Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined May 15, 2011


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It's possible. Duke has bully sticks pretty regularly, but yesterday he got extras with some other chews and now he has the squirts. Just give it a couple days to clear up.

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Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Apr 24, 2012


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Absolutely... If my GSD mix has any kind of rawhide, bully stick, etc... She gets EXPLOSIVE diarrhea... Bully sticks can be ok/good for them but if they're systems aren't used to it, it can upset them. Also, if they eat it too fast, it can cause blockages or make them sick. Try to feed her rice/boiled hamburger or chicken or pumpkin.. Should firm her up... Fast her for 12 hours too. If she starts acting weird or it gets worse, I would consult your vet.

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Discussion Starter · #4 · Dec 27, 2013


She chewed it down about two to three inches and pooped some out when we just went out.

Like how much would they have to swallow before having to be worried about a blockage?

These are new to me...I got her the thickest one I could find at the all natural pet store... Who would have thought they would LOVE the bull peepee

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Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Apr 24, 2012


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Honestly, even the smallest piece can cause a blockage so its hard to say... Just watch for the signs... Extreme diarrhea... Loss of appetite/energy.... Abdomen seems sore... Swelling in that area... The diarrhea should clear up in a day or two... If it goes on longer than 24 hours or the pup seems dehydrated, call the vet. Otherwise, just keep an eye on her My GSD mix has passed entire pieces of chicken bone(she doesn't understand the concept of chewing)...

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Discussion Starter · #6 · Dec 27, 2013

Honestly, even the smallest piece can cause a blockage so its hard to say... Just watch for the signs... Extreme diarrhea... Loss of appetite/energy.... Abdomen seems sore... Swelling in that area... The diarrhea should clear up in a day or two... If it goes on longer than 24 hours or the pup seems dehydrated, call the vet. Otherwise, just keep an eye on her My GSD mix has passed entire pieces of chicken bone(she doesn't understand the concept of chewing)...

Goodness!! That would poke a bit on the way out

Thanks for your input. I won't give it to her until this clears up... Or maybe never again!! She will definitely be going to the vet if this doesn't clear up tomorrow.

Thanks again!

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Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Apr 24, 2012


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I don't give my Shepherd any kind of "bones"(bones, meaty sticks, jerky, etc)... All she gets are those treat like, meaty bones like "Busy Bones" or whatever... She eats too fast and is way to sensitive. We actually just recently had to stop giving them to our Boxer as well except for Marrow Bones... Just don't chew... Get em soggy enough to break a piece off and then swallow. I personally just don't feel comfortable with them... But some people use them without any issue all the time So to each their own!! I hope it clears up tomorrow! Is she stilla cting normal? Keep us posted

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Jun 17, 2013


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many have bacteria. great article here: Dog Treat Made from Bull Penis May Pose Health Risks | LiveScience

In a small study, researchers examined a sample of 26 bully sticks, also known as pizzle sticks, manufactured in the United States and Canada.
Tests for bacteria showed that one of the treats contained Clostridium difficile, one was contaminated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and seven contained E. coli. The researchers noted that their sample was small and a more extensive study is needed to investigate the widespread contamination rate in bully sticks. But they said their results at least suggest pet owners should wash their hands after touching such treats, as they would with any raw meat.

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Jun 28, 2013


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Sid usually gets pretty gassy after bully sticks. Since he is still pretty small we only let him eat a chunk at a time which usually takes him a while.

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined May 15, 2011


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I would probably give her only smaller, thinner ones until her body is used to them. She's still a puppy right? I think it's kind of like raw and digesting bones. Their body has to get used to digesting all the bully stick before it comes out the other end. You could also try something softer like gullet sticks, trachea, or bladder sticks.

I let Duke crunch them down to what he feels comfortable with (it's usually about half the size of my finger and a little gooey) and them I let him swallow it. No bits of it come out. If a piece isn't the right size going down he normally coughs a little up, makes it smaller, then swallows it again.

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Discussion Starter · #11 · Dec 27, 2013

We went for a midnight poop and again this morning and it is normal again

There wasn't anything wrong with her otherwise...

We also just moved into a new house so maybe she is a little unsettled too??

And yes, I believe she is still considered a puppy, she is almost 2

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Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Jun 28, 2013


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She could have had the squirts from the move excitement/stress.

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Jan 16, 2013


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Yes they can! It all depends on the manufacturer and how sensitive their tummies are. They are usually high in sodium so they drink more water after chewing them, thus the runny stools. I give them buffalo ears, they are a lot lighter and rarely causes diarrhea.

