determine if there is an issue with which we can assist. For a complete and accurate diagnosis, please contact one of our psychologists.

    You can use our Mood Tracker to stay mindful of your mood every day, identify your innermost thoughts & emotions on a daily basis. It will help you in doing the things you love, while limiting activities that might dampen your mood.

    Contact Psychologist


    Your score indicates that you have severe borderline personality disorder symptoms. You have a strong fear of abandonment, even taking extreme steps to avoid real or imagined separation or rejection. You have a pattern of unstable intense relationships, such as idealizing someone one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn’t care enough or is cruel. You also experience rapid changes in self-identity and self-image that include shifting goals and values.

    You have severe mood fluctuations that range from a few hours to a few days, and you engage in dangerous activity such as gambling, reckless driving, and so on. You may also have suicidal thoughts at times.

    It’s critical to understand that your sentiments are valid and that sharing them with others is totally fine. While you may be struggling quietly with feelings of guilt and low self-worth, the fact is that you deserve to have a happy and fulfilled life.

    However, it should be noted that this online borderline personality disorder test is not a substitute for a proper medical diagnosis. If you think the results do not accurately represent your thoughts and feelings, then we would encourage you to consult a doctor or a mental health professional.

    Want to learn more?

    Do you want to find out more about borderline personlaity disorder? Borderline personality disorder is a mental health illness that causes how you think and feel about yourself and others, producing difficulties in daily life functioning. We encourage talking to someone if you’re worried about how you’re feeling. Our experienced practitioners are also licensed clinicians who can help determine if there is an issue with which we can assist. For a complete and accurate diagnosis, please contact one of our psychologists.

    You can use our Mood Tracker to stay mindful of your mood every day, identify your innermost thoughts & emotions on a daily basis. It will help you in doing the things you love, while limiting activities that might dampen your mood.

    Contact Psychologist

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  1. Current
  2. Review
  3. Answered
  4. Correct
  5. Incorrect

  1. Question 1 of 15

    1. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I’m almost always “empty.”

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  2. Question 2 of 15

    2. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I’ve tried to commit suicide or purposefully injured myself.

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  3. Question 3 of 15

    3. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    In relationships, I deperately try not to get or feel abandoned, whether it’s real or imagined.

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  4. Question 4 of 15

    4. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I am a highly reactive person who has frequent and severe mood swings.

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  5. Question 5 of 15

    5. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I feel impatient or furious most of the time.

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  6. Question 6 of 15

    6. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I feel nervous for many hours during the day.

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  7. Question 7 of 15

    7. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I’m prone to having insecure or passionate interpersonal relationships.

    • Never
    • a few times
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always

    Correct 4 / 4 Points

    Incorrect / 4 Points

  8. Question 8 of 15

    8. Question

    Category: Mental Health Assessment

    I’ve pushed people out of my life because they become really intimate or close to me & learn more about me.

    Can you self diagnose BPD?

    No, you cannot diagnose yourself with BPD. This will include an interview where you'll be asked lots of questions. The symptoms of BPD often overlap with such diagnoses of bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, depression, and anxiety.

    How can I check if I have BPD?

    Do you have severe mood swings, such as feeling intensely depressed, anxious or irritable, which last from a few hours to a few days? Do you have long-term feelings of emptiness and loneliness? Do you have sudden and intense feelings of anger and aggression, and often find it difficult to control your anger?

    What does undiagnosed BPD feel like?

    A person with BPD is highly sensitive to abandonment and being alone, which brings about intense feelings of anger, fear, suicidal thoughts and self-harm, and very impulsive decisions. When something happens in a relationship that makes them feel abandoned, criticized, or rejected, their symptoms are expressed.

    What are some coping skills for BPD?

    You could:.
    Wrap up in a blanket and watch your favourite TV show..
    Write all your negative feelings on a piece of paper and tear it up..
    Listen to music that you find uplifting or soothing..
    Write a comforting letter to the part of yourself that is feeling sad or alone..
    Let yourself cry or sleep..
    Cuddle a pet or a soft toy..


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