Do i connect positive or negative first on car battery

Do i connect positive or negative first on car battery

When the car battery dies, there is a need for jump starting the battery. But we can come across many problems during this jump starting process. Once you jump start the car and stop it in the middle of your journey, you may have to repeat the jump start process all over again. To sort this, you may have to keep the battery running all the time. This is practically not possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you have to jump start your car battery.

Whenever we deal with any mechanical operations, it is always important to take precautions. One of the most important consideration is to know which cable has to be connected to the battery first during the jump start process.

Do you hook up positive or negative first when jump starting a car?

When you connect cables to a car battery, you should always connect the positive terminal first, then the negative and the ground. If you connect negative first, there are chances of short-circuiting.

Note that, Red cable is positive (+) and Black cable is negative (-). Never connect the red cable to the negative battery terminal. Connect the red cable to the positive terminal and the black cable to the negative terminal. If you reverse the polarity, there are several damages which can be caused to the battery, such as:

  • The battery might explode.
  • Holds a temporary charge on the battery. (Battery doesn’t start again once you switch the battery off).
  • Chances of the acid leak.

In order to jump start your battery, you need to connect the battery to the second vehicle to charge it.

To make connections properly follow the following steps:

  • Take all the necessary cables beforehand before starting the connections.
  • Use the second vehicle as the one that has is a charged battery and make sure to park the vehicles and keep it in neutral mode.
  • Now connect both the car’s battery with the red clips to the positive terminal first and then connect black clips to the negative terminal.
  • Attach the other battery’s negative terminal to unpainted metal.
  • Start the engine.

Choosing the best battery jump starter is very important. Let’s look at the factors to be considered while buying the best battery jump starter.

  • Choose the type of jump starter that you want- there are three types of jump starters: jump cables, battery charger, and portable jump starter.
  • The size of the jump starter- it is preferable to use a small jump starter to be able to store it in the love box and use it during emergency situations.
  • Charging specifications- better the amp better, more effective is the jump starter.
  • Customer reviews

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When reconnecting a battery, why is it recommended to connect the positive lead first, and the negative lead last? What difference does it make if they are connected in the opposite order?

asked Nov 4, 2015 at 12:01

Do i connect positive or negative first on car battery


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The reason I would connect the positive cable first (in a negatively-earthed car) is that while tightening the positive connector with a spanner (wrench), if I were to touch the body of the car with the spanner at the same time, nothing would happen and I would be OK.

However if the negative was already connected to the battery and I shorted the positive to the body with the spanner, there would now be a short circuit with a big spark and a possible fire. For the same reason I would disconnect the negative connector first too.

answered Nov 4, 2015 at 12:11

Do i connect positive or negative first on car battery


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For technical functioning it does not matter in which order you connect them.

However for safety reasons it does matter.

The whole body of the car is usually connected to the minus pole. And you can accidentally hit that body with the positive lead. So connecting the lead first is safer.


  • Negative pole first:
    Whole car (except a few parts like the positive pole) are connected. Any mistake with the other lead will lead to a short. And car batteries are very good* at shorts. You really do not want this.
  • Positive pole first:
    Only a small part of the car is now connected to power. If you mess up by touching the car with the other lead nothing will happen.

  • Lastly: This might also be a habits for people who deal with electronics. Ground goes first. Always.

*: Or very bad. Depending on your point of view and your desire to prevent harm.

answered Nov 4, 2015 at 12:12

Do i connect positive or negative first on car battery


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