Joined May 16, 2013


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Discussion Starter · #14 · Dec 28, 2013

So she has been somewhat normal in terms of poops today, the last one was a bit wet at first and then firm after

But I took her for a walk about 2 hrs after she are breakfast and she threw up a but on our walk (not regurgitate but actual throw up)

as I am unpacking from our move I found her thermometer so I took her temperature just in case, it said 99.6 F

Could the bully stick have caused nausea as well as squirts? I looked at the bully stick and she actually ate about 2 inches of it

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Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Jan 16, 2013


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as I am unpacking from our move I found her thermometer so I took her temperature just in case, it said 99.6 F

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99.6 is a bit on the low side of normal, borderline too low. Do you know her normal temperature? does she normally run this low? If you do not know her normal temp ask the vet what temp she has been running. The low temp may be the cause of the throw up.

Check her gum color make sure it is a bubblegum pink anything other than that color is a symptom, check her capillary refill time by pressing your thumb against her gum it should turn white and refill back up and turn pink, should not take any more than 1.5 - 2 seconds to fill back up. If it takes longer you may need to take her to the vet. Slow capillary refill time is a symptom of something else wrong....heat injury, cold injury or poisoning. It may not be the bully stick but she may have gotten into something else lying around from the holidays.

Hope all is well.

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Discussion Starter · #16 · Dec 28, 2013

My husband and I just checked her gums.

They are bubblegum pink and I pressed on the gum above her K9 and it refilled right away as soon as I let go

She also has a belly rash and itchy mouth so I am wondering if she is allergic to it!

I watch her like an OCD hawk and I didn't see her get into anything when we were at the in laws on Christmas.

She has a normal appetite and attitude. The thermometer said L before I took her temp. I haven't seen that indication so I wondered if it meant low battery which may explain the temp which made my worry worse!!! I am not aware of a reason it would be lower than normal rather than higher??

Anyway I put some probiotic on her dinner just now, if anything at all is off again the vet is my first call in the morning.

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Joined May 16, 2013


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Discussion Starter · #17 · Jan 10, 2014

Her poop business is good again but now she threw up twice this week...

Other than that she is 100% normal acting...

I was worried anyway and called the vet and they said to fast her for a day then slowly work up her meals and see if that helps...

She may have thrown up last night because she licked the soap off her paws when I was trying to wash them in an awkward bath tub and then she licked olive oil I spilled off the floor, this mixed with her late night dinner as we didn't get home until late...

I will do what the vet said but want to know at what point should I take her in?

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Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Aug 14, 2008


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Fast her for 24 hrs and only offer her broth during that time. Then start by giving her 1/2 her normal meals for the next 24 hrs then increase back to full meals.

Dogs can get upset bellies and viruses just like us. As long as she is eating and using the bathroom I wouldn't worry about it and I wouldn't be running into the vets office.

Let us know how her poops are in the next few days.

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Jun 26, 2013


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I'm not sure if this is anything like your pup, but my Ramses has a pretty touchy tummy, and gets belly aches and throws up quite a bit.
It's usually from too much acid in his stomach while he's asleep. So, we started giving him a few crackers at night, and almost instantly he stopped throwing up after breakfast! He rarely has an upset tummy anymore either. Some weekends it would get really bad, and he didn't want to eat, drink, lay down, or do anything other than sit on me. Poor guy, but once he finally got a little bit of something down (usually peanut butter or bread) he'd be just fine.

I hope she gets better soon!

Do bully sticks cause diarrhea in puppies

Joined Nov 14, 2009


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I give Valant skinless frozen chicken necks as treats,nothing problemo ever...

...and he doesnt complain either :lol:

Are bully sticks ok for puppies?

Bully Sticks are Good for All Dogs Dogs of any breed, age, or size can enjoy chewing on a bully stick. They're even perfect for puppies, as long as your puppy can chew hard food/treats on his own.

Can my puppy have a bully stick every day?

We recommend giving your dog bully sticks no more than two to three times a week—unless you are removing the bully stick before it is completely consumed. There's no reason you can't make a bully stick last through several chew sessions.

What foods can cause diarrhea in puppies?

Avoid foods that can trigger diarrhea in dogs, such as: Milk or dairy, especially if not non-fat or low-fat. Fatty or rich foods, which can also cause pancreatitis. Symptoms of pancreatitis include other gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting, abdominal pain and/or decreased appetite.

Can dog Treats cause diarrhea in puppies?

Along with food changes, the introduction of new treats, bones, or other chew toys can cause diarrhea.